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70% Dragon Ball, A True Coherent Fan-Fic / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Yamo! Part 1

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Yamo! Part 1

Six months have passed since the death of the old man and the kidnapping of Yu. I've been training the special techniques the old man left me. I mastered them. All of them. It is a funny and terrifying turn of events, if I may say.

How did I mastered them in such a short amount of time? Dedication. Yes, dedication to no succumb at the hands of this crazy monkey!

"Yamo!" Yelled the individual in question while showing up out nowhere and swinging his staff at me. I dodged.

Yes, this monkey's name is Yamo. No, it isn't a coincidence that he has the same name as me. Well, I shouldn't refer to this crazy guy as a monkey anymore. Why? Because he is human. Better said, he transformed into an ivory-skinned human with blood red short hair.

If the blood red hair didn't give away of what he really is, let me elaborate. He is or was one of those blood red monkeys. To be more specific, he is the blood red monkey I fought with and knocked out. Yes, I was surprised too. When he fucking turned into a human in the middle of one of our fights four months ago!

Let me explain how this happened.

A week after the old man's death, I was fully immersed in training while I searched around for the whereabouts of Yu. I felt several kinds of Ki at the sight of the battle, seven powerful ones, I assumed they belonged to the old man and the six demonic beasts, and one weaker than the rest, I assumed it belonged Yu. I try to follow Yu's Ki, but there were just remnants that stuck to the environment and disappeared soon after. I guessed that her Ki was being blocked somehow. Or I'm being blocked. Either one is plausible.

Anyways, around that time, I noticed someone's Ki stalking me. It kept going even when I trained. I tried to hide or lose it, but it never worked. It would always find me again. After a few days, it finally showed itself, it was a blood red monkey. I felt something familiar from this specific monkey. I soon realized it was the monkey I fought. Here's when things started to get crazy. The monkey attacked right away. I used Materialization and made a Quarterstaff instantly. Then and there the nightmare began, spearheaded by one old phrase.

What Monkey sees, Monkey do.

The darn monkey materialized a Quarterstaff too! And blocked my attack!

I was shocked by what saw. My eyes widened to their limits and my mouth hung open. The savage mother fucker was laughing and making monkey noises while I was lost in shock!

That's when I got angry at the keen-eyed monkey. So we battle! And my horror grew with the battle. Everything I did, martial arts, special techniques, he did too!

My encounters with the blood red monkey kept on happening. I realized he learned how to sense and control Ki. Because that was what I was using to hide from him and dodge his surprise attacks. I had no idea how he learned or noticed about my Ki control. He even unlocked the mind's eye for fuck's sake! Well, at least I learned I could talk to animals with the mind's eye thanks to him. Because he talked first. That's how I learned the way of his constant battles against me. I've shamed him.

When I battle him for the first time, he was doing a challenge. He explained that the young of his people have no name until they complete a challenge for the right of choosing a battle partner of the older generation or of their same generation. If one chooses the same generation, they can choose their own names and create their own technique if they so choose. Both battle partners must have the same name, only their title can be different. For example, one being call Jack, the ripper and the other Jack, the bloodborne. But if one chooses the older generation, one must learn every technique of his battle partner.

And this blood red—Yan clansman, that's how he said their people are called, was doing the hardest challenge among their people. The Monkey King's challenge. I learned that their King was one of the six demonic beasts from him, the most powerful of the six no less. I also learned of the other demonic beasts from him and from the raids I've done towards their domain the last few months. No one their names, only their leader, a Demon King from the demon realm.

He not that strong, though. Well, not anymore. That is if the intel I've gathered is correct. He was cursed in a battle, back in the demon realm. But his magic arts, based on deception and curses, are no joke. They have weakened too, due to the curse. Still, his weakened magic was enough to put the six demonic beasts under his control. He gave each beast a crown to be able to control them. Just like Broly's father.

Anyways, back to Yan clan thing.

The Monkey King's challenge! This challenge involves beating everyone in your generation and beating at least a hundred creatures from around the land, without losing even once. If the challenger loses to someone from outside the clan, they'll be shamed and will have made to become the battle partner of the one who bested them. They'll have to take their name, learn their techniques and beat them, which means they have to kill, to lose the shame they have gained. I was his final opponent to be able to complete the challenge. He was a favorite to complete the challenge. That should be why I was chased by angry Yan clansmen, I think.

So he has been trying to kill me since the day he showed up.

That son of a gun is a fucking genius! He has put at death's doors to many times. Giving me Zenkai boost after Zenkai boost. He was improving in the techniques he took from me at an astonishing rate. I could only keep up because we used the same techniques, so I could improve the special techniques when he had a breakthrough. The same was true on his side too. When I had a breakthrough, he'd improve. That kept happening until we mastered all the special techniques.

I mortally wounded him once, putting him at death's door. That when I learned of a horrible fact. He also gets Zenkai boosts!

I was horribly surprised when he showed up, all heal up, stronger than before. So we have been playing a game of cat a mouse. Me being the mouse.

"This is the end!" Yamo yelled, taking out of my thoughts.

Yamo pointed one end of his Quarterstaff towards me. I panicked, knowing it signified. The tip shined white, lighting sparks emanating from it. This move was created by Yamo and me when we decided that it was better to use the Nimbus Cloud as a Quarterstaff. We could overcome the weaknesses of the Quarterstaff that way. It's uselessness at close range combat. By using the cloud, we could divide the Quarterstaff in two and use it as a close range weapon. And because the mastered Nimbus Cloud can be enlarged, it is the perfect copy of Goku's magic staff. My staff is black and Yamo's staff is white.

The technique is called lightning thrust. It comes out at lightning speed at its base.

Yamo struck out with his Quarterstaff. The lightning thrust flies towards me. It was too fast for me to dodge. So I received the attack. Part of my black shirt goes flying into pieces. The attack passes through my right pectoral. Three more lightning thrust came and hit me all over my upper body. I lost my grip on my staff. The energy in my body was leaving me. I came crashing down towards the ground. I made a deep crater once my body impacted with the ground. It was three meters wide, I guessed.

I could feel Yamo landing on the ground and walking towards me at a steady pace.

"Finally!" Yamo exclaimed. "I will be able to return to my clan as a named warrior." He stopped right in front of the crater I was in, looking down at me.

"Cough," I smile while a few blood-filled coughs escape from me.

"You tricked me!" Yamo realized what was amiss and tried too back away, but it was too late. my clothes and Quarterstaff shined bright, exploding in a big electrical madness. Everything went blank for me.


"Yamo!" Yamo yelled, letting his Ki out all around while looking for me.

"Damn, He escaped from that," I opened my eyes from inside my cave, "This already equals one year of my lifespan that I waste." I shake my head. "No that I had any other choice. His Power Level has surpassed six ti already." I look at my character's screen.

Name: Yamo

Bloodline: Saiyan (Suppressed)

Body State: Healthy

Mind State: Traumatized

Talent: Innate Magic

Power Level: 5/5 ti (Suppressed)

Ki/Mana: 1100/1100 (Suppressed)

Ki/Mana Control: C+

I sighed while looking at my character's screen. That monkey is a fucking monster. At least I could use him to test two of my theories. One, I can get a small Zenkai boost if one of my clones dies in battle or when it is struggling and dies. Two, I'm able to set the System Interface to give me a notification containing how much Power Level or anything else I've obtained this way. Notification that I'm seeing right now.

500 Power Level has been obtained.

Ki/Mana Control has been upgraded to C+

'This world is so unfair to me.' I thought.

"Let me not think about that. I should just focus on reviewing the information I obtained with so much risk." I sighed

The Six Demonic Beasts. Each one of them is a King among their people. As I stated before, their names aren't known by their subjects. Only their leader, the Demon King, and each of the other Kings know. They are known as The Monkey King, The Lion King, The Fire Lizard King, The Fox King, The Ox King, and The Bat King. Two of the six have died because of the wounds the old man caused them. The only ones left are the Monkey King, Lion King, Fire Lizard King and Ox King. I listed them in of their strength.

"I think it is time." I stood from the rock I was on, naked. "Nimbus Cloud," I whispered and a growing white cloud materialized around my body, covering me. It went down to my midsection and transformed into pants and a pair of shoes, just like the ones Goku uses with only one exception. There was a blue piece of cloth going around my waist.

I walked out of the cave and looked back at my ship, which I ready fixed.

"All power goes to the shield, activate preset camouflage and shut down everything else," I said.

Redirecting power to the shields

Activation preset camouflage

Shutting down unneeded systems

A white forcefield covered the entrance of the cave, then mimicked the rocky wall.

"Good," I nodded.

I jumped and made a dark Nimbus Cloud appear under my feet. I sat down, crossed legged and set my destination. To the Ox King's lands.

"I couldn't find any information about Yu. Looks like I'd had to take drastic measures." I said while suddenly flying toward the Ox King's land.

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