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50% Dragon Ball, A True Coherent Fan-Fic / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Don’t Time Skip! Make An Arc! Then Time Skip! part 2

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Don’t Time Skip! Make An Arc! Then Time Skip! part 2

She finished, all sweaty, after an unknown amount of time. She cleaned the sweat from her forehead with a piece of cloth that was on the floor. Then she turned and froze in place when she saw me.

"Hello, my name is Yamo. And you?" I said, raising my right hand.

She smiled, "Nice to meet you, Yamo. My name is Yu. I was the one who found drifting through the river. I thought you weren't going to make it with those wounds, but Gramps treatment is the best. He could even resurrect the dead if he put his mind to it.

'I wasn't going to make it.' I thought, confused. 'Maybe my wounds were worse than I thought, but at least I escaped death.' That's when it clicked. I was about to die and survived! I quickly checked my power level to make sure what I was thinking. And it was.



Power Level


200! My power level increased by 75! I don't know if the near-death boost should be higher, but this is good for me. Not that I will go and try to get myself near dead again. Anything can and puff, I'm dead. So nope, no chasing near-death boosts.

I looked back at Yu and found her laughing.

"What? You thought it was a big, powerful man that dragged you here?" She said, between laughs.

Looks like she misunderstood my expressions, not that I will let her think otherwise.



Power Level


The world is unfair to me. Isn't this girl as strong as Master Roshi? Why don't I have Broly's power since birth? Why don't I have the power of a Super Saiyan God? Why? Just why? 'Or maybe-'

"Why that long face?" Yu asked, interrupting my train of thought.

"I was just thinking how you could be so strong," I said without thinking.

"Strong?" She said with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not that strong. Gramps is, though."

I was surprised. 'How strong is this Gramps she talks about? Is he as King Piccolo? Maybe. With how strong are the few things I've seen here, I'm not that surprised.'

"Oh, yeah. Gramps said to bring you to him one you wake up!" She yelled while hitting her first against her left hand in an 'I remembered' kind of way. "Let's go." She took my hand, made me stand up and pull me towards her while she ran. I could just follow, in fear of losing my right hand and going crazy from the pain I felt from such abrupt a rapid movement.

We went straight to the stairs. Down where I came from and down again. It seems that the place only has three floors. Maybe. I could be wrong, though.

We reached a big door, which was the only door-placed at the end of the hallway, on this floor. Well, I might as well call this a gate, because 'door' doesn't make it justice.

Yu knocked on the door and yelled, "Gramps, the boy I brought here woke up! I came with him so you can meet him!"

There was a loud sound from inside and the gate started to open inwards. The inside was dark. I could only hear steps from deep inside. Then I heard the noise a piece of wood makes when someone uses it to walk. Seconds became minutes and the noise of walking was becoming higher and higher, keeping a steady rhythm. Until finally, he showed up.

A six feet tall, old, man with ivory skin and wrinkles in his face which show he has been alive for a long time came out of the darkness. He had no hair. He was wearing a white robe made entirely out of silk. He had a staff on his right hand, moving as if it were a third leg. But the most impressive thing was what was on his forehead and above his head. He had a third eye. Just like Tien Shinhan. And most important of all, up above his head was a notification displaying something that disturbed me to my core.



Power Level:

0/15,000 (Suppressing)

'His power Level is over nine thousand!!!' I was going crazy. 'Where was this monster when King Piccolo was on a rampage!? Or when Raditz showed up in Earth!? Did he died!? But the thing is, Who could be strong enough to kill this!? Old age? Maybe.' After going through scenarios as to why this man never showed up before, I settle on something happening to him before Goku's journey began.

"Gramps!" Yu ran towards the old man and hugged him. I followed in a more leisure manner, gritting my teeth through the pain I felt.

"Ay, ay. No so hard, Yu. My old bones are fragile." The man said, smiling after Yu crashed against him with a hug. "So, is this the young lad you found by the river?"

"But, Gramps, you already know that. You cured his wounds when I brought him." Yu said, pouting.

"Ha, ha, ha. Did I now?" He said, laughing. "Wasn't it you that nursed him all this time without missing a day? Even going as far as to lying beside him at night to keep him warm."

Yu's faced turned red and she buried her face on the old man robe.

'Oh, so that's where the warm feeling came I woke up." My face turned red after I remembered my lack of clothing while I was sleeping. Good thing they didn't notice.

After Yu separated from the old man, he focused on me.

"It looks there're still some wounds left. Let me take care of those now that you're here." The man said, moved towards me and rested his left hand on my head. A white light enveloped me. I felt warm all around my body and everything stopped hurting. The man took his hand away and I move my body around, feeling no more pain while doing so.

"Is it better now?" The old man asked.

"Yes, mister," I said.

"You can call me Ras, lad.." Ras said with a smile and soothing voice. I nodded to confirm I understood.

"Would you show the lad around," Ras said, smiling.

"My name is Yamo," I said.

Ras laughed, "Of course, lad. Yu, would you mind showing young Yamo around?" Ras said while still laughing.

"Ok," Yu said with an almost unbearable voice. She tightly hugged Ras. He returned the hug and went back towards the darkness after a few long seconds.

Yu showed me around the building. It has four floors, two above ground and two below. I was surprised when we went outside. The trees were at least sixty feet away from the building. There were some places used to grow food behind the building, a ring bigger than the one inside and places made for people to seat and enjoy what happened in the ring.

Besides the building where Yu and Ras lived, I didn't see any other house or building. I asked Yu about it, but she didn't tell me anything. She only made a sad face and continued showing me around, so I didn't ask further. The tour continued until the day ended, so Yu took me to the room I woke up in and left. I didn't feel tired or sleepy. Thus, I decided to play around with the system Interface and look for something to read from my world later. Maybe I'll find something that might help me in some story in the web, who knows.


I'm an idiot. A moron. I'm a disgrace to the human race. No Saiyans mind you. They only think about fighting, trust me. Let's explain what I mean.

Last night, I decided to search the web for something to read. Something close to my situation. Transported to another world and all that. It didn't help much because in every single story the MC had a overpower system that made things easier for them. Like learning things with no effort, absorbing other bloodlines and such. Mine is great, but I cannot do anything about that stuff. Until it struck. The ascended told me that the Systems Interface would make things easier for me, no to a sick degree because he 'didn't see the fun in that.' So while I was reading one of the stories, I read the sentence 'show chapter sheet.' And can you guess what happened? Well, I'm looking at it right now.

Name: Yamo

Bloodline: Saiyan (Suppressed)

Talent: Innate Magic

Power Level: 200/200 (Suppressed)

Ki/Mana: 100/100 (Suppressed)

Ki/Mana Control: Poor

A God fucking character sheet!! And it fucking explained why I'm so weak! Suppressed!! More than half the shit I see displayed on this character sheet has the word Suppressed beside it! Is this a joke!? I want to strangle someone for this bullshit!!

I managed to calm down a few minutes after my tantrum. I played around with my new discovery. I noticed I could change how the information is presented and that there were more things that can be added to it. Like body and mental state. My body state read: healthy and mental state read: traumatized. I also noticed I could edit it. I could change the word body and write health instead. I could even change the parameters that showed. Instead of healthy I could write pick condition. I decided to put everything back to how it was. I'm might change it later. Well, later came quicker than I thought when I remembered how troublesome the numbers for the power level can become. So I set it to start measuring power level by 1 ti = 1000. Yep, I just came up with my own way to measure power. Every thousand will be displayed by one ti in my System Interface.

But that wasn't the only thing I discovered. This one was only the most angering. I could check others being character sheet or stats. I discovered that thanks to an annoying mosquito.

Now my mind feels tired after what I discovered. So I decided to sleep for a few hours.

It didn't work. Sleep, I mean. I could only close my eyes for a few seconds, sleep took me away and I wake up one minute later. It kept on happening again and again until I got tired of it. Thus, I decided to go and repair my ship. Maybe try and to Capsule Corp and learn how to make my ship into a capsule. And to get something to eat. I didn't remember the last time I ate something. Weird. Why wasn't I hungry yesterday? Maybe they fed me while I was….

"Gramps!" Yu's scream interrupted my train of thought. Shortly after there were loud explosions coming from above. The ground trembled and I lost my footing. I kept hearing Yu screamed. Then she stopped. Everything did.

"What the hell was that?" I said to myself and ran, as fast as I could. I hoped beyond reason that nothing bad had happened while ran outside.

When I reached the stairs and went up, I noticed there was nothing there. Literally. There was no more building around, it was destroyed. How wasn't the under level where I was destroyed? I had no idea. I was just glad I wasn't killed while I slept. That would have been a waste of a second chance like mine.

I looked around and the only thing I could see was destruction. There were craters here and there. Only ash remained of the nearby trees and the field where food was being grown. I could feel the heat radiating towards me. The thought of encountering whatever did this scare the hell out of me.

I walked around inspecting the place, trying to find something or someone. After a while of me looking around what was left of this place, I heard something.


I heard a weak voice calling me. I looked around trying to figure out where it was coming from.


I heard it again, but this time I knew where it was coming. It came from inside a big crate. A crater which was placed exactly where the ring used to be. I came closer to find out what was calling. I was shocked beyond reason from what I saw. It was Ras!

"Yamo." He called my name again.

I jumped inside the crater, sliding down from the edge. I ran towards Ras kneeled beside him. He was a mess, lying on a pool of his own blood, with his once white robes tinted red by it. He was full of wounds and missing his left arm.

"Ras, what happened to you!? What happened here!? Where is Yu!?" I asked, erratically.

"Calm down," Ras said while pacing his right hand on my head. I felt something warm traveling my body, calming me. Now with my mind clear, I try to inspect Ras condition with the System. I should've done it before.

Name: Ras

Power level: 300/15 ti

Body State: Critical (He dead my friend)

'Who on earth could do this to him!? Was this the reason he never appeared in Dragon Ball!? He died!?' I thought.

"Yamo." Ras weakly said with effort while removing his hand from my head, "I know you have a great power hidden inside you since the moment I saw you. I was thinking of taking you as my disciple and teaching you the ways of Mind's Eye School."

I was confused. Great power? Disciple? Mind's Eye School. Many things went through my head and Ras let me sort through them without saying anything else for a while.

"Alas, life is unpredictable. The six demonic beasts came to take Yu. I fought against them before they even got close to this place. I drove them to a corner, ready to give the final blow and rid the world of such vile creatures," he sighed, "But one of their minions came here and took Yu. I returned I fast as I could and kill it, but my actions gave time to one of the demonic beasts to unleash a powerful attack, aimed at Yu. Knowing well enough I wouldn't let harm come her way. That was the turning point of the battle-cough, cough." Ras coughed uncontrollably, blood mixed in it.

"Ras!" I yelled.

"Looks like I don't have more time." He said while having trouble breathing, "I'll use what I have left to unlock some of your power, pass down everything I know to you and unlock your mind's eye. Good thing you have a good affinity towards magic." Ras placed his hand on my head again, "Please, save Yu from the hands of the demon who commands the six demonic beasts. Once you I unlock some of your power, plus my teachings, you'll have a chance to beat the six demonic beasts, which are weakened because of our battle. It'll take them years to recuperate."

I felt something growing from inside me. It felt powerful, savage and ancient. It enveloped my whole body, making me feel as if I could take on the whole world. The feeling got weaker until it was barely perceivable, but it was still there. Soon after, knowledge of various techniques involving Ki and Mana filled my brain. Then finally, some kind of energy concentrated in my head, as if opening the way to something. Suddenly, everything went dark. I could not hear, smell or feel anything. Then, as if I truly woke up or the first time in my life, I could see everything. More clearly than ever before. That when I noticed it. There was some kind of energy or over the place. No, two kinds. It was just being converted back and forth. From one kind to the other. That must have been Ki and Mana. I know because those were the same energies inside of me and thanks to the knowledge I know had.

After I could finally suppress my surprise and intrigue, I opened my eyes. I noticed I closed them the moment Ras place his hand on my head, thinking it was going to hurt.

My eyes, now open, landed on Ras. He has his eyes closed, smiling. I could no feel anything from him but the same energies I could feel all around me.

"Ras, it worked!" I said, happily while shaking him awake. "Ras?" My voice was close to a whisper.

Name: Ras

Power level: none

Body State: Deceased

He was dead.

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