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40% Dragon Ball, A True Coherent Fan-Fic / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Don’t Time Skip! Make An Arc! Then Time Skip! part 1

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Don’t Time Skip! Make An Arc! Then Time Skip! part 1

The engine has received damage due to entering atmosphere. Preparing for an emergency landing.

"You have got to be kidding me!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I ran to the control room and buckled up on the chair. I allowed the System Interface to take over the ship. I don't have a lot of confidence in my ability to avoid crashing at the moment.

Searching for an optimal landing site. Landing site found.

There was a lot of turbulence for a while, then the ship stopped.

The landing has been successful.

I stood up and made my way to the to the door once I saw that. I opened the door and marveled at what was in front of me. The was some kind of energy field around the ship, six feet away if I'm not wrong. It was transparent with white-ish lights here and there. I wondered since when had this energy field been activated. I looked around to expecting to find out where I ended.

I know I am in a forest, the ship landed in the middle of a clearing. There are trees around 30 feet away, at least. I don't know how deep in the forest I am. Looking around some more, I discovered that the ship left behind a trail of destruction. It was around 40 meters of scorched ground, to incinerated trees and going up. It made a smooth ramp pointing towards my ship. The energy field must have done it, there's no other answer. Maybe the System Interface activated it on landing to keep the ship from taking damage.

Good thing I didn't try to land the ship. I didn't even know there was an energy field. I get goosebumps only thinking about what could have happened if I took the challenge of landing the ship. Let's say I'm happy about no finding out and move on.

I need to explore the place and find some food. I only had enough food to last me one more week. I made the wrong calculations on how long the food on the ship would last me. I forgot to take into account the raining I was doing. Big mistake.

So I prepared myself to go explore the surroundings. I equipped myself with a quarterstaff I made using metal-like materials. It was my size plus a foot, so around six feet. I placed the quarterstaff on my back, which sticks on my armor piece. My armor was a modified Frieza's forces armor. I design it to resemble Vegeta's armor. But mine was all black with short pants instead of long ones as Vegeta.

I jump from tree to tree, as nimble as a monkey and as silent as I can. I don't want to be taken by surprise by any of the creatures that might live in this forest. I wished I knew where I was. I'm just assuming this is a forest because of the trees after all. This place might be a jungle for all I know, which isn't much. Anyway, I should focus entirely on searching for food.


"Fuck!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while I ran away from an angry group of blood red monkeys. "What kind of joke is this!? How can monkeys have power nearing the 200s!?"I thought deep in how I got into this.

After two hours of searching, I found a place full of different kinds of fruits. I was overjoyed! I wouldn't die of hunger and I could start inspecting the engine of the ship to find what needed to be fixed or remade. Once I got out of my mind, I proceeded to get closer to the fruits. Then a three-foot blood red monkey showed up and screeched at me. The System Interface surprised me by acting as a scouter and showing its power level, which was 140. Higher than me. Putting aside the fact that I could use the System Interface as a scouter, I reasoned that it was only one enemy and I could take the risk. So I charged towards the monkey, but I underestimated how fast and evasive the monkey could be with trees around. He dodged my charge by jumping to a tree branch.

The monkey fast and evasive on the trees. Attacking me only when it judged that I couldn't counter-attack on time. It was a hard fight. I had to fake one of my attacks to catch him with the strongest blow I could muster, spinning my quarterstaff around my body. My hit landed right on his head when he was in the air, flying towards me. I knocked him out cold. That was a move from a movie I saw. It was very easy to do.

I was surprised that the monkey's head was okay. Quarterstaves are one of the most terrible weapons to get hit with, after all. One can break a melon by only swinging a quarterstaff half-heartedly. And spun it around my body as hard and fast as I could. My quarterstaff was made of metal-like material and heavier than a normal quarterstaff for crying out loud! And this blood red monkey was only knocked out!?

That was the moment that everything went to hell! I started to hear screening and the usual monkey talk from above me. When I looked up, I saw a group of ten monkeys on up on the high trees. When my eyes looked focused on their heads, I the number 190 on all of them!! It didn't take me long to realize what it meant. So I ran as fast as I could while I cursed.

I know power level isn't everything, but I don't know how to use Ki. Not to mention that it was a group of ten monkeys with their power level nearing the 200s!!

And that is how I end up in my current predicament.

I ran while dodging the flying monkeys that threw themselves at me. I was trying to reach my ship and inside the comfort of the energy field. Suddenly, I heard something breaking and I began to fall soon after. I rolled on the ground without decreasing my momentum.

"There's no way in hell I'm stopping with those angry primates chasing!" I said while rolling. I saw a big rock about 20 feet ahead of me, so I used it to launch myself in the air. I spun about to keep my momentum while I tried to steady myself. I grabbed a tree branch and throw myself towards another, swinging myself from branch to branch.

"How far is my ship?!" I asked, not expecting an answer.

Pulling up terrain map..

And so, a mini-map showed up at the upper right corner of my view. "Of course you have a map!" I yelled, sarcastically. Looking at the map, I noticed that my ship was all the way back through the group of monkeys chasing. "Well, there goes the plan of hiding in my ship."


I ran for a long time, five hours, and these damn monkeys are not giving up. I would be lost at this point if it weren't because of the mini-map. The System Interface is making the map as I pass through, so there is only a line from my ship to me. I noticed that the map is being made as I go. It is being made around a radius if ten 20 feet from me.

I started to hear water falling. There must be a waterfall close by. I could see there were no more trees 50 feet up in front of me. I traveled faster. 'If these monkeys aren't going to stop chasing, then there is only one thing I can think of doing.' I thought, seriously.

I got out of the forest and found a great fall just 20 feet ahead. I looked around, trying to find the river. I located it 10 feet from me to my right. I had no more time, the monkeys were getting closer. They got out of the forest and started to throw rocks at me. I covered myself and made my way to the river. I jumped in and let the current take me to the waterfall. I fell. The last thing I saw before crashing against the water was a bunch of blood red monkeys screaming, jumping and throwing rocks at me from the top of the waterfall. Everything went black for me.

I would wake up tired and sleepy for a short while before falling asleep again. The only thing I knew was that I was still floating on the water. It repeated a few more time, each time I saw a different scenery. Then in one of my short periods of lucidity, I saw a foggy figure taking out if the river. I blinked and I was being dragged through the forest. Blinked again and the skies were dark, then I let sleep take me. I didn't try to wake up again.


I feel something warm beside me. I smell something sweet in the air. My tiredness is going away. I opened my eyes. There is a smooth, brown ceiling where I'm looking at. I think it is made out of dirt, I must be in some kind of room. I looked around and noticed that the wall where also made out of dirt, but the dirt was put together by brick-sized chunks of it. That is if I'm not confusing the brink lines on the walls. The room is big. A twenty foot square with some inches on all sides. I was placed in a corner of this room. I located some kind of cloth for a door at the corner opposite from where I am. There were closed windows with light poking through on the wall to my right.

I tried to stand up, but an intense pain didn't allow me to. I looked down on my body and noticed I'm in some white silk bandages, from my ankles to my neck. I just noticed that I would be naked if it weren't for the bandages. Well, my privates from front to back didn't have bandages, so I might as well be naked.

I tried to stand up again, this time expecting pain. I think the wounds must come from my battle with the blood red monkey and the fall from the waterfall. I don't know how bad the wounds the monkey inflicted on me are. I had adrenaline pumping through me, the pain was nonexistent to me at that moment. Even when the group of monkeys was chasing me, I didn't feel tired. I looked for something to put on me. I found some back shorts and black shirt on the floor beside my bed. The pants were made of some kind of tree woven together, the inside of made of silk. The shirt was made entirely out of silk.

'Weird.' I thought.

I made my way to the door after putting the clothes on. I moved the cloth aside and looked ahead. There's a small hallway, doors closed doors on each side and a turn to the left and right at the end.

Once I'm at the end of the hallway, I looked at both sides. Stairs, on both sides. Going up and down. I picked the right and go up the stairs. I ended up in a huge room. There was some kind of training equipment all about, training weapons and a ring in the middle of it all.

Then I hear punching and kicking. Sounds like someone using a punching bag. I followed the noise towards another room placed at the right of this place. I stood at the door, which was opened. There was a girl, right around my age, punching and kicking in some motions. She was using a think rod of wood with silk around and smaller pieces sticking out like arms. It was some punching bag or a training dummy. Every time she hit one of the pieces of wood sticking out of the rod of wood, it would spin away and another piece would come as fast towards her. She would either block or dodge. Then I noticed that the rod was cut into three equal pieces, each piece with its little rods-like arms sticking out of them.

She had long brown hair, black-chocolate skin and light brown eyes. She was wearing a short, straw-colored, skirt, black underpants and a grey piece of silk tied on her chest.

She hadn't noticed me yet. She was too immersed in what she's doing. I take a seat on the floor leaning against the wall. I looked at her, practicing. I engraved every move she made. I've gotten awfully good at that thank to watching videos and repeating them when I was coming to Earth.

I was at ease watching her. I seem to lost track of time while I watched her.

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