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62.5% I was Rifted Homeworld Mass Effect / Chapter 55: These things are what?

Chapter 55: These things are what?

"What is going on Galtea?" I can feel so many biotic strands in the room. I released my power absorbing them all into me. I would decipher all of them later. "I wished Sophia was here."

"Your mana needs to be spent. It is not like you are a world that thrives off of it. Here it doing different things. Currently, on the ship, it is not that bad. However, if you were to go to a place with out mana completely... I believe one of your other powers would shoot up substantially." Galtea looked at me unblinkigly. "I suggest you continue with it inside you. Even after the forces, you create and option purchase in the senate another explosion of mana will come. I currently have 2/3 of it held back."

"Ughh, why the hell would I want to keep it inside me. It is already causing my Laguz half to rampage a little."

"Because if you can hold onto it, till you head to my world, we can use it to help out there a lot," Agria said approaching me. When she placed her hand on my shoulder I could feel my blood heat up even more. My Soul Power shot up as well. An image of me and her at cabin flashed by me. I guess she saw the glassy look in my eyes cause she stepped back. "If you can, that will help a lot."

"Galtea can I spend the mana on creating structures that would fit in her world? Things such as houses or changing the topography."

Galtea eyes lit up at my question. "Of course you can." A smile blossomed on her face. "It will eat up a lot of the mana but it can be done. Good idea. I can also select a few options to allow to enrich the land and crops. It ill be small but worthwhile in the long run."

"Sounds good. This will also help with what Mileuda was wanting me to do as well. Use it to create some forces for that world specifically. Also food structures and weapons." I felt relieved I could help out with this so soon. "We are heading there soon, so this can defintely help."

Agria walked away from me and sat back down. "We can push up the return a little early. i myself would love to return home."

"Fair enough," Galtea said looking at a screen. "That would work perfectly actually. Head back when you are ready. I will talk to Mileuda about some matters before she leaves. Tietra will most likely spend time with Mileena before she goes back. I will send word to your sisterhood about this." Agria nodded and stoop up and left in a Rift.

"I think it best I return to Warhammer as well. I dont think I need the R and R anyway." Jaina said standing up. "I will take Techlis with me. You have a serious lake of Eldar psyker's under your command. Will you make some for me to train?"

"Tch, yeah no problem." Thinking about it I access my Nether World. "30 will have to do. Also 50 warriors. When Sauron makes it but them under his command to train."

"Of course Commander," Jaina said. I saw her grip her hands tightly and leave in a Rift.

"Now that it just us," Maldova said. "We need you not to send anyone back with your pulls. They all are needed."

"No promises. Just that simple." I didn't care right now. Something in the back of my head was bothering me about these two. Something odd was going on. Nothing bad, just odd.

"Those pulls I set to the side earlier. They are dangerous you need to decide what to do with them." Galtea said getting my attention. "The first one will take one of your powers and turned into something twisted. It will become Dark and malevolent. Not that many of your people can take its power."

"Ok... so why would I use it then?" I looked at the dark orb and felt the pulsation from it.

"The person who receives it will grow in a way that even the System can't imagine. They are rare and only appear from a mission that are done in the world's full of massive loss of life. Warhammer produces them daily." Galtea said slightly frowning. "As long as they are loyal to you the power will grow. This will also cause whatever power you have that it is derived from to grow as well."

"You two dont like this do you?" They both shook there heads. "So can I just trade it to the System for points or sell it away to one of those new Users?"

"Sell it to the System sure. Defintely not to a User. Especially a new one at that." Galtea touched a screen and blinked. You should keep it, and use it on one of your people. I have sent them all a message about it. They are willing to take it."

"Right I will think on it." They looked at each other and back at me. "What is it?"

"Nothing," Maldova said.

"The next orb will take you to a powerful world. One heavily powered by Your original Earth." Galtea looked at with wonder. "Using it is like going to a world for the first time. Lots of potential and power up for grabs."

"Uh huh," I looked at and watched it open up to me. "It starting to kind of talk to me. Ugh, I hear Dragon roars. Nope, not going." I touched the screen and sold it the System.

"I cant believe you just did that?" Galtea said. "You could have thought about it a little more."

"You are right I could have. But .. I didn't. My head was hurting just looking at the thing." On the screen, we watched the message.

System: Pull sold calculating points..... Elder Scrolls Skyrim.. 2.5 Billion points exchanged.

"Woah nice." I felt fantastic. That was defintely a big payout. "Worth it."

"If you say so," Maldova said shrugging. "You can no longer go there now. you know that right?"

"Oh, no whatever should I do?" I said in false hurt. "I rather go to one of the other Elder Scrolls worlds. I can actually enjoy an older one better."

"Chish," the door opened and members of the crew came back in.

"What do you want to spend the points on?" Galtea asked. "There are currently nothing to pressing. Considering the number of resources you spent in Warhammer, I dont think you wish to pour points there."

"Not at all. I love that place but not right now." I instinctively touched at my scar on my chest. "Although I really want to fight that demon again. Like really badly." I felt a smile form on my face. "Now that I think about it, I really had fun there. But I guess that is since I am back here and I can think about it."

"You definitely smiled during the entire time you were fighting," Malakor said. "It kept morale up, despite your complaints during the resting time."

"Yeah, it is a habit of mine." I leaned back in the chair. "I usually start complaining to help me vent. Cant always have a beautiful woman to help me relax or have an enemy to fight to help."

"Eh bro you have gotten soft," Adon said smacking the table. "We can fight if you feel frustrated1" He was already excited and rearing to go. "I heard you practice a new martial art. Lin Kuei or something. Betcha it is no match for my Muay Thai."

"Hehe, maybe." I chuckled lucky at him. The memories from Street Fighter started to stir when I was talking to him. I felt my psycho power block something else out though. With a quick suppression from it, I was good to go. 'More bad memories.' Ah well. "We will fight later. I look forward to seeing your new improvement."

"Yahoo!" Andon jumped up. "Dont care if its your Pyscho power or this Lin Kuei stuff. I am going to win."

"Sit down!" Maldova yelled at him.

"Ok, jeez you dont have to yell," Adon said grumbling. He did sit down though. It was lost of me that he ignored he did most of the yelling. In fact in Street Figher he was always full of energy.

"There is one other pull to go through Azul. This one is dangerous in a different way." Galtea said. I watched as the pink pulsating pull floated in front of me. "It is a heart pull."

"Uh-huh, so I should sell it." I looked at it and opened the shop window. I felt my Soul power try to stop me.

"Wait!" Galtea yelled. "Just hold on a minute. That pull will generate a world in which you fell in love and died. A complete life. The power increase it would give you would be astronomical. It would also touch on worlds similar to that one and give you countless experiences. It would also allow you access to all the power associate there for you to purchase upgrades cheaper."

"Right... but I died there. A me I didn't synch with yet or that I am completely unaware of. Sounds really bad." Is said as I twirled it around in my hand. "I think the point worth would be better. Whats everyone's opinion?"

"I think you should use it," Mileena said. "It is pink so it cant be that bad."

"I think you should see it," Mileuda said next. Tietra next to her shrugged. Alma agreed I should use it. Alistair agreed with her.

"I think you should sell it," Hotshot said. Ruma also agreed I should sell it. Maldova said I should use it.

"We are just gonna go. Not our area of expertise." Malakor said standing up. He and the Gladiators left. Sauron shrugged and followed. The Rift closed up quickly.

"Ugh fat help they were." I saw the newbies looking at me. "You can all join in as well."

"I say use it," Samus said.

"I think you should sell it," Adon said. "I have a bad feeling about your love life bro. In fact, I have a vague memory of you going crazy at a tournament because of a woman." He rubbed his chin thinking harder. "You beat the crap out a lot of people. Both men and women

"Hmm, you are right. I feel a little bit of memory from it but it is obscured."

"That would be the System. It is shielding you from it. A patch can help you recover some memory. But anything tied to something that affects you greatly won't come to the front." Galtea said deciding something. Maybe you shouldn't use it. From what I see, it will take a very high patch to do it."

"Why not think on it?" Lighting said.

"A chance to experience a love that is block from you. I would use it." Tifa said. Quists agreed next to her.

"Yeah, she is right." Proto Man said agreeing. "The crew cant decide, the operator is having a tough time of it now. I say just think about it later and use it or sell it."

"Right shelved for now," I said putting it away. Reaching into my inventory I sent them all a common pull. Even the ones not here would get one. "Use how you see fit. As for the higher up ones. Galtea sends one to those who faught with me in the Warhammer. Send them appropriately. As for the remainder store them safely to keep from using them willy nilly."

"No problem. I will leave one of each kind in your inventory for safety and you for when you want to just have fun." Galtea said smiling. "I want you to have more fun to understand. The purpose of everything is to have fun as well as help."


"Anyway, that is it for all of that. You, newbies, are confined to the ship till you get your bearings. Dont forget." Maldova said looking at them. "We are right outside the Citadel. So you can onboard in one of the shuttles provided you have a senior member with you."

This was met with a lot of grumbling. "Listen it is for your safety and ours. I won't tolerate any bullshit that will jeopardize the crew. This is a warning." I released my power as an Overlord to get my point across. Tifa and Quists actually glowed with power in response. The rest faces twisted a little. Except for Anon, he was itching to fight. "If you want to go on your own, there is a learning center that can help you learn more about the rules of this place. The System may have given you a rundown already, but this will help you blend in even more. I have points that I can spend to help you but I rather you learn it on your own." Releasing my pressure I stood up.

"Woah intense! What was that?" Anon asked me.

"Ask Galtea. She can explain it better than I can." With that, I wished them all a good day and walked out.

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