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55.68% I was Rifted Homeworld Mass Effect / Chapter 49: Warhammer 30-40k Part 6 (Not Edited)

Chapter 49: Warhammer 30-40k Part 6 (Not Edited)

"We cant fight all of that!" Alistair said. I watched as the spores came down taking what he said for what it was. Stating the obvious.

"At least there arent any Genestealers. Thank life for small favors." I said to Alistair. "Regret coming here yet?"

''Absolutely, completely and truly." Alistair never looked away from the Tyrannid menace. "I wish I had a giant mech to fight with. Or a small one like Jaina has." Alistair looked over at the light Warjack Jaina had under her control. The envy was plain on his face.

"Take a good luck at it. It most likely wont look like that after this battle."

Looking to the back group, I gave the order. "Fire at will. Dont stop till the matrixes are in the red!"

"Shouldnt we conserve some of it?"

"No point. If the they make into our lines we are done for. With the sheer number difference we won't make it, unless we whittle them down." I shook my head as I watch the endless drop down. The psykers had barriers to deflect any drop ends back into the distance. Only a few would be of use to attack. I had a spell set up outside where in they entered from warp space. Once the wave stopped coming or I had no choice, I would activate it.

"This is slightly a problem." I said to Alistair who stared at me. "Absolute Water Rain!" I channeled the spell I was casting for the last hour. With the help of my Soul Power I was able to reach furthur than I realized with energy range. All across the sky I created little needles of physic water. Raising Slannesh up above me , I focused some of his power as well. the needle became bigger that people with decent eyesight could see them now.

Jaina stepped forward in her white Guyver suit. "Chish," the breathing attachment vented. She and a group of psykers with her raised their hands up. they waited to my needs hit before firing.

"Ting, ting, ting is all that could be heard across the sky. A giant arc of lighting appeared from Jainas hands that danced in the air uncontrollably. The rest of the warlocks fired next. their shots were precise but smaller. there targets were the giant pods that were descending.

This list for only two minutes before a giant pod came down. it was about the size of the empire state building! It was covered in a black fog that stopped the psyker attacks on contact.

Seeing that I order every one to stop the assault.

"Thud!" The chitinous building landed in the distance. A wave a black smoke statted to head towards us.

"Damn! Brave for impact. Redirecting the remainder of my spell from above, I pulled it down to help with my next spell. "Water Veil!" The aquatic membrane formed and spread out. I felt Slannesh pump physic energy into me. Then I felt the warlocks send some my way as well. Bit by bit a strange energy left the gladiators and the civilians and headed my way. A notice popped out that I ignored I couldn't afford the distraction.

My soul power helped funnel the energy and increased the veil. When the smog made contact I could feel a type of contagion inside it. If this would have hit the troops we would have had a shorter battle. "Mental Cleansing!" I said as I braced my feet. The energy added to the water veil helping buff the veil. I had to hold for what felt like forever.

'Enemirs approaching!' Lunabella said. She was connected to several transmitters across the battlefield and sent me the info that I would need. ' A wave has made it past the first perimeter. all the creatures match description of termagants.'

"All long range units prepare to open fire!" I said as I pushed the water veil back against the enemy. I wanted to weave it into a spell but didnt have the power to. 'Zelda your up.' She stepped out of my shadow.

With her aems outstretched she performed a spell. She turned all the energy I had into some type of frozen zone. She pulled all the heat from that area towards herself. With me close by I shieled everyone from the heat by standing right behind her. It was heat created from my energy so it returned to me. Just painfully. The first wave of enemies froze in place.

"Fire at will!" Alistair said considering I was a little occupied. Zelda body started to tremble in front of me.

'That is enough! Return now Zelda!" I yelled at the woman. She reluctantly agreed and stepped into my shadow. My biotic strands felt the exhaustion she had accumulates just that quickly. Her body was fine but her spirit still was weak. I looked to the firing squads. The guns I provided did its work. The cross combination of Mass Effect shredder, and inferno ammo made work of the chitin. Even more reason none of the Tyrannids could be allowed to escape. The ability to negate that type of ammo or make resistance to it , was a risk I was not willing to take.

8 minutes. That's how long it took to mow the first wave down. Next wave came out twice as big. With Myoptic spores mixed inside.

I looked up and behind us. 'Lunabella have the Arwings make a strafing run. As well as have the one with the best shields go through and get data on what the enemies have. The black smoke may be gone, but the dust and sand has obscured vision a little.'

'Understood.' Lunabella chimed at me. In less than two minutes I watched as the fighters shot past in the sky.They fired long range missiles into the area blasting away. The laser fire charging before hitting deeper into the enemy ranks.

Then I heard it. A sound I wish I never heard. The ground shook as a the air cleared revealing a Mawloc coming out of the ground It caught two Arwing's by the the wing. The only good news was that the ships could still fly. They released the bombs they had before pulling up and yanking towards us. One Arwing wasn't to lucky. The Mawloc had devoured him after firing acid at another one. Despite its size the creature had ridiculous agility. The other two disappeared from view. I could see them but not to well. The warp gate was messing with my vision.

"Boom, boom," the Mawloc blew up. Its body fell slowly to the ground. The Arwing and the pilot didnt make it. Lunabella confirmed the death and the loss of the machine. The pilot had self destructed. Reaching out I pulled his psyche to me. I barely got it before I felt a warp fluctuation targeting me.

As the firing squad stop the advance of the enemy, a few minutes later the Arwings that made it came back.

They were not in good condition. Multiple scratches along the hull. I could tell one of the pilots was unconcious. The fighter started sailing straight up. Looking close I could see a Termagant on the bottom of the belly of the fighter.

"Bailout!" I said to the man over comms. He didnt respond. His fighter was heading down finally. Bad news it was the direction of the mortar team. As if guided by an invisible force. 'Lunabella activate the self destruct!'

In a split second the ship detonated. It was high enough that It did no damage to us. I pulled his psyche to me and was shocked.

In that short time they were in there, the Hive mind was already fighting to take control of them. I reached out to the other pilot and felt the foreign presence. I made note and sent him a message of apology and let him know I will bring him back as soon as I could. I felt his acknowledgment. He banked off to the side and headed back to the enemy. He fired all his missiles and was getting to active his self destruct when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What is he doing? Tell him to come back. A gladiator said. it was one of Angrons.

"He is going to damage the enemy is what he is doing. He is already corrupted by their influence." I said to the man. "You should get back to your squad." He did not like my answer.

"Cotus!" Angron yelled. The man then moved back to where he needed to be. Angorn walked over to me. "Brother what happened?"

"The enemy was influencing his mind. I didnt think that was possible at there current stage. It was my fault. I should have accounted for something like that. It wont happen again." I said to Angron. His biotic stands just let me know he was worried for his people. "Trust me." I didnt want to use so much power already but I had to. "Magic Shield" the spell washed over all the troops depleting a vast majority of my magic and psyker power. I could feel the change in a lot of people. As if a small fog that affected them all dissapeared. What shocked me was the strands from Jaina.

She had pure disappointment and anger in her towards me. Why I dont know nor did I care right now. "This will last for the next 12 hours. It should help. I need that energy to decrease their numbers." I said to who ever was listening.

The next wave was upon us and I had to activate the fail safe spell I placed on the ground. A giant geyser of scalding water travelled up puncturing holes into the enemy. The spell was able to clear an entire wave by itself. Up in the air the spell energy would linger for awhile to help in anyway I had to use it.

We had a 12 minutes of respite as the next wave didnt come out yet. Luanbella gave information on all the ammo and energy reserves we had. They were not looking good. But that was to be expected considering the enemy numbers was higher than we anticipated. The ground shook. But not from heavy enemies, no. The sheer number of Tyrannid Warriors that ran out with Scything Talons and Rending Claws.

Alistair gave me a look. Nothing needed to be said as I started to walk forward. He stopped me. "Stay here. We will go." I wanted to argue but felt a pang in my head.

System: Mission allow Alistair to lead the troops in battle. Rewards:??? Decline: Lost of respect by Alistair.

"Go. Dont die!" I said as I took a seat. If this needed to be done so be it. I did my best to recover my energy.

"We are heading out to the left side." Jaina said. Malakor gave me a look before heading with her. "Ruma has arrived and I dont want them getting ambushed." I didnt say anything as my headache got worst. Clutching my head I just nodded at her.

System: Mission Jaina wishes to prove herself in command. Allow her to flourish unabated by your hand.

Rewards:??? Interfere: Jaina's admiration turns to hatred. 50% decrease in magic training and aptitude.

'What the hell?!' I didnt know what was happening but I couldn't ask Galtea for help. Didnt know if I wanted to actually. I was glad that I asked her to not communicate with me during this battle. Going without her advice actually decrease the difficulty a little. I watched as everyone fought. I didnt interfere just spectated. Then I felt Zelda moving about. Next a change in myself.

'I have released another part of you.' Her voice sounded somewhat chipper. 'Conceit and Pride. How do you feel?'

'I feel a little better.' I stood up and checked the map on our forces. Jaina was right about Rumas group. The Krogan definitely were in a ambush. 'How do you feel?'

'Good considering. I dont like that hole in the sky.' Zelda voice had a little dread in it. I felt her moving around moving to another statue. 'This next one is a single one. It says blood lust. It is quite massive. I will release that next so be prepared.'

I just grunted in approval. The Swooping Hawks made it from the rear. They had no damage whatsoever on them.

"The other areas are cleared Lord Primarch. What will you like us to do now?" Souran said neutrally. His biotic stands came out calm and happy. i found it weird but considering how he had dedicated himself to serving the Craftworld, it was understandable.

"Souran. Soon we will have to engage in melee. I dont think the big ones are out yet." I turned to look at him and his men. "I need you to injure as many as you can. Take no risks. Your speed will be needed on the battlefield considering the little termagants. I wont micromanage your tactics just get that done and you will have been a big help." He agreed and stood by waiting.

"For what it is worth, I am sorry about the others." Souran said with regret in his voice. The others felt the same way.

"Everyone has a choice in life. They choose theirs." I put the helmet on as I stepped forward. Slannesh in my right hand, Ostia the axe in the left. "Come. let us see if Eldar melee can crush these monstrous beasts."

"A few notifications went off that I ignored. I did not want to know what happened. I wanted to focus on just killing the enemy and my troops making it out alive. I cast every buff I had as I moved into the fray.

The next 10 hours were gruesome. I did not expect it to go so wrong. We fought the Tyrannids with everything we had. They never broke past our line. We paid for it with blood. Sauron and his team were forced to retreat. None were dead but they were no longer able to do anything. Their melee weapons had been destroyed and guns exploded. The armor they had left might as well have been tissue paper.

Jaina and Rumas group took it better than most. They were backing up my Gladiators on the left side of the battlefield.

Alistair and a few Eldar guardians didnt make it. He fought valiantly till a Toxicrene bursted out of nowhere taking them out. Before he fell the creature was ripped apart by a very powerful spell that I had no idea where he got it from.

I felt his biotic strand hit me hard. He felt guilt. Not that he didnt stop more of the creatures. But that he failed me some how. I would have to talk with him when I got back.

Angron, Malakor, and myself had fought securing the middle. Malakor would trap the enemy with a psyker wall as me and Angron fought close engaged in melee.

A calm took over the battlefield as we watched the last of the enemy drop. In the sky another light spell went out to help us see.

I watched in the distance as a Hive Tyrant walked out from behind enemy lines. Another group was coming out from the side of it. I couldn't tell what it was but I marked them as mine. Just then I felt the statue Zelda had been working on give way. Beautiful delicious bloodlust. My psycho power jumped up. My Laguz blood flowing powerfully. I had gotten a second wind of sorts.

"Agron it's all yours!" I said as I moved past. "Its a Hive Tyrant, Malakor will help you take it out."

"Sure leave us the hard one." Angron said to me, he then stopped once he saw where I was headed. "On second thought, thanks!"

I ran towards the Carnifex, and the two Hive guard that were beside it. Cutting through with Slannesh, made it alot easier on the little ones. Ostia I used on anything big that got in the way. I had to duck a pair of scything talons from a Warrior. "Hup," I put extra momentum in the dodge. Not to waste energy but set up for the axe strike on a warrior that tries to get past.

"Ching," Ostia cut it right down the middle. I slid on the ground not stopping as I went into rotation in a c spin. The axe cut off another warrior. Then my pause got the better of me. I had to make sure they didnt get past. I looked on in horror as a group of gnats ran pass on the side.

"Fire on my position!" I yelled to the mortar team. A sycthing talon went through my chest and lifted me up into the air. I almost dropped Slannesh with my lax grip. "Die!" I channeled a concussive shot through the sword blowing the top half of the warrior that had me. The blast blew me into the air.

"Whhhew," the sounds of the shells sailing through the air passed by me. Using a small biotic shield to protect myself I was caught by on of the shots.

"Boom!" I went straight to the ground. Explosions started to rain down all around me. Sitting up into a kneeling position I waited for the shells to stop. 14 seconds later they did. Not waiting for the dust to clear I sent out water tendrils around me. They danced around on the ground finishing off any Tyrannids they could.

"Rooar!" I turned to see a Hiveguard coming barreling through the remains of its hive. It came right at me. With a swing of its massive claws I was lifted off the ground by a powerful swipe. Right before the other hit, I made my move. I redirected tendrils to wrap around it's back side. This kept me from only flying up a little bit. Pulling myself back down I swung with Ostia.

"Cchhing!" The axe lodged into the beast but that was it for it.

"Ping!" I watched in horror as the blade shattered.

"Shit!" I cursed. I watched as the shards scattered in slow motion. Sending out a psychic pulse I pulled them back. I didn't get the chance to get them all as another Hiveguard barreled into me pinning me to the ground. "Kuff!" I coughed up blood. Not from the charge but the weight of its body as it pinned me to the ground. "Get off!"

It slid back a little as it brought its mouth talons or was mandibles down trying to scoop me up like a piece of road kill. I moved to the side a little between the mouth blades.

"Thump'" it tore a ditch in the ground. Pulling the pieces of my axe again, I sent it all toward the neck of the creature. They circled around for a moment. Feeling the resistance I smashed my hands togethor and watched as it fell.

"Huff….did the mortar only get the one?" I looked back to see what happened. A warrior had broken through from Rumas side. It made it toward the mortar team first line. My gladiators did there best to pin it down. The mortar abandon the guns as they fled. 'Dam cowards!' No that was wrong. They were just civilians the fact they stayed was a blessing in the beginning.

Reaching my hand out I casted protect on my people. I felt the energy leave me harder this time due to the distance. As the protective energy wrapped around my gladiators they fought with renew vigor. It would have to be enough as I turned back toward the Carnifex. I felt as it moved behind me. When the shells came it must hid itself somehow.

I turned and saw how it survived. It threw a Hiveguard to the ground and stepped over the remains. It looked at me with a sharp gleam in its eye. I dont know what it was but it unnerved me. Putting the remains of the axe away, I charged at it with Slannesh pointing out.

"Cycle up!" I cast the spell on me giving me a few microseconds of processing to act faster.

The carnifex had in its claws a bone sword! I get tipped why couldn't it just have the claws. The swing came fast and powerful. I didnt risk blocking it. Sidestepping with extra effort proved to be the better idea it seemed. Despite the increased distance I still felt the pressure from the swing. Then everything got worse.

"Ripp,crack" the armor ripped and tore with its bindings. I was now fighting this monster without any armor on besides my Cerebus clothing.

It have to have been the Hiveguard tackle a few minutes ago. I looked at its taunting gaze. It was as if it was saying just one good hit and you are mine.

"Overlord's.." I started to say before I heard the yell!

'Dont do it Master!' Zelda said. 'Your guess is right something is coming this way. If you use that trump card as you put it, you wont have the strength to fight.'

Stopping the use of that move, I had to make do with using Misty Fist on just my left arm. The healing waters though weak were better than nothing.

'Thanks Zelda.' I focused on fighting the Carnifex again. This engagement would go better than the last. When the bonesword came I ducked the swipe and hurry to use my clawed hand to grab the sword. The momentum took me with the swing launching me on that direction.

"Tink," the Carnifex looked down at the present I left it. A grenage hit against its carapace. It had the chance to see it right as it detonated.

"Kaboom!" The blast caught up with me even though I was a good bit away. "Bam I hit the remains of a building going though it.

"Kuff, if it isnt dead from that I am screwed." Looking around quickly zi didnt see anything of use in the room. Standing I felt the pain immediately. My arm was broken. Placing it relative place I had to use cure at once.

"Cure!" I felt the bone fragments regrow as I wobbled out of the building. "Cure!" I used it again this time on my full body. The aches and pains dulled with the help of my marine upgrades working harder than ever to help me get back in the fight.

'Masyer take a breather for a moment.' Zelda said.

'I cant and you know that.' I said not wanting to argue in anyway. 'Lunabella, is there any tech around I can use?' Walking out I could see the carnifex was struggling to stand. Feeling a pang of guilt at the gladiators that died I could see. I shrugged it off. I alr ees ady started pulling on there physic pain to strengthen myself. "Adrenaline rush!" My vision tinted slightly as I ran to the Carnofex.

'Yhere is nothing usuable my tamer. The power is drained and no possible way to overcharged them fast enough. I am sorry.'lunabeella said. She was still keeping tabs on the battlefield giving me relevant data to help.

'Theres nothing to be done about that dont worry. Keep up the good work.' Making it towards the Carnifex I changed pure psycho power. I could feel the warp scream at me. "Ragh!" With my hand double gripped on my sword I swung slide ways.

"Chiinng" the blade screeched against the chitin. It wasn't strong enough. Focusing on using my psycho power to boost my physical strength I felt the heavy taxation it placed on my body. I hopped forward under the beast and started to swing up rapidly.

"Splurch," richer fell from up top landing on my chest and faced. The burning sensation just pushed me harder as I swung. With a final slash the sword cut all the way threw creating a physic wave of energy that floated up and dissipated. I ran out before the next bit of ichor fell on me.

"Huff.. huff this stuff taste terrible." Some had gotten into my mouth burning my bottom lip off and burning the majority of my right side of my body. Looking around I saw the others had gotten hit by another wave gnats. Running that way I fired water tendrils out throwing rocks and pieces of metal at the small horde. "Will this ever end?"

Two hours later. Everything died down a little.

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