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Basic Heavenly Massage

<< Congratulations, you have gained a relief path servant.

You have gained a relief path servant and every servant has to start with some skills, so a random skill of the first level will be unlocked.

Besides skill, equipment is also a must for every relief servant so one random relief servant apparel will be rewarded as well.


<< Congratulations, your servant has unlocked a random skill "Basic Heavenly Massage" >>

<< Basic Heavenly Massage (A)

What should one do if the stress piles up? What should one do after a long hard fight? What should one do after a day of hard work?

There are many answers, but something that surely would help greatly would be getting a massage by a beautiful girl.

This skill contains the basic skills of the 'Heavenly Massage', which is something, which is said to be the highest form of massage. Rumored to be able to not only completely relax, but also remove micro-injuries and stimulate the cells, and thus strengthening the body.


The effect can be increased by using the right massage oil, which is now available at the honor shop for only 20 points a flask, suitable for one session.


This too seemed like a useful skill. Although Ivan found the price for the flask of massage oil to be a ripoff.

Celine too was happy with the skill. She had feared that the skill in this category would be something much more problematic.

<< Congratulations, your servant has unlocked the random apparel "Sexy leather outfit 23" >>

<< Apparel "Sexy leather outfit 23"

Ther 'Sexy leather outfit 23' has been hailed as the best outfit ever created by the famous designer 'Celibart therDeven'. It is rumored that after he had shown this outfit to his wife she got so angry at him that she hit him until he had to stay in bed for a month. Only much later was he able to convince her to try it on and they wouldn't appear outside for a whole week.

Wear it at you own risk. Or not.


Well isn't it fitting for a pervert like you?


Reading the description Ivan really wondered how the system came up with them. And the remark at the end was something he had started to miss. As weird as it sounded, he had started to enjoy reading the sarcastic remarks giving by the system. It was just that the last few prompts didn't have any good one.

But reading the description he couldn't help but wonder how it looked like to have provoked such a reaction from that designer's wife. Maybe there would be time to check it out later?

"Don't even think about it.", a cold voice interrupted his thoughts.

Surprised he looked at the source of this voice and saw that it was Celine who stared at him coldly. Clearly warning him with her eyes.

"You took a look at it?", he asked curiously. Judging by her reaction it seemed like the outfit really was something, making him want to see it even more.

"Yes and I'll promise, that if you take even one look at it, I'm going to gauge out your eyes.", she once again warned him in a sharp voice.

Ivan could see that she was serious about it. Still, he couldn't help but tease her a bit, "Can you even do that?"

"Who knows. But even if I can't, I can still get someone else to do it for me.", she said with a shrug.

"Alright I won't look at it.", he hurriedly promised. Looking at the outfit wasn't as important to him, as not getting injured by her.

<< Congratulations, you have successfully configured your first servant.

You will be rewarded by a servant outfit, which will be available for all your servants.

You can now begin to design the outfit.




Warning! According to contract 214DFEW.....SDEW2 the design for the servant outfit has already been decided.

Loading the design from the database.

Implementing the design.

Generating clothes based on the design.

Generating badges based on the design.

Finishing the process.


Congratulations, you can now get clothes in the selected design, including a version for yourself.


"Huh?", Celine looked at the prompt in confusion. She hadn't seen one like this ever before. Ivan, on the other hand, wasn't that surprised. He had seen something like this before. He was only wondering what the mentioned contract was and why his servant's outfit was already decided.

"Whatever. Just check out the design.", he said to Celine, while also checking out the new menu on his interface.

It was a collection for clothes, provided by the system. It seemed to be similar to the inventory, but more specialized since it would only contain clothes.

Currently, there was only one outfit in it, which was the outfit mentioned before. It wasn't the servant version but something called the master version. With a thought, it appeared in his eyes before him, enabling him to take a good look at it.

It was a black robe made out of an unknown material. Although it was mostly black, there was a faint golden structure, which looked like veins. The only other color was the golden dragon crest as well as blue strips leading from his neck over his shoulders and down to the hands.

The combat boots that came with it were black as well and made of the same material as the robe.

All in all, Ivan thought that it would look very elegant if he wore it. But since he was currently lying in bed it was unsuitable for him to change his clothes into the robe.

He then turned his focus back towards Celine, who unlike him had changed into the clothes. When he saw her appearance it took away his breath. It just looked so great at her, giving her an elegant and beautiful appearance.

Like his, it was a completely black robe, with only a few patches of color. There was the crest as well, but it was smaller than his and was in silver instead of gold. The blue stripes were thinner as well. But the biggest difference was, that unlike his, Celine's roble clung tightly to her body, showing off her curves, while maintaining a feeling of decorum.

He couldn't see her feet under the robe, so he didn't know what kind of shoes she wore. But he could see that there were a pair of black gloves covering her hands. When he saw them, he didn't know why he thought that they were there because the only thing they should touch with their own hands was their master.

Had this design come from his former self. And did this feeling come from the him back then as well? It was the only thing that made sense.

"Not bad.", Celine praised the clothes. "I wonder what kind of material this is?", she asked, while running her hand over her robe.

"I don't know, but it looks special."

"It should be. Just look at how detailed these veins are. Do you think they are natural?"

"I suppose so. I don't think anyone would be able or willing to create such fine lines on it otherwise."

"Well, whatever it is. There is no way to find out at the moment."

"Yeah. But I wonder if this robe has any special effects."

"I don't know. The system didn't provide any information, so there isn't really any way to find out."

"We could experiment on it.", Celine proposed.

"As long as you don't destroy it, you can do that."

"I'll do that.", Celine nodded absentminded. She was already fully focused on planning how to experiment on the robe. "Right. Was that everything?"

Ivan checked his interface and found no more prompts left, so he nodded. "It should be. There aren't any more notifications."

"Good.", she looked at him and saw that he seemed even more exhausted than before. "You should sleep more."

"I will.", he agreed. "Right, what about the others?", he suddenly thought of his friends. Before he had forgotten about them because of the excitement from the prompts and his general exhaustion.

"They are fine.", she reassured him, "They are playing with Jane and Lucia. When I checked on them before, they seemed to be having a great time."

"Still because of me, they won't be able to enjoy the theme park.", he looked down ruefully.

"Don't worry about it. They understood that it wasn't your fault. And it isn't like we can just do it another day.", she comforted him.

"Mm. Then please take care of them.", he was already getting sleepy, so he just shoved the responsibility of caring for them on her and relaxed back into the comfortable bed.

It didn't even take a minute before his regular breathing showed that he was deep asleep.

Celine silently got up and carefully left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

IvanDeSchreck IvanDeSchreck


I'll once again be gone for about a week, where I'll be unable to write. So enjoy these two chapters.

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