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56% I Hacked Everything / Chapter 35: Reparations

Chapter 35: Reparations

(Alright guys, slight alteration. There's tennis practice after school. I kinda forgot about it. For the end of chapter 34, I now put, "Chris thought as he quickly headed for tennis practice," It's nothing really significant, but if I didn't put this, it would've made you confused about why I started the chapter with "After tennis practice..." Another thing I changed is the elements. Instead of 8 elements, there are 9. Also kind of minor, but it took me 30 minutes to try to fit in 8 when I have 9 in mind. I'm sorry!)

After tennis practice, Chris finally started to walk back home.

"Goodness, I haven't done after school practice in a while. Coach Elizabeth was much more strict than usual today," Chris mumbled as he was looking through the store, specifically the new skills.

9 Elements Strike: 50,000 Hacker Points

There are 9 elements in the world: fire, water, earth, lightning, nature, wind, metal, light, and darkness. While a person would be able to use at most 5 elements, the user of the 9 Elements Strike would be able to use all 9 Elements. Each strike would have the Qi of the element the user desires. (Can evolve into 9 Elements Twin Strike.)

Requirement: Book of 9 Elements

'Hmmm... this is quite the nice skill. If I'm correct every element should counter another element and since I can use all 9 elements, I can technically counter every move that utilizes Qi. Am I right System?'

-Host has figured this out quite quickly. As Host said, all elements counter each other.

Fire < Water < Earth < Lightning < Wind < Metal < Nature < Fire. Light is obviously stronger than darkness, but darkness is a special case. It is stronger than all other elements except for light. However, it is only stronger by only a little bit. Normally, when an element meets its counter it does 50% of the original damage and the other element can double its damage output. However, for darkness, it can only do 50% more damage and when it faces the light element, the light element does 150% more damage.-

(The weaknesses might not make sense. This might not be the official weaknesses. If you feel like you can give a better one please write it in the comments. This is the best I can do after literally 20 minutes of thinking. I'll discuss this in my Q&A if it's a bit confusing.)

'Just like I thought. Darkness was a bit surprising, but the rest kind of fit where I originally put them. So as long as I finish getting the Book of 9 Elements, this powerful skill will be mine,'

Chris looked at the other 2 skills as well.

Foundation Movement Technique: 10,000 Hacker Points

Basic movement technique that methodically trains one to be an expert at dodging. If one masters the basics then one can master any technique.

'This skill isn't bad. This will also be helpful against Chen Long. Alright let's look at the final skill.

Tortoise Stance: 15,000 Hacker Points

Defensive mode that strengthens the entire body to take more hits just like a turtle in its shell. However, it greatly lowers ones offense and speed while activated.

'This isn't bad as well. If my opponent is too fast or I'm being overpowered, I can use this to buy them or wait for an opening,' Chris thought.

When Chris arrived home, his mother was standing in front of the door. She hugged Chris and starts to cry.

"I'm sorry!" She screams while bawling.

Chris was astounded at what was going on.

"What's going on? What's with the sudden affection that you've decided to show after all this time?" Chris asked with a bit of sarcasm.

Chris' mother let Chris go and motioned him to come inside. Chris did so and when his mother pointed at the couch, Chris sat.

"You know..." Chris' mother said as she proceeded to sit down as well. "When your sister was kidnapped, your father and I got scared, incredibly scared. We thought we were never going to see her again. Of course, we started to make preparations to find your sister, but we didn't have much hope. Then we started to think about you, how badly we treated you for this one mistake that we should've forgave you for a long time ago. For Christ's sake, we made you pay rent to live here when you didn't have a choice! You're our firstborn, your father and I couldn't help, but to expect you to be perfect and when you couldn't follow that expectation, it made us extremely disappointed. That was our fault. We should've forgave you for doing something that we fixed relatively quickly. As your mother, I would first like to apologize. Your father is extremely sorry as well. I would like us to be family again,"

Happiness, sadness, shock, all these emotion surged through Chris' mind and he couldn't think of anything to say for a minute. However, he quickly regained his composure.

"You know Mom, it's quite heartbreaking to hear that the only reason you even cared to apologize to begin with was because Monica was kidnapped. That means that only emergencies of this level would have made you actually think about how you and Dad emotionally traumatized me. I don't know if you experienced this, but when your own parents are not by your side, it feels as if no one is. I'm sorry, but I can't allow you and Dad to just waltz back into my life from the get-go, because God knows that if I make another stupid mistake, you'll just disown me and forget this entire conversation. However, I'm willing to start fresh with you and Dad. In the end, you guys are my parents and while I'm sad about the fact that you didn't really care about me until Monica was kidnapped, I'm quite excited to have a family again," Chris said while trying extremely hard to not tear up.

Chris' mother beamed at what Chris said and proceeded to hug him.

"Yeah, just give us a chance. We'll give you all the love that we couldn't give you all these time,"

After hugging and talking for a little bit more, Chris went back upstairs to his room with a bright smile on his face.

JeffreyDO JeffreyDO

Thx for reading. Sorry for the late chapter. I went to a party on Saturday and was dead on Sunday. I'll post Q&A soon I promise. I just need enough questions. Well I'll see you guys next time. Hope you enjoyed bonding.

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