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84.37% Age Of Gods / Chapter 27: Observing the nature

Chapter 27: Observing the nature

I haven't even started learning anything but I was already surprised. When I finished my prayer a buff appeared. While I was climbing down the tree I almost fell down. Buff was four times stronger than usual. My tittle Fiest Believer grants me double effect than it already is. In village regular buff gives 5 points in strength and endurance and 10% reduced damage from beasts. That gives me, 10 points and 20% damage reduction. But when I prayed right now I gained 20 points in strength and endurance and 40% reduced damage. That means that if any other player prayed in the forest they would gain 10 points in strength and endurance and 20 % reduced damage from beasts.

Even duration is extended to 12 hours, or in my case 24. A whole day buff, I couldn't believe it.

While I tried to come to myself from shock I heard Veran's voice from behind me. How did he already climb down is a mystery.

, What is wrong young Novak, you seem unsettled, are you sure that you are ready for what is to come."

, I am ready, but I want to ask you something. How is it that when I prayed to Veles in the village I gained a smaller blessing than when I prayed now?"

, Haha, that is what's bothering you? It's easy to explain. Where are we right now?"

, In the forest." I answered. I mean we are in a forest, that is obvious. But what has that to do with having a greater blessing. I saw Veran looking at me expecting that I will find the answer. Then it came to me. Of course, this is a forest and also the domain of the Veles, God of Forests, Fields, and animals. It is perfectly normal that Veles will give you a greater blessing if you pray to him in his domain.

, I see that you figured it out. Our Lord presides over nature so it is no surprise that his blessings would be greater in this kind of environment."

, Is it the same with other gods? What of God of War Yarilo, he doesn't have a domain does he?"

, You are still naive my young disciple. That is good for me because I will teach you more. The War God also presides over the Moon, so night is his domain, especially with the moon high in the sky. War is also his domain. His blessings are the greatest when warriors are praying to him before the battle. Not all domains are physical and in a specific place. But it will be time in the future to talk about other gods. We should start with your teachings."

, Great, what should I do?" I couldn't wait anymore.

, I like your enthusiasm, but I am afraid that you will be disappointed. We priests of Veles, or any other druids, in general, are a peaceful bunch, with some exceptions, or in cases, our forests are in danger. Just like that, beginnings for becoming a druid are also peaceful. So the first and only thing you are going to do today is to walk around the forest and observe."

, Observe? Observe what?"

, Everything around you. Earth, grass, trees, leaves and flowers, animals which live here. If you want to serve the God Of Forest you must know his domain and denizens that live in it. It is easy to become a warrior, hunter or a thief. You just need to take a sword, bow or a dagger and kill something or someone. All druids learn to live in cohabitation with nature and its inhabitants."

, But how druids learn their disciples in towns and cities, there are no forests there?"

, Haha, of course, they don't teach them there. That is because there are no druids in towns and big populated places. There are some exceptions, but even if they live in such places they do not take in disciples. You won't see any temples dedicated to our Lord in such places. There may be some temples but they are for our Lords another persona which presides over fields and cattle. Farmers are his believers also. Enough chitchat, you should go. My territory is marked with specific trees so you will not lose yourself and wonder out somewhere. Return before nightfall, then we are going to talk about what you learned."

Having said that Veran disappeared right in front of my eyes. It almost looked like he entered a tree. But I didn't have time to be amazed because I heard something that made me feel flabergasted and lucky at the same time. There are no druids in towns. Which means that I couldn't have become one if a haven't manage to come here. Are those ten points in luck attribute working or not I couldn't know. Not wanting to lose any more time I looked around me and started walking through the forest.

I didn't walk in any general direction. I walked in one direction then another like a lost child in a shopping mall. Since Veran said that I will know when I reach the end of his territory I didn't need to worry about finding trouble or trouble finding me. Walking through the forest, I did as Veran told me. I observed.

Green grass which grows from the earth, trees rising high in the sky, and a few small animals here and there. To be honest, I don't know how is this going to help me, but it must have some use. I tried to see as much as possible until the day ends. I don't know if it was enough, but all around me, everything was the same. Same trees, same grass, flowers, and animals were maybe the only thing which had a little more variety.

When lunchtime came I found a quiet place and ate my meal for today. I still had jerky and several apples so I didn't need to worry about being hungry. I should be able to find something if I stay here more than I planned to. Maybe that bet isn't mine to win. When it started getting dark I decided to return to the Veran's tree house.

, Come up and tell me what you saw."

I heard his voice coming from all around me and with great awe climbed up. Speaking like you are the part of the forest must need a lot of...Exercise? I don't know what will I need to do to be able to do that as well.

I entered the house and saw him sitting in a wooden chair like the one we sat on yesterday. Another one appeared from the floor and I sat down.

, So what did you see?"

, I saw many trees, green grass everywhere and animals going through the forest."

, Ha, as expected, you will need time. What you told me about could be any other forest. You will need to spend some more time observing the forest. Go to sleep now, tomorrow morning walk around the forest again."

I could only listen to what he said and do it again tomorrow. A new day came a new school day and after that more observing. This day wasn't any different than the one before. I didn't manage to see anything new. Veran said that until I manage to discover what I need to discover by myself I will need to observe. Luckily Friday came and so did my date with Maria. A little break from the same scenery and enjoying a date with Maria must help a little to relax.

, So where are we going?" asked Maria with a smile which melted all my stress when I came to get her.

, Would you like to take a walk through the park, then we can grab something to eat?"

, Sure. It seems that walking through the forest in the game is not enough, so now you want to experience it in reality."

, I can't say that you are wrong. I just wanted to see it from another perspective. Being with you gives me a peace of mind so I thought that I will maybe notice something."

, Aren't you a smooth talker?" she smiled and put her arm around mine, What are we waiting for let's go see the nature in the middle of the city."

I took her arm and smiled at her comment. It's true, we are in the middle of the city and finding nature is not an easy task. We walked around like that for some time, but to be honest, I was spending my time more looking at Maria, then parks nature. She noticed me looking at her and couldn't help but smile.

, You are much prettier than birds singing on trees or a leaves falling down from them, I couldn't help myself." I said.

, Well since I got you distracted from observing real nature, tonight is my treat."

, As you wish, I said, but know that I will always be distracted when I am with you."

She smiled, confirming my previous statement. Seeing my dazed look she laughed out loud. That got the attention of the people around us. They were also many couples walking through the park. Men looked in my direction with jealousy and admiring, while women admonished them. I even saw one girl hitting her boyfriend on the back of his head, because he started at Maria longer then he should. I am really a lucky man.

After we grabbed a little bite I escorted her back home. Now I didn't even pay attention to the window. We kissed each other on the cheek and after she encouraged me to continue what I am doing I left. Why didn't I kiss her on the lips? Because I want to be with her longer than this couple of weeks. And I don't want to die prematurely. I may have not paid any attention to the window anymore, but I wasn't delusional. Maria's father is still there. If I dared to kiss her on the lips, I bet you that something would be flying at me from that window.

In any case, everything with Maria is going smoothly. We like each other and that is all that matters. On the other hand, my progress in the game stopped at that forest. I need to be more observant I thought. This new day started like the other two. I left Veran and went deep into the forest to try and find some clues.

This time I started looking at everything in the forest with more attention. My eyes and ears were ready for anything. I was looking first at every blade of grass. They all moved in the same direction when the wind blew. They had the same color, but they were not the same at the same time. One was bigger one was smaller and every blade of grass had different veins on them. The same was for leaves. I took the ones that fell from trees and looked at them carefully. They may look the same but they weren't. Trees were also like that. One was bigger, one smaller, other had more leaves, another less. This one is thicker than that one and this one has more bark on it than the one beside it.

Animals moved on their way through the highway of grass and tree branches. When I sat to eat I resumed my observation. I looked at one tree in front of me. Half of its leaves were still green and the other was already yellow. A wind blew and one yellow leaf started falling onto the ground. Still, on the tree, I saw mother bird feeding her chick. On another one, a little squirrel was moving something in the hole of the tree getting ready for winter.

When that leaf fell on the ground I looked there. It wasn't the only one. There were more yellow leaves. They were decomposing, serving as nutrients for the tree they fell from. A little further away I could see a fox hunting some little animal. It didn't take long and with one bite fox broke the spine of the little creature and left. Even when night fell I didn't return but I stayed and observed. Even now forest was alive. It's just that other creatures were roaming in it. I could hear owls looking for pray and even more leaves falling down. I fell asleep like that under the starry sky Since Saturday came and I didn't need to go to work, nobody woke me up at home.

Instead, I woke up in the forest. Opening my eyes I could see morning dew on every blade of grass. I could see a couple of meters in front of me flower bloom, welcoming the sun that started rising from the east. From that big tree, I heard birds singing and the little chick trying to fly after its mother. It must have been trying for a long time, but today I witnessed its first flight. It followed its mother a little and then they returned to the nest.

I stood up and started walking back to Veran. I could see and hear more than yesterday. It was a totally new feeling. Like the forest opened up to me. I arrived and for the first time, Veran waited for me outside.

, What did you see?" he asked me, this time with a dignified voice like he knew I already changed.

, I saw night and day, life and death, reality and beauty, ferociousness and calmness of the forest. I saw same life both living and dying. I saw balance."

, I see..." said Veran, Nature's call is hard to hear but you managed to do it. You just began hearing the voice of the wild. But the long journey is still ahead of you. The first task is completed. Are you ready for the second?"

trickywolf trickywolf

Guys sorry for the wait. I needed time to prepare for one test at college. When I finally found time for writing today we had power outage six times. Even I couldn't believe it. If you want to help me this is where you can do it

Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 28: Meditation takes time

, Yes, I am."

, Excellent, now that you managed to hear and see nature for what it really is, it is time for you to feel it."

, Feel it? How am I going to do that?"

, As the rest of us before you. You must meditate. By meditating in the forest, you should after some time manage to feel nature's energy. After you do that comes the final task. Harnessing nature's energy. But first, you must meditate. Go again into the forest and find a quiet place. There, you should start."

, Very well. I will start as soon as possible." I said and moved back into the depths of the forest. Around me, I could hear Veran's voice.

, You do not need to hurry. Have a rest and calm yourself before you begin. And know that feeling nature's energy is not that easy. You may need even more time for that. More than you used to observe nature."

Then his voice faded away. Only, the forest could be heard now. I decided to return to the place I managed to finish my first task. This time I sat in front of that big tree, crossed my legs and closed my eyes trying to feel nature's energy. I soon gave up, my legs cramped and after the last success, I felt like I should rest up a little. I should also log out for a bit and get something to eat.

Since day and night are reversed in game and reality, I almost slept over the whole Saturday. I was up just in time for lunch. As I was exiting my room Hope was right in front.

, Oh big bro, you are up. What happened in the game? Mom and dad wanted to wake you up, but I told them to let you sleep. Did something good happened?"

, Thank you, Hope. Because you did that I managed to get one step closer in becoming a druid."

I then told her what happened to me in the game and what am I supposed to do next.

, Hm, that sounds boring, I certainly won't become a druid."

, Well even if you want to, you won't have an opportunity. There are almost no druids in towns according to my teacher. Players will need to go into the forests to search for instructors."

, Realy? Well, that is one more reason not to be a druid. But, brother there is something I don't understand. You are still not level 10. How can you already get a class? In other games you need to reach level 10 to get a class, my friends all said that."

, Well, I have only one explanation. In Age of Gods, it appears that you don't need to reach a certain level to gain a class. If you find an instructor that will teach you even being level 1 or 0, is not an issue to gain a class. So what class are you interested in. We still don't know what classes are available, but you should have some idea right?"

, I want to have many pets!" she said loudly.

, A hunter then. Understandable you would choose that." For all her strengths, Hope has one weakness. And that weakness is animals. Cute animals, scary animals, animals of any kind. We had one pet dog as kids and I remember how sad Hope was when it died. Since then mom and dad haven't brought any animals home. Hope always wanted to have many pets and playing this game will make that wish a reality.

, Well then, big brother will help you to have as many pets as possible. But let me remind you, in this game, there is no inventory so I doubt there will be separate space for pets. They will probably be with you all the time in the game so you will need to look after them at all times."

, Even better." she said with a big smile. Ha, I should not worry about her. She always finds positive things in any kind of situation.

We then went downstairs into the dining room for lunch. Dad and mom didn't ask me too much about why I didn't wake up sooner. Since they were already in bed when I arrived home yesterday, they just asked me how was my date and when will I bring Maria home. I said that I will see. After lunch, I went back into the game to continue my meditation.

I reappeared at the same place in the sitting position in front of the big tree. My first try at meditation didn't pass very well so I decided to just chill out a little. I lied down and listened to the voices of the forest. I should try to hear forest more and then start with meditation. Grass, trees, leaves, flowers, animals, everything in the forest has its own voice. I listened for a while and then started to meditate.

I sat like before. I crossed my legs and leaned onto the tree. I closed my eyes and tried to feel the energy of the forest. I was sitting there for a couple of hours, as long as I can tell. For that time I only got sore but so far. Veran was right. It won't be easy to feel nature's energy. Even though nature is all around me. Since I haven't made any notable progress I decided to go for a little walk.

After a short walk, I returned back to my meditation spot. I ate a little to sate my hunger and returned to meditation. All day passed like that. I didn't have much success. I wonder how much time I will need to finally feel the energy of nature. I shouldn't rush, I guess. When the time is right I will be ready. When I returned back Veran asked me did I make any progress. When I told him that I haven't he said that I should be patient.

, How long did you take to feel nature's energy?" I asked him.

, I don't remember. Its been a long time." he said with a face full of reminiscence.

, How old are you exactly teacher?" I couldn't help but ask him. I think I saw him smile. Whether it was because of question or because I called him teacher, I don't know, either way, he did answer to my question.

, Hmm if I remember correctly this is my 163rd fall since I was born." having seen my blown away expression he continued, haha you think I am old? Some of my brothers lived twice as I so far. I don't even know how old my teacher is. We druids my live long, but that is as long as we stay in our own territories. That is maybe one of the reasons we do not exit our forests."

163 years old. And there are even older druids. I would sure like to meet some of them. With that said Veran asked me for a dinner. We eat some sour fruits and I shared some of the apples I had left. I remembered the jerky I had left and I asked Veran do druids eat meat. With all that nature staff I wasn't sure. He just smiled and said that druids live in balance with nature and use everything they need from it but nothing more, including meat.

Sunday came and after I finished my preparation for classes next week I went back into the game.

Two to three hours into meditation, just when I thought that I grasped something a notification appeared in front of me.

, Region announcement

A player ????????? reached level 10, opening the carriage system. Carriages will arrive on Mondays at every beginner village and will leave on Tuesdays. Only players that reached level 9 will be eligible to ride on them. New carriages will arrive on next Mondays. A trip to the town will be from 8 to 10 days depending on the distance from villages to towns.

A player ????????? has gained 100 fame and 10 silver coins from God Horz for being first to reach level 10, let's congratulate him."

Someone already reached level 10. That guy must be real leveling fanatic. Before I could continue my meditation a call came. It was Wolf. What does he want now? I agreed to the call and heard his voice.

, Haha, have you seen it? Haha, I am the best there is. Why are the two of you still level 9? With this, that bet is mine for sure."

I saw that Marco is also here. At first, we were wondering what is he talking about, but when we saw a number 10 beside his name on the chat option we were both shocked.

, That was you?" We asked at the same time. Who would have thought that Wolf would be the first in our region to reach level 10.

, Haha, are you jealous? Do you see my might?" he laughed and asked.

, There is no one mightier than you Wolf." I said.

, And we are not jealous." responded Marco, but I could hear that he was, a little.

, Don't mind that now." I said, is there anything different now that you are level 10.

He returned to his serious mode and answered.

, There is one thing. It seems that from level 11 onwards we will be getting 10 more usable stat points."

, Realy, that is a good thing right?" asked Marco.

, It should be. But even if that will make us stronger Boss monsters are still very hard for solo players to kill." I said.

, You didn't let me finish. Those 10 points can be only used for class specific attributes." with that Wolf finished his explanation.

. Well, it doesn't matter. It's on to the players to distribute their attributes in the end."

We talked for some time and then we continued what we were doing. I returned to meditation. This day also didn't bear any fruit and I returned to Veran with a downcast expression.

, Don't be down. All it takes is time." he said.

, Is my intelligence low for this?" I had some suspicions so I wanted to be sure.

, Haha your intelligence doesn't have anything with it. If I had to say something it has to do with your body. You must feel that energy with your body so you can harness it later. That is the only way to become a druid."

, Okay." I said and then logged out. I guess I was overthinking it. I should take my time.

At work, I talked to Maria and Anna about their plans for the future. Both of them managed to reach level 9 and Hope and Mia are also close.

, The two of them should reach level 9 by tomorrow so we will probably ride the carriage to the town." said Maria and Anna nodded her head in approval.

, Very nice." I said, tell me to which town you are going when you find out."

, What about you, professor?" asked Anna, how are you doing so far? Have you managed to gain a class yet?"

I told them that it is taking longer than I thought and recounted my days so far. They encouraged me and said that I should take it easy. And maybe I should. There is no point in hurrying this process. Just like I managed to hear nature, feeling it will come as well in due time.

Back at home, I continued with meditation. To somehow get used to it I also meditated in my room outside the game. As I let go of the pressure of finishing this task as fast as I can, during the next few days in the game I walked around the forest and meditated. My effort finally paid off three days later, on Thursday, when I finally managed to feel nature's energy.

trickywolf trickywolf

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