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47.36% Regal / Chapter 8: First Fight, First Death

Chapter 8: First Fight, First Death

"Thinking about it, I was surprised the receptionist actually allowed us to do this quest considering our ranks" -Emilia

"Well, he did defeat that C-rank guy after all, so I guess they let us after seeing some ability" -Elfina

"Huh, that generic thug was actually C-rank?" -Emilia (Doesn't have Appraisal)

"Yes, Amy was also surprised after using Appraisal on that thing" -Amy

'Somehow that what's his face got his evaluation gradually lowered?'

"Hahh, anyway I can't believe you drank all my MP potions, even though I had enough to fill up my MP twice"

"Hehe, I was thirsty"

"..." -Elfina

"So, that thing you made, the 'gun' was it called?" -Emilia

"Oh, I didn't really create it, I 'summoned it' kinda"

"You summoned it?" -Emilia

"Yep, I made a skill called 'Catalog Summon' for 300MP and opened 'Catalog Summon - Guns Subcategory Rifles' for another 300MP, apparently I can only open some things with my current MP, besides it seems like it's quite hard to level up a High Human, even though I killed so many pests"

"You sure you wanna talk about all that when I'm here?" -Elfina

"Ehhh, I guess it's fine! Besides I saw your status, so this makes us even"

"I see..."-Elfina

"Anyway, about that gun summon thingy, can you also give them to others?" -Emilia

"Uhm, yeah, I think I can? though they are not usable without bullets, do you want one?"

"Do you have a smaller one?" -Emilia

"Not in this category but if I buy the pistol section which is 50 MP... done! So, what kind would you like?"

"I don't know anything about guns so you choose" -Emilia

"Hmm, well a 9mm might be good against humans but fantasy monsters... although its still a pistol and it won't be able to take on big enemies...Oh it even has this stuff! this one looks good"

'Although the system created the 'Catalog Summon' skill from my memory so there might be differences to the original'


Five-SeveN | V*olent Da*myo spawned > Accompanying ammunition has been spawned per specifications, basic magazines x3 (20*3 bullets), two 5.7x28 mm medium ammunition box (1000 bullets) > custom pistol holster spawned (purple) > custom double magazine holster spawned (purple) > END

"Here, btw this thing has some power against normal humans and small animals but don't think of using it on powerful monsters or high ranked humans, okay?"

"...It's pretty"

"Ah! Don't point it towards people casually! Confiscated! You'll get it back after we do a gun safety course!" As you say that you throw the pistol along with all the other stuff in your shadow 'Dark Magic - Shadow'

*pout* -Emilia

"...Can I get one too?" -Elfina

"...Which kind?"

"Preferably something not as loud as yours"

"Welp, it's not completely silent but I guess this should do"


USP-S | Neo No*r spawned > Accompanying ammunition has been spawned per specifications, basic magazines x3 (15*3 bullets), two 9×19mm medium ammunition box (1000 bullets) >custom pistol holster spawned (black) > custom double magazine holster spawned (black) > END

"...It looks, good enough"

'She says that but she basically can't take her eyes of it'

"You'll also get it after a safety course"

"Papa, how about mine!"

"Ok, which type?"

"Uhm, can I choose?"

"Here you go" I swipe my hand in the air making a menu appear with 2 categories Rifles and Pistols, Amy goes to the pistol section and chooses...


P250 | White*ut (P250 Sub Compact) spawned > Accompanying ammunition has been spawned per specifications, compact magazines x3 (12*3 bullets), two 9×19mm medium ammunition box (1000 bullets) >custom pistol holster spawned (black&white design)) > custom double magazine holster spawned (black&white design) > END

"Amy, do you know how to use it?"

"Yes Papa, never point towards your allies, use magic for big enemies"

"Good Girl, now let me show you how to reload, you go like this, yes and then, yes like that and then you can shoot, remember to shoot at the vitals when you want to kill, I'll keep the ammo box in my shadow, oh, the holster for ammo goes like this and... done!"

'Damn she looks so tactically cute with the holster and everything'

"Thank You Papa, Can Amy try to shoot?"

"Sure, aim at that tree over there" I say pointing at a tree 20 meters in front

"Ok" Amy aims with her small white pistol

*Bang* *Bang* *Pow*

*hit* *hit* *hit*

"Ohh, first try! Nice, Amy!" 'So tactically cute'

"Yay, I've been praised by Papa!" Amy jumps with her little white pistol pointed upwards, looking very cute... very tactically cute, in fact

"I want to try too..." Emilia pouts

"After safety course"


As we chat on the way back to the city something pops out of the bushes

"Ha! You fu**** is done!" Thug Boss

"""Ya, Boss tell 'im!!""" Lackeys

"You... what's your name again? whatever, you came to get the rest of the punishment?"

"Heh, so this is the baby boy that done you in Brett, to think you were so weak" -another guy

"Don't underestimate him Rick, he's stronger than he looks!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever, *whistle* wow those are some goods, I can't wait to put my" *Bang*

"M-Ghh, Arghh" Rick tries to clutch his chest where there is now an extra little hole at his heart

"What the?! Rick?" -Brett

"HArgh" As Rick tries to say something blood starts flowing down his mouth and he collapses with a *thunk*

"...Rick" -Brett

I holster my Beretta M9 that I summoned earlier (with 3 magazines and black double holster. Extra bullets are in shadow) and say with a dark face "You should choose your words more carefully"

"Yo-you! What did you do!?"

"Nothing much, just what I should"

"Yo-u, you ARE!..." As Brett was about to say something he stops and his eyes widen to saucers

"Eh? What's with you?"

"PAPA!" Amy jumps on you pushing you down

"GET DOWN" Elfina does the same to Emilia

*ROARR* As a huge roar is heard, a giant wall of flames engulfs the area where the thugs were, seconds later the flames subside and there is nothing left in that area aside from a black burnt semi-spherical space 'dug out'

'Oh Sh*t' you turn around in a hurry only to see a giant figure of a bright red Dragon staring you down as it sucks in air preparing for another flame shot


Name: Infirius Draconius

Gender: Male

Age: 576

Species: Young Red Dragon

MP: 111023/115000

Level 170

Fire Magic Lv.10, Magic Control Lv.5, Mana Strengthening Lv.8, Dragon's Physique

Titles: Fire Prince

Mana Strengthening Lv.8

Strengthening of the body with Mana, increases Power, Speed, Resilience and other stats depending on level and control.

Dragon's Physique

Physique unique to Dragon Bloodline, said to be impenetrable by mortals. Has high physical abilities and tough defense, this Physique and high magic capabilities are what made the dragons one of the strongest races in existence.

'Magic Creation'

For a moment I lose consciousness, but I regained clarity in a blink


Magic created > Analyzing... > Awakening Magic Created > 1000 MP lost > END

Awakening Magic

Special Magic that stimulates a dormant bloodline.

Can only be used once per person.

Can only awaken one bloodline.

Can only be used on those with dormant bloodlines.

Automatically activates on creation.


Ancient Dragon God Bloodline awakened > High Humans Physique is evolving > Now Draconic God > Race is changing to Draconic God > ERROR > Race cannot change to Draconic God due to unkown reasons > High probability of incompatiblity with user's bloodline/bloodlines > Race is changing > Now Draconic Half-God (25% Dragon, 25% God, 50% High Human) > END

"ROAR" -Parcell


Skills changing due to awakening > MP changing due to physique (MP refills) > END

Name: Parcell Regal

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Species: Draconic Half-God

MP: 20000/20000

Level 1

Creation Magic Lv.Max, All-Attributes Magic Lv.1 (Dark Magic Lv.2), Neutral Magic Lv.1, Magic Control Lv2, Appraisal Lv.3, Tamer Lv.1, Multilingualism Lv.1, Basic Martial Arts Lv.2, Catalog Summon (Special Magic), Awakening Magic (Special Magic), Draconic Half-God Physique.

Titles: CREATOR, Seeker of Harem, Father of Amy, Half-God, Almost Dragon.

Draconic Half-God Physique

One of the 3 Ancient Physiques of those that tried to contend against the gods.

Apart from Power, Speed etc. the user has Draconic Half-God Eyes, can see Mana flow to minute details, boost Appraisal considerably, better vision at night, can see great distances, improved kinetic vision etc.


Because of Physique, skill is evolving > Basic Martial Arts Lv.2 becomes Half-God Martial Arts Lv.5 > Can now contend on par with rank S adventurer and A+ class monsters bare-handed > END

Half-God Martial Arts Lv.5

A collection of martial arts techniques tailored for the Half-God user, improves reflexes Greatly, speed Greatly, power Greatly, accuracy Greatly, the higher the level the better and more noticeable the effect, at max level Half-God Martial Arts can split mountains with a finger, jump over a 100m distance, and even be able to dodge lv.max lightning magic, body movement would also unconsciously be transformed into a seamless fluidity that can jump into combat in a blink.

Current level: Can fight S rank adventurers, and up to A+ classified monsters bare-handed (Bonus added from user's physique), can dodge a bullet.

As I regained my senses the dragon already shot a wall of flames towards me.



"SWINDLER!" -Elfina

'Hey, I think I heard a bad one mixed in there... Magic Creation'

I raise my hand and the huge wall of flames disappears in mid-air


Magic created > Analyzing... > Nullification Magic Lv.1 created > 1000 MP lost > END

Nullification Magic Lv.1

Ability to cancel magic at the cost of 400% the Mana based on spell level.

"Free-magic" (magic controlled outside spells) can be cancelled with 400% the MP used by the attacking party regardless of level of control.

'Appraisal - Specific'


As the dragon wall of flames was merely the dragon spewing flames its considered "free magic" and as the dragon is after all a "Fire Prince" he doesn't use that much Mana to begin with, of course he can also use spells but probably due to the fact that controlling Mana with that huge mana pool generally worked just fine, the dragon usually just breathed out fire on his foes.

'But, that won't last, he's sure to change tactics soon. Before that! Magic Creation, Space Magic - Blink'

As I appear before the dragons eyes, it seems somewhat startled but it soon regains it's arrogance... until I stab it in the eye with a sword made of light.


Skill created > Analyzing... > Skill already existing (reduction applied) > Light Sword Lv.1 created > 300 MP lost (after reduction) > END

*ROAR* the dragon gives an anguished roar with his right eye bleeding profusely, immediately a huge amount of Mana congregates towards the dragon 'Oh, he's using a high ranked spell, it looks like a rank 10 fire spell... he sure looks angry, Magic Creation'


Magic created > Analyzing... > Mana Mirror Lv.1 created > 1000 MP lost > END

Mana Mirror Lv.1

Can mirror any spell or free magic of the attack type back at the attacker, Mana usage double the level of spell as if used with magic level of Mana Mirror, if Mana isn't enough, damage will be taken by the user in form of direct damage to the body (physique) but damage will weaken based on Mana used. Spell/"Free Magic" will be considerably weakened when reflected.

Because of nature of spell Mana usage cannot be lower than double the Mana used by the attacker, unless spell is at max level.

As the surrounding temperature spikes up, you find yourself in a world of Red with a small golden nuance, as you take the hit head on you activate 'Mana Mirror'


Rank 12 Spell 'Fire Domain' reflected > WARNING! USER HAS TAKEN AN ABSURD AMOUNT OF DIRECT DAMAGE! > WARNING! MANA LEVELS DEPLETED! > WARNING! USER IS LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS! > Damage to enemy weakened due to low amount of Mana used > Damage to enemy weakened to due enemy's fire resistance > Minor Damage to physique > Serious Damage to enemy's soul has been inflicted due to nature of 'Fire Domain' and 'Mana Mirror' > END

The dragon cries towards the sky sorrowfully as he tries to flee in confusion

"Where do you lizard think you're going?! AFTER INJURING PAPA!"

'Virtualization - Space Distortion'

As the dragon flees it hears a voice so cold that it makes it tremble from it's very soul inflicting damage merely by hearing it, before it has time to issue a cry the entire world distorts as Mana is depleting and the dragon feels like his innards are being minced, the space around him cracks open and space distortions appear all around slicing and mincing at the dragon's body and soul, issuing a last low cry the dragon falls into pieces on the ground littering its innards everywhere, painting everything red.

"PAPA" Amy rushes to your side and starts crying on your bloody chest and as you slowly lose consciousness you feel a warm feeling wrapping you up before everything turns to black

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