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90.75% Overlord Empress / Chapter 107: INTRODUCTIONS PART 2


Jean Silverstone was the former pope of Church of Faith and the current External affairs minister of the Empire. He was the one who worked hard on behalf of Ichika helping her forge better relations with other Empires. He is also clearly the oldest and most knowledgeable ministers in Ichika's court.

But he was a bit hurt, when Ichika assigned other clan leaders to train Itachi, Shisui and Kin, while ignoring him. But he immediately understood the meaning behind Ichika's assignment, as she wants to cement the political and military power of the Empire. with the royal family while paving path for Crown Prince Kin. Still somewhere within his heart, he also wanted to at least temporarily train anyone from the royal family. With his family history dating back to 6 trillion years, he has a lot of knowledge to pass to the future generations. He still feels, he can offer more to the Empire other than his work.

As the event approached, forgetting all his thoughts he completely spent most of his time with the foreign representatives, making them feel like they are at home. Currently he was also in the crowd and didn't have any hopes of being elected as a teacher. But when Ichika announced him as the teacher of Princess Sarada, he can't help but feel, he is in a huge debt to Empress Ichika. Sarada was declared as the leader of her generation, so being her teacher is a heavy responsibility as there is a slight chance of her becoming Empress after Crown Prince Kin retires. He silently vowed to pass all the knowledge he has to make her a proper leader material.

After introducing Sarada, Ichika motioned for Fugaku and Mikoto to come towards her. From the beginning, they were the center of attraction as most of them can guess they are the parents of Empress Ichika. Fugaku was already used to large crowd as clan leader, even though he was initially nervous he soon returned to his stoic look. He didn't bat his eyes and calmly looked at the crowd watching their every move, giving everyone the impression of a tall mountain. Mikoto was still nervous, but after Ichika patted her shoulders, she calmed down.

Ichika introduced them as her parents and her father as the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

"My parents status will be that of King and Queen. My father will also be the acting regent of the Empire in my absence, before Crown Prince Kin is ready to take over my duties. "- Ichika

No one showed any surprise as Ichika appointed Fugaku as her regent, as it is common in cultivation worlds. When the patriarchs or Emperors are leaving far away or about to make a breakthrough, they appoint someone powerful and those who are close to them as regents in their place, to manage their affairs. So it didn't came as a surprise when Ichika appointed her own father as her regent, also as the current patriarch of the Uchiha family, he is more than eligible for that position.

Following her parents, Ichika introduced Kaguya as the youngest of her family ancestors. Ichika and Kaguya have a lot of close resemblance, so the crowd also quickly associated Kaguya as someone powerful than their Empress. While all the citizens accepted, there were 2 people in the crowd with puzzled expressions. They are none other than Sam Boda and Auron Greene, who are in disguise at the moment.

After their recent loss at Ichika's hands, the Boda family collected as much data as they can regarding Ichika. The Boda family clearly knew how Ichika spoiled their plans on Kaguya world, so they also recorded details of her encounter with Auron Greene into the data.

As Otsutsuki family is also a subordinate family of Greene family, they knew about Kaguya as the first chosen guardian of the Karma tree on Kaguya world and how she betrayed them. Based on this information and the time she arrived on Kaguya world, they could estimate her strength to some extent by now. Even if she is using endless resources, she can't be stronger than a Paragon level and as her descendants Ichika and her parents should be weaker than her.

But they clearly know how strong Ichika is, so how did she become so strong in such a short time, enough to reach sovereign level cultivation. Could it be somehow related to her massive karma? Their eyes can't help but burn with greed, after coming to this conclusion.

After learning a hard lesson the last time, they don't want to commit the same mistake again. They turned towards Manu and can't help but shudder, after recollecting how he took down millions of cultivators with a single attack. He is clearly a sovereign ruler cultivator, but how is he connected to Ichika family? From what they know, Ichika and all of her family members are from Kaguya world, so where did this ruler come from?

Only after connecting some puzzles, Auron came to a few assumptions of his own. He still remembers how he is barred from entering Kaguya world by an unknown force, his mother explained to him that this unknown force must be at least a sovereign level cultivator. So he can only conclude that this Manu is the sovereign level cultivator, protecting Kaguya, Ichika and her family members from the shadows.

As to why, Kaguya must be the maternal ancestor of Ichika, while her husband must be somehow connected to this ruler. This is the only possible conclusion they can come to, given their limited knowledge on Kaguya after she arrived on Kaguya world.

If Ichika were to learn about Auron thoughts, she would give him a big applause as she completely forgot about this logic. She completely forgot about the association of Otsutsuki family with Greene family.

After Kaguya, Ichika also introduced E'Lara as her ancestor. The crowd was completely puzzled, as they can tell Ichika is a human, while E'Lara is an Elf. Ichika was already prepared for this and she could easily read the same thoughts on everyone's mind.

So Ichika introduced E'lara as one of the maternal ancestors, while her so called dead husband was the member of their main family line. This cleared the doubts on everyone's mind, especially the 3 Elven sovereigns. Now they are clear on how Ichika is connected to their ancestor E'lara, which will also make her their distant cousin. The Uchiha family also has the same right as their Virtris family on E'lara, so they need to personally meet Empress Ichika and settle this problem peacefully.

Next Ichika introduced Gundahar as her second ancestor. As Gundahar was only dressed in black pants and a long overcoat draped over his shoulders, it clearly exposed his marble like torso to everyone. Adding it to his handsome face and lose long red hair, the crowd can't help but feel boundless wild aura radiating from his body and most of the females in the crowd fell head over heels for him.

But as for the Rulers and their representatives, they can't help but faint after Ichika revealed his name. Who among the Sovereign rulers didn't hear about the Mad Barbarian Emperor Gundahar, who single handedly took down 23 evil sovereign rulers. Even if they didn't see him personally, they have at least heard about his exploits once in their lives.

At first they want to brush it away, thinking he(Gundahar) must have the same name as the Mad Barbarian Emperor. But the more they kept staring at him, they can't help but feel most of his features are perfectly matching with those described in the stories.

Sam Boda was completely covered in sweat by now. As for Auron, he was regretting his decision to provoke Ichika. Only now did he understand, why did Ichika looked down on his family and insulted them as not fit to even be her friends. With such a powerful background, she has full rights to display her arrogance.

Next Ichika introduced Serafina as the current guest of their family and is here to spend some time with them.

Just as everyone thought this was the end of their shocking day, then what happened next almost made then running like headless chickens.

Manu silently appeared by Ichika's side. Everyone was already clear of how strong he is from his earlier display. So they all kept silent, waiting to know more about him. Manu ice cold face also scared most of them and suddenly the whole area was engulfed in silence.

"This is our first ancestor Manu or most commonly known as Emperor Manu. He is the first Sovereign Ruler recorded in history, dating back to 100's of chaos cycles. He is the one who saved everyone under creation, when powerful evil cultivators were running amok, killing and destroying various civilizations. He personally lead the surviving members of these civilizations and annihilated these evil cultivators, earning the name Emperor Manu.

With him at the core, all of our family ancestors will be acting as Protectors of our Empire and this world. With them as protectors, only those who have death wish can cause trouble here."- Ichika

The inhabitants of Monster World don't know much about Sovereign Rulers, but they can still tell he is a hero. Now with him acting as the protector of the Empire, the can feel at ease from invaders.

As for the sovereign representatives, they immediately turned to stone after hearing the words 'first sovereign ruler' and '100's of Chaos Cycles'. As people from higher realms, they know how long is a chaos cycle. Single Chaos Cycle is equal to 100 trillion years, but Empress Ichika clearly mentioned he is 100's of Chaos Cycles old.

Most of the Sovereign Rulers will start showing signs of age, after they pass 20 to 30 chaos cycle mark, depending on their cultivation method. But they could clearly see no signs of age on Emperor Manu and he still looks young. Either Ichika is bluffing about his age or he must have reached Pseudo Overlord level. When they came to the second conclusion, they can't help but shiver once again. They quickly started to contact their own headquarters back home and ordered their subordinates to find as much information as they can on Emperor Manu.


Author's Note: Regular chapter of the day. Hope you like this chapter. I think I was able to properly cover Ichika's ancestry with the 3 avatars. If you find any loopholes in them, please point it out. I will try to correct it as soon as I can. Enjoy the read and please keep voting to support me.

Satya2020 Satya2020

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