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12.5% The Demon General Reincarnates?! / Chapter 1: The End And Start - 1
The Demon General Reincarnates?! The Demon General Reincarnates?! original

The Demon General Reincarnates?!

Author: KuromoriRRL

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The End And Start - 1

(3° person POV)

The war against the demons was raging, angels, heroes and demons colliding on the battlefield every single day. Death and destruction filled the earth, but eventually, the angels and the heroes acquired advantage.

And today, it's the first step to victory. The leading Heroine of the Heavenly Army marches to hell together with the support of her companions and the commanding angels. Her opponent is the tenth general under the fallen angel Lucifer, the one who bears the name of Abaddon, The Destroyer.

However, he is the only demon in the General position, as the other nine seats are occupied by fallen angels that followed Lucifer in his fall from heaven. Five hundred years ago, the fallen Abaddon was killed by a demon, and said demon took his place as a Demon General.

And that mysterious demon wrecked havoc and destruction under the orders of the Devil himself. And today, to give a strong blow against the demonic armies, they march to the fortress in the demonic plains.

And so they battled the demon for three days and three nights, until…

(in battle)

The demon falls like a meteor to the ground, cracking the demonic stone and causing a heavy tremor. The heroine, Lisandra, also falls to the ground, her body covered in wounds and her own blood, her spear broken to pieces, unable to resist the last attack that she gave to the general, hoping to have pierced the last of his hearts.

She looks to the dust cloud where Abaddon fell, gasping for breath, tired. Around her, her friends also gasp for breath. Together with her, five angels and seven humans are wounded. Most of the angles are missing some wings, as they are high angels with four pairs each.

Even the one that came together with her, Uriel, one of the archangels, is missing five of her twelve wings, with several wounds all over her armored body, her sacred armor cracked and broken.

A sinister laugh fills the ruined throne room of the fortress, where the heroine threw Abaddon on. The dust disperses, and a figure stands from the crater, the red and black armor has even gaping holes on the chest, cracked everywhere.

The helm was lost a long time ago, revealing a human face with long black hair, crimson eyes and pale skin with a handsome face. In his right hand, he holds a spear, or something similar to it. black handle with three meters in length, and the tip… rather, blade, is two meters long, made to face bigger foes, but still able to kill smaller ones.

Lisandra tenses up, she can't move anymore, the last attack drained all her energy, and her comrades wouldn't be of any help. This demon is more powerful than any of the other generals, but was never promoted to higher positions, strangely enough.

But surprisingly, the demon doesn't attack, falling heavily on the broken throne, breathing somewhat roughly, his left hand touching one of the holes in the armor that goes to his body, where black blood seeping from the wounds.

(Abaddon): "Well done, hero."

He said with his deep voice surprising the group that just faced him. Instead of answering, Lisandra prepared to fight, even while exhausted. However, the demon doesn't attack, only laughing.

(Abaddon): "Don't worry, Hero. I won't fight further. Can you hear the last words of a dying old man?"

He asks, with a sincere smile on his face with black blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. All of the present companions of the hero exchange looks, while Uriel frowned:

(Uriel): "Do you even think that you deserve to have last words, Demon?"

Abaddon smiled widely, asking:

(Abaddon): "What, did you hate my kiss that much, Uriel?"

He asks, as a few hours ago, he forcefully gave the female angel a deep kiss in the middle of battle. She blushed, her frown getting deeper and her expression angered.

(Uriel): "You…!"

(Abaddon): "Well, I was going to die anyway, so I wanted at least to kiss a beauty before dying."

He said, laughing lightly. Lisandra interrupts.

(Lisandra): "Very well. Speak."

She said while staring at the demon in front of her, her special ability not setting off any alarms, which made her curious.

(Abaddon): "Well… first, I'd like to ask something of you."

(Lisandra): "What is it?"

(Abaddon): "Please. Kill Lucifer."

A visible shock appeared in the face of the hero party.

(Lisandra): "Why do you want us to kill your master? Aren't demons obsessed with him?"

Abaddon's expression turned grim, and instead of answering, his left hand grabbed the collar of his own armor. He then puts strength into his hand, cracking his armor. With a strong pull, he shattered his torso armor, showing his bare chest.

Seven holes are scattered on his torso, where his seven hearts were pierced. However, something surprised Uriel, who is versed in demonic magic. Seven magic circles surround the holes, the center of the magic formations are destroyed, turning the circles useless.

(Uriel): "These… enslaving magic?!"

Abaddon smiled, but it was a sad smile.

(Abaddon): "What do you know about the previous Abaddon?"

(Lisandra): "That he was a fallen angel… and that you killed him in a duel, assuming his place."

(Abaddon): "That's a fake information."

That took the heroes by surprise.

(Abaddon): "Five hundred years ago, I attacked all the fallen generals at the same time, and caused heavy damage to all of them."

A male angel suddenly spoke at this moment:

(angel): "So the retreat of the demonic forces that time!"

(Abaddon): "Yes. I caused so much damage that they had to recall the frontlines to cover up for it. however, I was also defeated, and enslaved by lucifer."

They swallowed dry. That was a glorious day to the heaven's army. They managed to push off the demonic forces out of earth completely, confining them to hell.

(Lisandra): "Why attack the fallen generals?"

(Abaddon): "… My race, the demons, are an enslaved race. You may think that we are created by lucifer and adore to serve him, but that is a lie. We already existed before him, and when he was banished here, he enslaved us."

He said heavily.

(Abaddon): "I am no different. Five hundred years ago, I made the suicide attack to make sure that my friends could escape to the human world by focusing all the strength of hell in a single place, the Twilight Palace, home of the Fallen Star. After that, I was captured by the Morning Star himself, and enslaved."

He said with a sad smile. The hero and her companions couldn't speak due the shocking revelation.

(Lisandra): "You could come with us. Fight against Satan! You want to kill him, right?"

Abaddon shook his head.

(Abaddon): "Even if you save me here, the enslavement magic is branded into my soul. When I regenerate, the circles will return, and I will be under his rule once again. It's better if I just die here."

He said. Reclining on the broken throne, he looked up the sky of hell. A red sky with black clouds and black lightning, very fitting to the hellish landscape.

(Abaddon): "You know, I was a human once."

Lisandra and her companions widened their eyes.

(Uriel): "You… were a human? You went through demonification?"

(Abaddon): "Yes. It may seem like a shitty story, but will you hear it, hero?"

He asked with sadness filling his eyes. Lisandra saw those eyes, and they reminded her of people that she saw in her two hundred years of life. The eyes of someone that is tired of living.

(Lisandra): "Very well." She said after a short silence. "I will hear you as long you draw breath."

(Abaddon): "Thank you. You know what the Dark Ages are?"

(Uriel): "When the demons first invaded earth? 1.500 years ago?"

(Abaddon): "Yes. At the time, I was a human boy. At the time, my father had passed away, and my mother struggled to raise me alone. I had just entered high school when the demonic invasion hit.

My mother was killed, as well the girl that I loved. I struggled to live alone, but in the end, I was captured by cultists and given to a demon. As a slave, of course."

He said, looking at his enemies, who are listening with surprising attention.

(Abaddon): "Eventually, after ten years of torture and being subjected to several experiments, I managed to assassinate my "master". However, I was stuck in hell forever. Using his magic book, as well his body as fuel, I managed to transform into a lesser demon."

At that time, Uriel frowned.

(Uriel): "That's a lie! If you were truly a lesser demon, you wouldn't be here! Even if ten thousand years passed, lesser demons are mindless beasts and never would achieve what you achieved!"

She refuted. Abaddon just smiled.

(Abaddon): "That may be for a normal demonized being. But I'm different. My will is unbreaking, and not even demonic magic can bend it. by sheer will, I managed to keep my mind even as a demonic being. As a lesser demon, I devoured and destroyed other demons, and eventually I managed to evolve to a humanoid demon."

(Lisandra): "Even so, you turned into a demon. Didn't you regret it?"

(Abaddon): "Why would I? power is power, young hero, no matter what it is. The only thing that you should worry about is your heart. Even after turning into a demon, I didn't change. My heart is the same of the human of one thousand and five hundred years ago. And you, hero. Are you the same from your youth? Or did the angels changed you."

His words made her remember of her journey until here involuntarily. The battles, the losses, the friends and family that she couldn't see anymore.

(Abaddon): "I lost everything in the human world and created a new home for me here in hell. My heart never changed and will never change. I chose to sacrifice myself to take out the previous Abaddon so that my friends could escape and live peacefully. I also chose to die here at your hands so I never be used again against them. What about you, hero? Are you ready to throw away everything for your ideals?"

Lisandra couldn't answer. Abaddon coughed blood, his life starting to wane. Even if all his seven hearts, the source of his life were destroyed, he is still a higher demon, and stay alive all this time is possible.

(Abaddon): "I don't have much time… hero, I have a few favors that I would like to ask."

He said seriously. Lisandra hesitated, but in the end, she nodded.

(Abaddon): "My corpse… you can use it for anything you want. My wings will make a good mantle or cloak… my bones can be used of accessories… my skin, muscles and organs are a bit useless, so you can use them as alchemical ingredients… my blood is also a good ingredient."

He said, surprising them.

(Uriel): "Why go so far? Is the freedom of the demons so important?"

She asked, a bit concerned with is words.

(Abaddon): "This war is Lucifer's craft. We demons, even though bloodthirsty, are forced in the front lines. I'd like that we have a choice in tis war. Even after defeating the Fallen Star, if the demons insist in waging war, feel free to fight them. I don't care, I just want their freedom."

He coughed black blood again.

(Abaddon): "I will die here. It's my choice, I refuse to be a pawn in his game again. But even so, if this body can be used in any way against him, let t be so. Hero, take this."

He said, throwing his spear to Lisandra. She grabbed it, surprised. As the spear touched her hands, she could immediately see the information of the spear.

[Fallen's Bane]

[Attack: 5.000.000]

[Durability: 1.500.000]

[A spear, created by Abaddon, The Destroyer from the body of his fallen predecessor. Bone, blood and feathers were used to refine this spear, as well metals from the deepest part of hell. This spear, the incarnation of demonic power, was created to destroy fallen angels. Unfortunately, it's creator is not a spar master, and the weapon was designed to a bearer of light. The spear is still incomplete, it is missing something.]

Seeing the description given to her by the system, she widened her eyes.

(Lisandra): "This!"

(Abaddon): "*cough* Yes. I created this spear for you. I can't face Lucifer, but you can. Pierce my body with it. the missing component is being bathed in my blood as you slay me. *cough* Quickly, before I die!"

Lisandra hesitates, but steps forward and stabs Abaddon's chest. He immediately vomits a lot of black blood. He smiles gently, saying:

(Abaddon): "If possible… tell Lilith… that I'm sorry… I couldn't… marry her…"

Lisandra nodded. She knows Lilith, a famous demon that doesn't serve Lucifer, and is allied with the Heavenly Army.

(Abaddon): "Hero Lisandra. You are… still a human… your spirit… is the most important… never give up… never stop… never forget who you are…"

He said his last words, engraving them deeply in the heart of Lisandra. She nodded, with a determined expression. And, Abaddon, The Destroyer was killed, and the war tilted heavily to the Heaven's Side.

KuromoriRRL KuromoriRRL

First chapter in qidian! I'm an author from royal road legends, so if you guys want to check my work there, go to my twitter! I post my updates there!

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