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77.77% Is this another Cinderella Story? / Chapter 7: Good ol' high school (3)

Chapter 7: Good ol' high school (3)

Standing at the entrance of South District 7th High School, Ziyan shook her head and stopped thinking about that bad memory. At least it was close to the National University, she consoled herself.

Taking a deep breath, Ziyan took her first step into the high school where she would spend the next three years studying in.

Walking past the various club stalls and activities, stationed across the entrance walkway, Ziyan began to reminisce the first of day of university in that life.

[What nostalgia. O-week for uni was just like this. Filled with students actively trying to pull in new students into their club. All that laughter and excitement was truly the best.]

Recalling those moments, Ziyan missed those blissful and carefree days.

[In that world, I had a family, friends, and lived an ordinary life. I had a choice, I don't think I would choose to live a new life with my old memories. Afterall, what do I have in this life? Family? Only, Grandpa Hu and Nanny Lan. While the people who adopted me are rich, but they care too much about their own standing and how to preserve and increase their already immense wealth. Money? Once again no. Penniless and receiving a frugal $40 a month for all my school utilities and food. Friends? Hell no. I don't have the time or money for friends. For the past 11 years, all my time has been spent studying, slaving away and studying computer engineering. I need to change my fate. So naturally, the only method is to use my somewhat limited knowledge and set out an appropriate path. I wasn't born with photographic memory, or amazingly rich parents or peerless looks. I look decent but just above average. Furthermore I kinda wish this rebirth happened when I was an adult, not when I was still an immature child. It would have assisted me greatly in controlling my emotions and dealing with various situations better.]

When Ziyan recalled those moments, she truly wished that she was blessed with at least a portion of the brains that some female rebirthers possessed. They were all strong independent women that needed no man until their some time after rebirth.

[Why can't I be a Su Luo or a Gu Xuiji? They were both so smart and and crafty. I should learn from them. But how...hmm.....]

As she was thinking over this issue, Ziyan accidentally ran into a senior. (This was going to happen sooner or later, because she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking. Ziyan should be glad it wasn't a tree or pole.)

Holding her nose, Ziyan took a few steps back apologised to the person she had bumped into.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you."

"Oh it's fine, but you should watch where you're walking next time. Don't day dream, it's dangerous." The senior responded.

"Yeah, I got that." Looking up, she say the boy was holding a pamphlet for the National University. Interested, she asked "You're from the National University?"

"Yeah I am. Our uni holds a stall in the nearby high school every year for the new high schoolers. Judging from the question, you're a first year too?"

"Uh-huh. So what's the purpose of the stall? Isn't it a bit too early to start giving out uni application info sheets?"

"No, we aren't here for that. The national uni isn't something you can get in just because you want to. You need to go through strict application and interview procedures." The student said somewhat proudly.

[Kid although my mental age isn't that much higher than yours, but I have lived longer than you. Treating me with such disrespect. Tsk tsk tsk]

"Ah I see."

"Our stall is to give students chances to interact with our uni. Actually this year you guys are very lucky. The previous student librarian just graduated, so we're looking for a new student to take their place."

"Student librarian? What's that." This role perked Ziyan's interest.

"The role of student librarian's are given especially to high school students during the duration of their study. The uni beliefs that a good balance between work and education will allow students to develop the best. So the library opened up the role for students to earn some money and work experience while studying. This can be counted towards co-curricular activities as well. Killing two birds with one stone if I don't say so myself."

"So you get to work, while studying and earning credits for school?" Ziyan said with surprised. [This is great news for me. But it won't be easy to obtain.] "So what are the requirements?"

Impressed at the question, the youth's tone softened somewhat. "You're smart. The second person to not get excited and sign up blindly. Afterall, such a great position, how could it be easy to obtain?"

Ziyan looked at him with an unimpressed expression.

Feeling a awkward at the response, he coughed slightly and continued."Ahem. Well, this position requires the student to be within the top 10 of this her grade and pass a compulsory interview. Sorting of the library books requires patience, knowledge and accuracy from the student so these requirements are necessary. Are you within the top 10?"

"Top 10 of the grade?" Hearing this, Ziyan gasped internally and thanked the gods for allowing her to keep her memories. Afterall, without those memories, with just her personality, she would not have studied hard. "Yeah I am."

"Great! So you just need to write your name, date of birth, rank, bank and contact details."

Hesitating at the bank details, Ziyan asked, "What if you don't have any bank details to give? Is it possible to just receive the payment in cash?"

"No bank details? Um let me ask my supervisor." A few minutes later, the youth came back with a smile. "She said that it's fine for you to leave that part blank, but all other details must be provided."

"Okay." Hearing that good news, Ziyan quickly filled out the remain boxes and returned the clipboard and form back.

Checking everything was filled correctly, the youth replied energetically. "Fantastic! Name, Qing Ziyan done. Date of birth, June 30th 1999 done. Rank 1, done. Woah, you're the dux of this year's entrance exam? Congrats kid. Everything is filled out and done. We'll contact you after all forms have been processed and give you a time and date for the interview."

TheLurker TheLurker

Hey guys~, how's the storyline so far? I apologise if the beginning seemed rushed, because I didn't want the childhood phase to be too long. Afterall, the real story starts from high school onwards. But even the high school arc isn't very long. The romance happens when they are both adults.

Also what do u guys think about the MC's monologue? Is it unnecessary or too much? Please leave your comments and thoughts~

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