A satisfied pet laid in Jack's lap, as he rapped on the keyboard of his laptop.
Jack paused his working to rub his jawbone in thought. He pushed his laptop slightly away, as he leaned back in his chair. His flaming eyes danced slowly while he descended deep into his mind.
From her almost drunken state, Eris noticed the aura about her god change. She turned her head to look up to see those flaming eyes dancing slowly, as she laid on her stomach in Jack's bony lap. After a period of time of watching she could no longer help but ask, "What are you thinking about so hard?"
Jack stopped pondering, as he brought his hand down to rub the curves of this pet of his, while speaking, "That was my God-Form during Emily's ceremony..."
"MMmmmm, I've seen it before. It was... Glories." Eris purred, as she brought her ring to her lips. This action did not escape Jack, though he made no comment.
He continued, "That's not normal."
"I didn't think it was... Not everyone can have a god to perform their ceremony. If you hadn't been there the little tot would still be a tot." Eris licked her ring tasting the unique flavor.
Releasing her ring from her mouth, she yelped in surprise. That satisfying sting on her abused backside.
"Her name is Emily. I know that you just want more, but don't push my favor... Least I decided that you are a lost cause."
"Emily... Sister Consort Emily." Eris purred out to let her god know she knew, with a lustful gaze still focused on his skeletal face.
"At any rate... Something was very wrong about the whole situation, and I'm not sure how to fix it." Jack continued, as he had long gotten used to his pet. Treating Eris like a pet became something routine to him.
"MMMmmm, what could bother a god?" Eris wiggled in Jack's lap.
"...Another god..."
Eris raised an eyebrow.
Emily excused herself from the afterparty and made her way to her room. She wasn't physically tired, as much as she was mentally tired.
She walked into her room back into the mess she made. Overlooking the room and all the tomes, alchemy and supplies... She could only sigh at the chaos she created, "Haaa~"
Emily felt a release of stress, and... Lungs! While she hadn't used them until this moment... That felt great! She drew in air into her vestigial lungs, and let out a long sigh, "Haaaaaaaaaa~"
Feeling the stress release from herself felt so good! Now it was no longer a habit she picked up from Jack, but actually the ability to sigh. How good it was.
She walked over to her desk and took a seat. Her old chair was now way too high for her. She giggled at the thought and felt it was nice to finally be a woman. She looked over her notes, she had been working on and began deducing a few formulas.
Emily felt something and sat straighter in her chair. She looked around the room and didn't see anything... She didn't hear anyone...
She shrugged and went back to scribbling on her parchment.
She caused a large bloat of ink on her work, as she now knew for a fact, she heard something.
"Sister...?" Emily stood up from her seat as she looked over the room. She walked to the only door to the room and looked out into the vacant hallways.
She thought to herself, [I know I heard something...]
Startled, Emily looked around again, as she heard something confirming what she was thinking! She went to the window and looked down. Seeing outside and nothing around was she going crazy?
[...Don't be afraid...]
This statement only served to frighten Emily more! She ran to the door of her room, and as she was to open it her body stiffened.
[...Listen to me...]
Emily struggled to reach the door handle in front of her that felt so close, but it also felt so far away...
[...Do you want...Power...?]
Emily paused for only a moment but shouted in her mind despite her body not allowing her to move, [No! I don't want power! I want to leave!]
[...And go where...?]
[I want to go to my husband! Leave me ALONE!]
[...Let...Me see...]
Emily felt a mind piercing pain. So severe was the pain, that she collapsed to the floor, in a pool of black sweat.
After the pain faded for an unknown amount of time, she felt weak and drained. Almost as if she couldn't move... Now not because of a force stopping her, but because she didn't have the strength to do so.
[...Good...A...fine husband...]
[What do you want with me!?]
[...I want...My body...] Laughter ensued.
[...You can't...Message him with me...Here...Should have taken the bait...At least I would of...allowed you to have...a few more...weeks of...perceived freedom...]
A few black tears formed at the corners of Emily's closed eyes, as she laid on the floor of her room.
[...Don't be like that...You are serving your purpose...It has always been that you were to be my vessel...Just think of your soul as giving birth...to a revived Spider Goddess...] More laughter erupted.
[Jack! Please, Jack... Please, please, please...]
[...shut you're whine-]
Emily's door to her room exploded in a flash of gold light, as the floating God-King drifted to the edge of the doorway, to look down at Emily on the floor.
[...Why is he here...?]
[JACK!] Emily exclaimed within her mind. Her lips trembled but words wouldn't escape her mouth.
Jack reached down and lifted the new body of Emily and floated over to her evening tomb. With his intentions, a pile of tomes was knocked from the side, as he placed her within her tomb.
"Emily... I can't mentally message you... I know you're not okay, but I'm here for you, so don't cry."
Emily was unable to do as Jack asked as the tears that formed at the corner of her eyes rolled down her face. Not because of the pain that formed them or the helpless feeling that trapped her, but because of the endless love and protection, she felt from Jack's words.
[This is definitely the Spider Goddess... If novels have taught me anything, that bitch is going to use Emily as her second coming. I need to get inside there.] Jack thought to himself. He came so quickly when he felt a pain in his heart. He scooped Eris up and put her on his desk in his office, as he fled to Emily's room. He would check her first since he already felt something was wrong with her.
Jack stood up and pointed his open hand to Emily's door as if he was waiting for something.
As he stood there, Leslie floated into the room, and upon seeing Jack she mentally Messaged him, [What the hell is going on?]
[I think Emily is being possessed by the Spider Goddess.] Jack messaged, as his laptop flew through the threshold of room and into Jack's waiting hand.
[So, that's why you went God-Form!? I knew something was foul! What do We do now?!?]
[Guard me and Emily. I'm going to see if I can get into her soul space with my God-Soul and root out the problem.
Tux flashed on the screen looking perplexed.
"No time for witty banter. I need to know how to get my God-Soul into a Soul space without screwing up the soul space. I also need to fight another god in there! Can it be done!?" Jack issued his orders.
"Cut it, and answer!"
The penguin felt indignant but replied, "Yes, you can. You can use your 'God-Soul'" The penguin spoke sarcastically when saying God-Soul, before continuing, "And you can battle any soul you wish within the soul space. Precaution is needed, as damage can occur to the soul."
"Is this like soul bonding?"
"Close in the way that you're moving your soul to a soul space, but not in the fact that you are going with the intentions of fighting. It is possible to attack the soul directly. Destroying a soul, needless to say, will destroy the undead you are possessing."
"Do I need a spell!"
"Yes. You will need to force your way in, and this is not possible in normal circumstances."
"Make it then!"
"Already done, in anticipation." Tux said folding its flippers, as it displayed the spell on screen.
Jack read it quickly, as he hummed out the strangest spell he had ever read, "Ack'nlu Fa-bra!"
With his hand placed on Emily's chest, he felt his God-Soul charging into her surrounded by a barrier that covered them both, as if to protect them from the outside and each other.
Leslie watched as Jack's body stood ridged with his hand still on Emily... His flaming eyes went out as if he went to sleep.
"Haaa~ Why can't anything be 'normal' around here." Leslie heard something, as she floated out into the hall, and seen on the ceiling a certain vampire crawling along.
[Still being nosy, I see.] Leslie placed her clawed hands on her hips in her invisible banshee form.
Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!
Apologizing for the slower releases!
Been working on a new project for Chaptail!
A Chaptail exclusive release of my newest novel!
Orc Calamity!
Drop by and see if you like it.
Also, keep in mind, the newest chapters of Wholly Undead are hosted on Chaptail first!
Thank you again, all my great readers!