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34.72% Out of Space / Chapter 233: Barbarians

Chapter 233: Barbarians

Uncharted Forest

The soft wet ground suddenly moved and soil slowly got pushed out, forming a small burrow. A bald greenish head appeared and it took a deep breath of the fresh spring air and giggled. Before long several more burrows appeared and like rabbits, goblins started to crawl their way out of the soil.


Outskirts of Haven, Agriculture District 2

A yellow green hue covered a plot of land as several farmers maintained a spell over the land. Furrows appeared on the soil as the farmers used magic to tilt the plot of land. A tractor hooked up to a high capacity fertilizer spreader sat on the end of the plot, the driver waiting for the spell to end.

Once the mana dissipated away, the farmer moved the rumbling tractor forward and switched on the fertilizer spreader. The nozzles on the spreader sprayed out a liquid compost which was made from the city wastes.

The other farmers headed off to the next plot of land to cast the next spell to tilt the land while the tractor continued to spray nutrients to prepare the land for crops.


Far Harbor

"Thank you for your hospitality here," Fleet Master Megan said as she stepped on the boarding ramp of her ship. "We will bring your wishes of an alliance to the Council to decide. With luck, we will return in time with good news!"

With that, she disappeared into the ship with Akron who gave a bow before boarding. Dijon stood on the pier with an unsure expression before he rubbed his head hard and said, "Oh well, my apologies on offending you by courting you while you are engaged to another man."

Sherene smiled, "The fault does not lay completely on you, I never told you I was engaged, and that led to some misunderstandings."

"Well, best wishes!" Dijon gave a curt nod before he walked up to his own ship and boarded. "I will try my best to convince the Council for an alliance, but from what I see, your man seems strong enough to protect you all."

He gave a wave and disappeared into his ship while the crew started to prep the ship for departure. Tug boats started to pull the sailing ships out of the docks and towards the open sea, and before long the ships dropped their sails and with the winds filling them up, they started to move and slowly disappeared over the horizon.

"Phew!" Sherene finally relaxed. "That's one problem gone!"


Mining Outpost

Cracks of rifle shots broke out along the roofs of the mining facilities as a small horde of goblins attempted to climb over the series of barb wires and electrical fences that surrounded the locked down outpost.

The workers and miners had all trained to be part of the Local Defense Force as militia troops. The attack from the goblins came just after midnight when most of the workers were asleep.

The hungry goblins blinded by the powerful spotlights of the facilities ran headlong into the rolls of razor shape concertina wires. The sharp blades slashed and trapped the goblins in their rags, making the creatures yelp in pain and surprise.

The outpost's alarm rang out and the workers jolt awoke before they grabbed their weapons stored in the armory and took up positions on the roof tops as they were drilled and trained.

Lights flooded the outpost surroundings, exposing the pale green skins of the goblins and cries of dismay and shock. The outpost commander barked an order and the men fired in aimed shots, shooting at those nearest to the outpost.

Some of the luckier goblins managed to avoid getting trapped in the concertina wires hit the next line of defenses of electrical fencing. The voltage running through the fence was barely enough to stun silly any goblins but was enough to make the goblins jump up in shock and pain.

It slowed the goblin rush as they stood there looking at confusion at the strange fence, not understanding why does it hurt and makes them feel funny when they touch it. The defenders quickly made full use of the confusion to fire at the goblins and not long, the goblins fled in useless anger.

These similar incidents occurred throughout the night at different outposts, as the goblins came out to raid for food only to be beaten back. The Air Force scrambled its fighters into the air and they drop bombs and rockets at any large gatherings of goblins that were found.


UNS Singapore, Captain's Quarters

Blake rubbed his tired eyes and gratefully accepted the mug of steaming hot tea from the steward and continued to listen to reports streaming in from Air Force Command and Marine Command.

"Nine of our outposts were hit, but so far none breached," Commander Ford yawned as he stretched himself out on one of the chairs. "We got a few injuries, mostly from falls and someone accidentally shot himself on his leg."

"3rd Battalion barely had to mobilize to support any outposts," Blake said. "Frank is trying pushing for a major sweep through the forest to clear out the goblins."

"Well, the number of goblins in each raid barely amount to two hundred," Ford replied. "Why not? Let Frank and his boys go hunting in the forest. the goblins seemed to be overstretched and in disarray."

Blake nodded and he hit the comms, "Frank, go kick some ass!"

"Aye aye, Captain!"

"Shouldn't you be on the Matador?" Blake asked as he ended the comms.

"Oh, there's still plenty of time," Ford grinned. "Intel estimates that the Goblin invasion fleet needs a half a week to get here."

"How many damn ships do those green shits have?" Blake frowned as he dug through his computer records for the Intel report.

"Well, the last report said that they counted like four zero vessels of various sizes," Ford replied. "I will sail out in the afternoon, and will expect to meet them within 28 hours."

"Compared to the previous fleet, I see our single bombing effort has shown some results," Ford pointed out. "That's like a third of their previous fleet!"

Blake nodded, "Well, destroy them before they come close. I don't want a repeat of last years battle clean up. Damn things can burrow into the sand and beaches!"

"Yea, that was a huge waste of time and resources just to clear them off the beach," Ford agreed. "Alright, I'm gonna get some breakfast before I return to Far Harbor. Want some?"

"No, you go ahead, I still got some reports to go through," Blake declined. "But help me get the steward to send some more tea and sandwiches up will ya?"

Ford looked at the cooling tea on Blake's desk and sighed. "Damn, how I wish they have some local coffee here, I can't bear to finish my last few packs!"

"Well, that's not the worst I can think of," Blake smiled. "Wait till you tell the Princess that the stocks of chocolate are running out!"


Orwell's Point

The jolt of the creaking wheel of the wagon as it went over a hump on the road incited groans and moans from the people held inside a cage. Several burly men armored in a mixture of leather and steel rode war dragons next to the convoy of wagons.

Inside one of the more lavishly decorated carriages among the convoy, laid a half naked mustached bald male with a large belly on several fluffy pillows. On his side were three young women scantily dressed and giving him a massage on his shoulders and legs.

The convoy slowly came into view of Orwell's Point and they crossed the six meter long draw bridge just behind another similar convoy.

The head guard rapped against the wooden window covers of his master and said, "My lord, we have reached the city gates!"

"Good, good," Kuhm leaned forward from his position and pushed the window panels open and glanced out to the city.

A city guard came up and asked, "Purpose?"

"Purpose?" Kuhm frowned in annoyance, "To trade of course! Tsk!"

"We need to check your cargo!" The guard seemed unperturbed and instead said.

"You," Kuhm gestured to his head guard outside. "Deal with it."

"Yes, my lord!" His guard bowed and hastened off to settle with the city guards.

"Tsk! Lowlives!" Kuhm leaned back on the pillows while the girls fawned all over him.

Not long the carriage moved again and his head guard rode his mount next to the window and said, "My lord, the guards seemed strange..."

"What is it?" Kuhm frowned. "What is strange?"

"They... they rejected my offer of coin," His guard said.

"Guards that rejected money?" Kuhm was intrigued by this news. "How strange indeed."

"Also, my lord," His guard seemed nervous as he gripped his sword hilt tightly. "The city... feels too quiet!"

"Hmmm?" Kuhm pushed away the girls and he leaned out of the window to see for himself. And true enough, he sensed that the energy in the city was different and there were also no people on the streets only than them and the convoy before them.

"Send someone to find out what is going on!" Kuhm quickly ordered and he pitched forward just as the carriage stopped abruptly. "What is going on!" He yelled angrily as his girls helped him up.

"The merchants ahead of us suddenly stopped!" His guard quickly informed his master. "I will go and find out why!"

But before the guard could move his mount forward, a sudden voice loud and clear enough for everyone to hear spoke, "Everyone please step out from your wagons and carriages. Riders are to dismount from their dragons and weapons are to be laid on the floor now!"

The merchants and their guards were in an uproar when they had these demands the unknown speaker. The guards drew their weapons and formed up in a protective circle around their charges while the wagon drivers nocked and loaded their crossbows and looked around nervously.

"What is this?" Kuhm peeked out of the carriage window in surprise. "Has the Empire gone crazy? Are they robbing us in broad daylight!?"

"You have till the count of five to comply, or we will take actions!" The voice thundered again.

"Stay inside my lord!" His head guard sat on his mount and covered the carriage, his helmet head jerking left and right as he tried to find the enemies.






Several thunderous roars made Kuhm jumped and the girls screamed in fright. His eyes widen in horror as he saw his head guard's head jerked and the mangled helmet flew off with bits of red and greyish matter.

"Drop your weapons! Get off the wagons and carriages! I will not repeat myself again!"

"Breakout!" Someone yelled and the chops of hooves sounded as some of the surviving guards attempted to ride out of the streets, only to find the side streets were covered up and even the way out of the city was barred!


Another series of thunders roared, and Kuhm heard clanks of armor and weapons hitting the ground.

"WE SURRENDER!" Came frightened screams and cries after the loud roars. "Don't kill us!"

"Drop your weapons! Get off the wagons and carriages! NOW!"

Kuhm with shaking hands opened the carriage doors and he kicked the girls out before him. The frightened women kneed with their heads down with tears streaming down their faces seemed fine before he nervous stepped out.

As he stepped out, a pair of rough hands suddenly grabbed him and slammed him down to the rock pavement, making him bite his lips.

"Get down! You fat ass!" Someone screamed at his ear and he felt hands groping his body and he wondered if he was going to be raped!

He turned his face and saw dozens of booted feet move around. The men belonging to those boots wore a strange confusing pattern of blue green and grey colored uniform and they were stripping the guards and other merchants of their weapons and other personal belongings.

"Who are these barbarians!?"

Neobear Neobear

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Apparently i am having a bad reaction w my meds ... and the internet provider is down (fixed) but my PC psu seemed wonky ...

Chapter 234: Custom Seizure

Kuhm moaned as his hands were forcefully wrenched to his back and something tied his two thumbs together painfully. Next, he felt hands jerking him up to his feet and he startled as he saw an Oerkin holding onto him on one side and another person on the other.

The two strangely dressed barbarians sat him down next to several others. He recognized some of his guards and drivers among the group, all with various expressions of confusion and fear.

The barbarians yelled and barked in a strange tongue, but he could recognize some Commons words were mixed with their speech. And the strange thing other than their clothes was that all of these men and Oerkins had their hair cut till every short. Their hair was barely visible under the pot shaped helmets they wore.

The barbarians yelled at them to get on their feet in Common and they lead them deeper into the city. Kuhm realized why the merchant's convoy before him had stopped when he saw at the head of the convoy was a large barrier that blocked the road.

He noted that the side streets were all walled in and there was even more of those barbarians on the roofs of the street.

After crossing the barrier, Kuhm found himself and the others at the main square of the city. He saw locals watching the ongoing behind their windows while also many others lingering at the edge of the square.

A small platform for public proclamations sat on the end of the square where several figures in that strange colored clothing stood. Kuhm noted that there were almost a hundred of his men and the other merchant's people gathered here.

A small commotion broke out at the rear and Kuhm saw the slaves that he brought to sell here were being led in. The slaves looked around their surroundings with unease and fear as the barbarians led them next to Kuhm's group.

"Alright! Everyone's here!" A booming voice came from the platform and a figure wearing a strange hat stood at the front. "Now, for the confused people here, this city, Orwell's Point is now under the control of the United Nations!"

"All laws and rules imposed by the Empire of Bluewood are now hereby voided and only laws stated by the United Nations will be in effect immediately!" The person said as he stared at Kuhn's group.

"Slavery is banned in the UN, anyone found to be in the possession, import, export, or trafficking of slaves will be subjected to a hefty fine, and also imprisonment! Repeat offenders will be caned and jailed or subjected to hard labor!"

Kuhm and the other merchants' jaw dropped when they heard this news. Orwell's Point has fallen to these barbarians! How is it possible?!

The crowd watching the ongoings remained silent as if used to such scenes while the merchants under arrest started to voice their disagreements and displeasure.


A suddenly crack of thunder shocked the merchants to silence as they flinched from the roar.

"I will not repeat my self again. You all have witnessed what happens if I have to repeat myself again," The man held a strange smoking handbow in his hands.

"Now, all your properties will be seized and impounded by customs!" The man said next. "While those who are to be sold as slaves will be released."

"That is all," The man finished his speech and stepped off the platform.

Kuhm was stunned as were the other merchants. "All our properties will be seized? Where is the justice in this law! JUSTICE!!"

"Aww, shut the fark up!" One of the barbarians rolled his eyes at the merchants' outroar. "Come on! Move it!"


Joseph stood at one of the balconies of the stronghold and watched the wagons and carriages that they had seized being brought into the courtyard and parked together with dozens of other wagons that they have collected over the week.

Soon a team of local trusted bookkeepers and laborers swarm over the goods on the wagons. Each item was detailedly noted down and the laborers will move them over to the warehouses for storage.

"At this rate, all the warehouses will be filled to the brim!" His second in command, Lieutenant Rathia said. "We can't even move all the materials back with the planes working overtime!"

Joseph grinned as he looked away from the view and said to his old friend, "Well, most of the stuff here we can just resell it to the locals or use it ourselves. It's only the minerals and ores that needs to be shipped back to Haven."

"And most of the goods they brought to trade here are mostly junk weapons and armor, which we can get the local blacksmiths to melt them down to ingots," Joseph continued. "The other is slaves and food."

"Good thing most of the merchants here carry a lot of gold to trade in the slaves!" Rathia said. "Now I know why everyone is dealing in slaves."

Joseph nodded, "So how goes the pacification of the region?"

"Well, we have hit the nearby farms and fishing villages," Rathia said. "They aren't so happy with us taking away the slaves that worked for them."

"Some of the slaves even rejected to be freed," Rathia shooked his head. "We left them there, but we did issue a warning to the people that owning slaves are illegal now and will be subjected to strict punishments if found."

"But the worst is the copper mines we found," Rathia sighed. "We liberated the mines but most of the slaves are so badly abused and worked, their minds are gone except for the newer slaves."

"We moved the badly affected slaves to a holding area outside the city with 24 7 medical care and support," Rathia said. "But I doubt we can save any of them. They have been scarred too deeply."

"Tell the medics to do their best for them," Joseph sighed. "Also, inform High Command, see if they can send us more doctors and nurses for support."

"Got it," Rathia nodded.


Great Ocean Plains

Tokk the Brute scratched at an itching scab on his head and looked back at the crude wagons being pulled by a pair of scrawny wind wolves. The drivers of the wagons flipped their barb tipped whips at the wolves, inciting a tired growl from them as they moved faster.

"Come on!" Tokk roared out. "I want to be in the city before night!"

Tokk gave a wide toothy grin as he looked at the crates of merchandise he is planning to sell at Orwell's Point in exchange for good slaves. He was very sure those soft skins have never seen such a product before!

Recently, all the tribes seemed to be crazily raiding any settlements and villages in the Ocean Plains and causing all those soft skins to run away. Now, all the nearby villages were all abandoned and Tokk could only think of coming to trade the items he has to the Empire soft skins so that he can get more slaves.

Even the soft skins slavers also were grumbling about the shortage of slaves! Tokk shook his head as he thought of all the competition among the tribes to get more slaves. Well, Tokk smart! Tokk goes to city to get slaves! Haha!

After several hours on the road, Tokk and his men finally caught the glimpse of the city in the distance. He wondered why soft skins like to live in such a smelly and cramped place. It further reinforced Tokk's impression that the soft skins are weak and cowards to hide behind walls.

"Faster!" Tokk ordered. "Faster we sell the faster we get to eat meat!"



"What is the meaning of this!" Tokk roared as he faced several strangely dressed soldiers. "You do not take Tokk stuff!"

"Drop your weapons! NOW!" The soldiers pointed those pointy sticks at Tokk and his men which suspiciously looked like those Boom Sticks from Sin City!

"Boss?" His men looked eager to charge forward at those soft skins. They fingered their revolver cannons as they stared down at the group of soldiers cowering behind those barriers.

"WAARGH!" Tokk roared and quickly drew his weapons. "Kill these treacherous scum and escape!"

Tokk laughed as he squeezed the triggers of his cannon revolvers, enjoying the kick from the recoil and the rotten egg smell. The thick dirty gunsmoke blocked his view making him unable to see where his shots had landed.

Thunderous roars answered him back as he dove to the side and he heard the yelp of pain from the wind wolf as he rolled under it.

His men laughed madly as they fired their guns as they stood their ground. The strange soldiers cursed as the barricades around them exploded from the larger caliber rounds.

Tokk emptied both his revolvers at the barriers which the soldiers were huddled behind and broke open the revolvers and started to reload.

As he finished reloading, he looked up and saw his men fall, as a rapid thunder roared out, and he saw the dark red blood of his kinsmen blossoming.

"NOOO!" Tokk cried out in rage and he charged up, both his guns roaring as he fired at the enemy.



"Captain!" Joseph's staff called out urgently from the great hall. "Gunfight at the main gates!"

"What happened?" Joseph quickly walked over to the command post.

His staff quickly show his a video of the short skirmish that happened at the main gate. They had install dozens and dozens of closed circuit cameras all over the city.

Joseph frowned as he saw the video of the caravan of Orcs started shooting the troops at the gate. "Are those guns?"

"Where the hell did they get guns?!"


Sergeant Mills kicked away the guns from the burly body of the Orc laying face down on the ground. He was on rapid respond duties when the call came in of Orcs with guns. Luckily none of the Marines at the gate were badly injured, most had cut from shrapnel but were otherwise fine.

They managed to suppress and cut down the rampaging Orcs with the MGs covering the gate and with Mills's team in support, the Orcs went down fast.

"Fifteen bodies, Sarge!" His men called out as they ensured the Orcs were thoroughly dead. "No survivors!"

"Damn," Mills cursed under his breath. "We taught these guys too well..."

"Check their bodies and wagons, see if we can find any clue or something to how these Orcs have gotten guns!" Mills ordered. "And get someone who knows how to handle the wolves to calm them the fuck down!"

The wind wolves were huddled together at one side and while hissing and baring their teeth aggressively at the Marines who eyed them warily.

Mills bent down and picked up the large frame revolver, feeling the hefty weight of the weight in his hand. "Damn, this looks almost like a copy of our Single Action revolvers!"

He broke the action of the revolver open and ejected the shells inside, letting them drop onto his palm. He whistled as he looked at one of the unfired rounds, "Damn, this must be like 20mm or something!"

The weapon looks simple and crude, with a solid frame, top break cartridge firing revolver and a 'J' hand grip made out of polished wood. Mills sniffed the chamber and grimaced at the rotten eggs smell of saltpeter.

"Fuck, something is fucking wrong with this!" Mills frowned. "Hey, I need a runner! Get these to command now!"

"SARGE!" One of his men yelled from the top of the wagon he was inspecting. "I think you want to see this!"

"What now!" Mills had a bad ominous feeling as he climbed up the wagon. "Aww, fuck..."

A couple of crates had their lids peeled off by his men and he saw the shapes of the revolvers covered by sawdust. He did a quick count of the number of crates on the wagon and cursed.

"Where the fuck did they get so many guns!?"

Neobear Neobear

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