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22.05% Out of Space / Chapter 148: Eye of the Sun

Chapter 148: Eye of the Sun

Liz jumped as the 5mm round punched through her calve like paper, the bullet ripping her tendons and muscles and exited out to drill into the soft wet dirt ground in a spatter of bright red blood. She stared dumbfounded at the tiny red hole where blood was starting to flow out of her wound, and slowly her mind caught up with the situation.

She looked so shocked that Tyrier felt bad shooting her, and turned his attention back to the Hero who paused and had a curious expression on his face. "What is that artifact?" The hero asked.

"This? None of your business," Tyrier kept his pistol trained on the two girls. "Leave and you and your party can walk away when we are in a safe distance."

"I am really curious about those wands you have," The Hero narrowed his eyes, his normal smile no longer shown, and instead his face bore an expression of emptiness. "Well, if you don't wish to tell me, I just force it out of you then." And he charged.

"Keep dreaming asshole!" Tyrier knew that the Hero doesn't care about the lives of his party and dropped the signal for the rest to fire at the Hero. Clouds of gun smoke, thunder and fire erupted in the forest as the rest fired at the Hero who swung his greatsword up, ignoring the bullet impacts.

"FLASH OUT!" Tavel yelled a warning and tossed a flashbang at the charging hero, who brought the flat of his greatsword up, shielding his face from the burst of sudden light and eardrums bursting blast.

"Petty tricks! Let me show you the power of a real light!" Dante screamed as his ears rang from the after-effects of the flashbang, "Hear my words, thy God of the Sun! Show the might of the Sun!" And his body burst into a blinding light that was like a mini second sun in the forest.

"Ahh!" The men of Claymore One and the two girls cried out in pain as the light flare from the Hero blinded them. Loke covered his eyes with his hands and still found that he could see through his flesh to see the bones in his hand from the light of the hero!

"Back!" Tyrier kept his eyes closed, yet a light spot stayed in his vision that almost made him tear. He followed the sounds of the screaming girls and reached down as his leg kicked a thrashing body. He reached down and grabbed the person and started to drag the kicking body along. "Grab the other one!" He yelled.

A sudden force slammed against him and sent him flying and smashing into a tree trunk, cracking the wood. His magic shield flickered wildly as the damage taken overloaded his shield. Tyrier's vision slowly recovered and he saw a brightly glowing figure standing before him, with a blurry long object raised up overhead. "Ahh, fark..."


The forest in front of the advancing Marines suddenly lit up, and the Marines froze before Lt Joesph yelled, "That way! Double time! Go, go, go!"

The Marines quickly ran through the foliage, ignoring the danger of tripping over a tree root or breaking an ankle in their mad rush to the scene.


Dante smiled, "I just take your legs, so be good and stay there for me ok?" And just as he swung his greatsword down, someone tackled him from the side, sending both of them rolling over the undergrowth. He looked at who was it and found one of those mercenaries had wrapped his arms around him and shoved him away. He slammed his elbow down sharply at the mercenary, causing the person to give out a yell of pain and his hold loosen.

Bunching up his knee, he lashed out and send the cursed mercenary flying away, smashing through trees with bone-crunching cracks. He smiled and stood up, and felt something with his foot. He looked down and saw two dark olive green spheric objects rolling on his feet. And the ground exploded into flames and smoke.


Tavel coughed up blood as his laid in the ruins of the tree he was stuck in, his left arm and leg dangling in a weird angle that a body shouldn't be doing. He smiled at stuck a middle finger up weakly as the two grenades he dropped at the Hero blew up, before fading away to the darkness.


"Tavel!" Loke yelled as he saw his teammate broken body. The twin explosions of the grenades jerked his attention back to the Hero, only to see the Hero stood there remaining almost unscathed, "Son of a bitch!" He raised his M1 and fired round after round at the Hero.

To his surprise, he saw his rounds sending the Hero jerking back, and realized that the grenades must have deleted his magic shields or something. He keeping his fire up, emptying all shots in his rifle, and dropped his rifle to its sling and quickly drew his Glock, pumping all 30 rounds in the pistol's magazine into the barely standing Hero.

"Is that all?" The Hero suddenly spoke, his clothing in tatters, several bruises could be seen and his ears and nose were leaking a small trail of blood. His usual cheerful mood was gone, replaced with a chilling aura, the golden glow turning bluish as he stood up and wiped the blood off his nose.

He looked down at his mithril greatsword which had several cracks on its blade, and cracked his knuckles, as he stared down at the lone man with the thunder wand in his hands. "Die!"

He punched out, sending a shockwave that ripped the soil up and blew away the trees in its path. His opponent rolled away at the last instinct, barely dodging his attack. He threw another two punches out and charged forward, closing the distance to the madly dodging mercenary who sent several spells his way which he slapped away with ease.

Suddenly at his side, more thunder and fire rain on him, Dante glanced to the side and saw the leader of the mercenaries throwing spells with his thunderstick at him, and a wave of anger grew in him. Can't they die already?" He thought angrily. "AHHHHHHHH"

He roared out, send out a shockwave of pure energy, that sent both the mercenaries tumbling down and the girls crying in fear. He saw the leader of the mercenaries crumbled down, coughing and vomiting blood as his magic shields were unable to tank the damage he dealt out. Dante quickly turned to the last opponent who still looked back at him with defiance in his eyes.

"I will gorge those eyes out, pretty boy!" Dante sneered and leaped forward, each step sending him several meters forward, his right arm raised back, and his two fingers hooked back, ready to claw out Loke'e eyes as he kneeled down the ground.

"Fark you!" A voice suddenly came from behind and thunder roared, making Dante jerked as bullets impact against his back. He rolled to the side to avoid the spells and glared at the newcomer.

"Hitsu!" Loke cried out as he half crawled to cover, dragging his suddenly heavy rifle along. "You lucky son of a bitch is still alive!"

"Lucky?" Dante cocked his head, "I don't think so. For he will die soon."

"Yeah, tell that to that crazy bitch who tried with over 500 magic missiles," Hitsu laughed.

"Liz? Baah, useless!" Dante spat out a gobble of blood from his mouth. "Enough talk, time to die!"

"Okay!" Hitsu shrugged, "You first!" And fired his M2 at the wildly dodging Hero charging at him. "Here have a present!" He lobbed a grenade before the Hero and hopped down the tree root he was on and quickly scrambled away.

Dante's eyes grew wide as he recognized the olive green colored ball and he quickly swerved out of its way, as the cursed spell ignited, his already badly weaken shields catching some of the blasts and flickered wilding.

"You will pay for that!" Dante gave a curse and threw a punch through the tree where he guessed that guy was hiding, causing the tree to explode.

"Missed me!" Hitsu cried as he ran to another tree for cover, taking a knee and popping a few shots at the Hero. "Damn, how do we stop this crazy asshole!"




The land shook, the mountains rumbled as a presence as ancient as the mountains suddenly bore down on top of the Hero. A golden outline of an eye manifested over the skies and a warm glow covered the land. Dante laughed as the glow recovered his wounds and mana, "ALL HAIL THE SUN GOD!"

"Uh, that is bad, right?" Hitsu said as he cast a recovery spell on Loke, "We are so screwed..."

"Mortals! I, Dante the Hero is the chosen of the Sun God! I have lived for over 200 years!" Dante half floated in the air as power from the divinity filled his body. "Be proud that this is the second time, I used this spell on a mortal, and I will wipe you out, and I will find the girl and kill her and you can't stop me!"

"ONE ROUND AWAY!" A sudden loud crack and a wooooosh screamed out, and a Dante was suddenly covered in an explosion. Loke and Hitsu turned in surprise and suddenly saw dozens of camouflaged figures emerging from the undergrowth, and laughed madly to themselves. The Marines has come!


"Hit that wisecracking ass hole again!" Lt Joesph commanded, "All RPG-1 teams to mark target!"

And the RPG-1 tottling teams shouldered the bazookas and waited till the smoke cleared, exposing an indignant Hero who was coughing and waving away the at the smoke. "ONE ROUND AWAY!"

And the RPG blast rocked the forest, followed by another and another. The glowing manifestation of the Eye of the Sun slowly diminished and disappeared as the Hero was hit by at least seven bazookas.

"ENOUGH!" The Hero Dante roared, sending a shockwave out, and sent most of the nearby Marines flying away from the force of his powers. "I AM A GOD!" Only to be answered with another rocket in his face, sending him tumbling down. "Noo!"

Dante felt his powers reclining and he looked up and found the spell he cast had disappeared, "How could divine powers be matched by ants!?" He gathered all his energy into his right fist and punched out, sending a golden beam of energy directly at a team of strange clothed soldiers who confounded his eyes as they seemed to blend in and out of the forest.

"You will not defeat me!" He raised his hands to gather energy again. "I WILL CRUSH YOU ALL LIKE ANTS!"

"Hit it with the MGs!" Lt Joesph ordered next, and the gunners armed with the new MG-1 Magebreakers fired up, sending lines of tracers at the madly dodging Hero, "HIT IT WITH EVERYTHING! Kill that son of a bitch!"

"HORAAH!" The Marines let it rip, rifles, machine guns, and even an occasional RPG slammed at the frantic looking Hero. Sparks and smoke erupted all around the Hero, the force of the concentrated barrage of four machine guns, and at least 20 rifles, forced him to be able to focus on defending only.

Dante growled as the strange thunder spells were seriously draining his recovered magic, his previously recovered wounds started to hurt again and those strange but deadly powerful spells had further weakened his body and magic a lot. "STOP THIS NONSENSE! I AM A GOD!"

"Orcs smash god!" Private Onetooth had braced his MG-1 at on the head of Asagi, the spider tank and fired in a controlled burst, guiding his tracers into the path of the retreating Hero. "Wahahahahaaa!"

"Run you puny god! Run!"

Neobear Neobear

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Puny God! Orc Smash! Stones and review pls!

Chapter 149: The Long Walk Home

"Cease fire! Cease fire!" Lt Joesph yelled as the Hero retreated from sight, "Check your weapons! Medics! Get to work! We got wounded here!" He quickly directed the men into action, "Section Three and Four set up a defensive perimeter! Here and here! Sergeants! Take charge of your men! Move!"

Lt Joesph walked up to the two operators that were in a sorry state but still standing Claymore One members. "Report soldier!"

Hitsu and Loke both straightened up and replied, "Sir! Specialist Corporal Hitsu and Specialist Private Loke reporting Sir!"

"What happened, son?" Lt Joesph gestured them to sit down as medics arrived to check on their wounds, "Take it easy, and tell me what happened."

Loke and Hitsu then gave out their own accounts of the situation from the time they left the town to till just now's fight. By the time their story was told, the rest of the heavily injured members were all stabilized and strapped onto stretchers, waiting to be transported.

"Damn, that was a hell of a fight!" Lt Joesph said, nodding in admiration of their capabilities. "Alright, get some ammo, food, and water, we will move out and head to the rendezvous point and hopefully round up all those that were scattered."

Lt Joesph stood up and glanced around the destroyed land, an artificial clearing roughly the size of a small marshaling field with stumps of broken trees and roots sticking out from the gorged out soil, and large pieces of wet wood littering everywhere that gave off a sweet and sickly smelling sap.

He looked at his Platoon Seargent who wordless handed him a note and read the contents. "Seven wounded, One critical from Platoon 4. Claymore One has two walking wounded, the team leader and one more in critical condition. And we have two prisoners, both slightly shaken up, one of them had a gunshot wound in the leg but she will survive." Lt Joesph raised his eyebrows as his Seargent gave his report.

"Secure the prisoners," Lt Joesph said, "Give them all the courtesy but if they try anything funny, shoot them."

"NCOs (Non-commissioned officers) gather up!" Lt Joesph yelled, clapping his gloved hands together. Soon all the Sergeants arrived before him, and he said, "We will move out in 10 minutes, prepare your men to move. I want section 4 at the rear covering our asses! We do not know if the Hero will come back for round two, so tell your boys to keep their eyes and ears open, their mouths and asses shut tight!"

"Yes sir!" The NCOs chorused, grinning at the prospect of kicking the Hero's ass again if he comes back for round two."

"Ensure your men have adequate ammo, water, and food," Lt Joesph continued, "I did not bring along the supplies on the ASASGs just to look pretty out here, I expect them to be used up! Now before the fight, we had encountered some of the freed slaves, and we pointed them to the general direction of where to meet up later. Section 2 and 3 will do a sweeping patrol back to the rendezvous point, and keep your eyes out for any stragglers. Section 1, will transport the wounded. Questions? No?"

"Okay, get to work people! We got a long walk home!"


Dante scrambled madly through the forest, ignoring the slaps of low hanging branches and suddenly appeared before a small river stream. He splashed into the icy cold water and the cold shook him awake from his flight and he stood there heaving in waist deep water, the river washing away the blood and mud from his body.

"AHHHH!" He slammed both his clenched fists down on the flowing water, causing two massive spouts of water to surge up. "Ants... dare to wound me?"

He let the falling spray of water wash over him and he dunked his head into the river for a short while before standing up again, and on his face was his usual smile, "Now I know why The Rock requested me to come here."

He turned back to look at where he ran out from, and his smile grew wider, "I will be back, and this time, I will crush you ants." And he vanished without a trace from the river.


UNS Singapore, Command Bridge

"Situation on the ground now?" Captain Blake asked as he settled into his chair, accepting a steaming mug of local tea from an aide.

Commander Ford turned around from the tactical plot table and replied, "Situation resolved, but unknown if the Hero will attempt a second attack."

Blake nodded and looked up at the UAV feed hovering over the area of operations. "Damn, they destroyed an area of a football field in the forest?"

"Yes, sir, but it is mostly done by the Hero himself only," Ford explained, "Also watch this," He switched the view to where the manifestation of divine power was recorded.

"What the hell?" Blake sat up in his chair as he looked at the golden eye in the sky. "What do we know about this?"

"Sadly, nothing," Ford replied, "Magister Thorn hasn't seen anything like that before and his explanation is that power is highly likely to do with the divinity in the Hero's possession."

"We tried all matters of spectrum analysis on it, and it showed up in every sensor we have out there, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma," Ford continued, "Dr. Sharon appeared to be going crazy in her lab over this."

"She reports a dense amount of radiation was given off, but it did not belong to any of the three main types we know of," Ford said, "Not alpha, beta or gamma."

"But one thing we do know is that the Hero's radiation spiked and all the radiation is given off were like attracted to him like a magnet," Ford switched an image, showing a black an white image, a massive orange-red blob over the 'Eye' and the colorful blob was connected to the Hero at the bottom of the image. The Hero was displayed as an ink blob of orange and red in the picture.

"Dr. Sharon suggested that divinity powers or even magic powers are a form of radiation. Just what kind, how, why, or even the dangers of long-term exposure are all blanks at this point in time still." Ford said. "She is suggesting that if we can fine-tune our instruments to detect this unknown kind of radiation, we can use it to detect magic."

Blake nodded, "Do it, and tell Sharon to take a break, lately she doesn't seem to be herself, I do not want to order her to lay off her work, god knows how important it is, but she needs to pace herself and not overwork, we need her healthy and in one piece."

"Yes, sir," Ford nodded, "I will pass on your word."

"Good, what's the extraction plan for our forces on the ground?" Blake asked.

Ford switched the view to an overhead map and traced several lines. "They will march from this point all the way back."

"Why not have the Valkyries airlift them back?" Blake asked.

"We do not have the capacity for all that," Ford replied, "Each trip can take the most 60 people, and will require at least three hours before the next dust off. This will make the last two groups remaining on the ground highly vulnerable to attacks from monsters or the Hero."

"I see," Blake closed his eyes, "Make sure all available support is given to them. It's a long walk home..."


Uncharted Forest, Rendevous Point Red

The tired slaves cried out in desperate fear and anger, as three massive owlbears stood before them and charged. They slammed into the single line of slaves who were armed with looted swords and shields of the Empire soldiers and a frenzied melee broke out.

Young's rifle and his pistol had long ran out of ammo, and he could only stab out with the bayonet attached rifle, scoring a thin gash on the flank of the bear-like creature.

Towering over three meters when on its hind legs, the owlbear had a head and face of an owl, and a body of a bear, with feathers growing out at certain parts of its front limbs. Its claws were tipped with 6" long razor-sharp talons, that can rip a man apart into two with a single swipe of its claws.

The desperate slaves could only stand and fight as they no longer had any strength to run, and running will only result in the owlbears hunting them down behind. "Shit! They must have smelled the scent of blood from our bodies!" Altied yelled as he fired his last remaining pistol magazine at the nearest owlbear, blowing out chunks of meat and hair from its chest. "FARK! I'm out!"

Young eyed the river at a short distance away, seeing a small mound of stones set in a pre-arranged manner. He knew that the Marines had landed and they had buried a small cache of supplies there. But the issue now is the remaining three owlbears blocking their way.

"Use your spells!" Young yelled as he summoned up his remaining mana reserves, barely drawing out a two circle magic spell and flung the lightning bolt at a charging owlbear who was cutting down the weaker slaves.

"My magic is as dry as your tits!" Altied yelled back as he rammed his bayonet into the back of an owlbear. The owlbear roared as the bayonet stabbed through its thick hide, and it spun around, sending Altied flying back, screaming. It reared up on its hind legs and hovered over the stunned soldier, ready to turn Altied into bloody meat paste.

Suddenly, a white shaped bird darted down and slashed at the face of the owlbear, sending it into a maddened frenzy. The white bird constantly harassed the face of the owlbear, make it retreat and trying to claw the bird down.

"Quickly run!" A girl's voice came from behind and Young and Altied turned and saw a white-haired cat girl carrying someone on her back gesturing them from behind a tree.

"We can't!" Young bitterly yelled back, "This is where we need to wait for the rest to come!"

"You want to die here?" Kaga angrily yelled back, "My magic won't last long! I don't the proper materials to make any proper talismans!'

"No shit," Altied said as he watched the owlbear take swipes at the paper bird. "If we run, they are gonna hunt us down, and running just makes you die tired."

"Can you make more of those things?" Young asked, "We need like, five.. no three minutes!"

"I don't have the materials!" Kaga yelled, wondering why this two would want to keep fighting, "I need parchments!"

"Will this do?" Young tossed out his slightly sweat soaked soggy notepad. "Its a bit wet but its paper."

"Paper?" Kaga looked at the almost perfect white rectangle notepad. "Yes... I think so!"

She quickly put the still unconscious Billy against the tree trunk and bit her own forefinger, breaking the skin and blood soon flowed out and she started to scribble some weird runes on the paper.

Young and Altied looked at each other and gave a shrug, unable to understand her magic. "Okay, once her spells distract the three owlbears, we go for the buried supplies. Clear?"

Altied looked over at where Young was pointing and gauged the distance, "about a hundred meters sprint, and to dig, three minutes? I think we need five!"

"Just do it!" Young said, "Come on," He gripped his empty rifle and charged out, angling towards the buried cache. The remaining slaves were still valiantly fighting off the owlbears who had smelled blood and were hungry for the juicy flesh running around in front of them.

"Done!" Kaga yelled only to look up to find both of the soldiers missing. "What? Wait! Arghh!"

She saw the two had already run up to the owlbears without waiting for her. She quickly held the three pieces of makeshift talismans and chanted, imbuing her spirit power into the pieces of paper and she tossed them out sharply.


Neobear Neobear

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Some bad news ... I peed blood last night so I might disappear again for a few days ... you know hospitals n stuff ... sigh ... now you know why Captain Blakes always sighs?

Anyway enjoy some Nekomimi action~

Sketch of ASAGI

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