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75% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 15: New Recruits

Chapter 15: New Recruits

Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Izuku was having a pretty normal day (well normal for him). He'd just been doing quirk analysis and had headed back to the bar for a break and a nice drink (Kurogiri always had his favourite soft drink at the bar). When he arrived however he saw Kurogiri using his quirk to stop Tomura and two others (a man in black with dark hair and a teenage high school blonde girl) trying to kill each other. A man dressed in purple was there smoking also. He seemed to be enjoying the scene before him. No one seemed to have noticed his presence yet. Kurogiri moved to speak with Tomura while still holding everyone in place.

"Please calm yourself Tomura Shigaraki. If your desire is to be realised then we must increase our numbers. This is the perfect opportunity to. Don't reject them straight off, you should use them, and what's there of Stains ideology," the dark mist villain explained.

"Shut up," Tomura retorted as he started moving towards the exit. "I'm going out."

He barged past Izuku while shooting a murderous glare at him. As soon as he was gone Izuku turned to Kurogiri.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" he asked frustrated.

"Hey Kurogiri is this that boy I've been hearing about recently, the one called Deku?" the guy in purple asked.

Izuku didn't know how this man knew about him. Either he was a member of the League or some shady information broker. The other two had different reactions.

"Deku," repeated the man in black. "As in the one who fought alongside Stain in Hosu."

"Oh what's Mr. Stainy like. What's his blood type? Was he bleeding while fighting? Wait what's your blood like? Can I taste it?" the girl asked with a crazed expression while also holding out a knife.

Izuku took a fighting stance in case she attacked him. He only just met her and could already tell she was a psychopath (being in the League taught him to recognise certain individuals).

"You can relax Deku. They won't harm you," Kurogiri informed him. "They are actually here as potential recruits."

And so Kurogiri explained the entire situation and who was there. The guy in purple was called Giran a broker in the underworld that associated with League. The man in black was called Dabi and the blonde was called Himiko Toga. Both were here because they heard that Stain was affiliated with the League and were inspired by his ideology when they saw a video uploaded about him in which it detailed his past and ideals.

Izuku briefly wondered how a video like that got out since Stain wasn't the type for publicity. However he was more concerned with why they were here. Stain wasn't exactly affiliated with them, mainly just him and Razor. The media must have come that conclusion based off the attack in Hosu, Stain and the Nomu being there made it sound possible. Kurogiri was motioning him to say nothing however.

"You let kids join this organisation," the one called Dabi said surprised. "Are you that desperate?"

"We took him in when he was on the verge of death," Kurogiri explained. "Since then he had proven to be a valued member of the League in providing both tactical and scientific support."

"Well whatever the case I intend to be the one to carry out the Hero-Killers will. However, I don't want to do it while being led by a guy like that," Dabi explained.

"I'm guessing he means Tomura," Izuku thought.

"Seriously, that guy makes me want to vomit," Dabi continued.

"He's just upset that's all," Kurogiri went on. "Twice in the past he has been humbled, once by All Might, the other by Stain. That's why he left, to sort out his issues. Until he does though would you like to talk about recruitment at a later date?"

Izuku had been listening but kept quiet till now.

"Why don't you all wait here. I'll talk to Shigaraki myself," he offered.

Everyone turned to face him.

"Are you sure about this Deku? He doesn't like you very much," Kurogiri stated.

While Tomura usually acted polite towards Izuku but that was only because Sensei ordered him to be. In reality he hated the boy, no longer because he was quirkless, but because it seemed as though Sensei favoured him more than himself. Izuku was aware of this yet he never commented on the subject. Kurogiri couldn't understand why he would want to do this.

"I know, but still, I'd like to talk with him," he said with a look of determination.

Kurogiri didn't argue. This may have been necessary for Tomura's growth. With that Izuku exited the bar and started looking for Tomura. He knew he couldn't have gone far.

Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall

It took him a while but he finally tracked down Tomura. He received information on where he usually goes from (shockingly) Sensei. Kurogiri must have informed him of the situation but that didn't matter right now, finding Tomura did.

Izuku hadn't been lying when he said he wanted to talk to him, however, he had his own reasons. He was actually curious about the man. Izuku knew Tomura was Sensei's protégé, of course he knew that, the man once bragged about it and later Kurogiri confirmed it. He was curious as to why. How did someone like Tomura, a spoilt, childish brat, become protégé to someone like All for One? How did he even join the League at all? These were answers he had to have. His thoughts were interrupted by a girl bumping into him.

"Oh sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going," the girl said bowing her head.

"It's no problem," Izuku replied with no malice. "I wasn't watching where I was going either so it's alright."

As soon as he got a good look at her he recognised her. It was the girl he'd saved from the USJ Incident.

"Ochaco Uraraka," he murmured.

The latter stared at him surprized. As soon as he realized what he had done he quickly moved to correct himself.

"I recognise you from the Sports Festival," he said while grinning. "You put up an amazing fight against that explosion boy, Bakugo was it."

Her surprized expression didn't go away however.

"Wow I can't believe people still remember that," she replied. "A few minutes ago these guys recognised me and my class saying we were awesome at the Festival."

That last part Izuku's attention. Class 1A was here. He kept calm however and continued talking.

"Class 1A is here?" he asked.

"Yeah. Most of us are doing some shopping for a school field trip," she explained. "I was just going to buy some bug spray."

"Shit," Izuku mentally cursed. "Does that mean Kacchan's here also?"

While he was certain he could handle him it would mean his identity exposed and the League compromised. He quickly calmed himself down. He needed to be sure if he was here or not.

"Hold on, most of you? Is there anyone who didn't come with you?" he asked.

This was a risky question likely to raise suspicion. Uraraka didn't seem to notice though.

"Just Bakugo and Todoroki. They aren't the most social in our class, Bakugo especially, but otherwise they're alright," she replied.

Izuku breathed with relief. He was save for the moment. It was then that he reminded himself why he was there.

"I have to go now I'm meeting a friend so please excuse me," he said politely.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to keep you up," Uraraka said apologetically. "Before you go can I ask you something? Have we met before? It's just that, there's something familiar about you."

She wasn't lying. There was something about his eyes that was just familiar, but she couldn't think of what it was.

"No I don't think we have," Izuku lied. "I think I would remember meeting someone as pretty as you."

As soon as the words left his mouth he froze. Uraraka started blushing.

"Uh well I really need to get going, so um bye," Izuku told her in a frantic manner as he started running towards another location.

Uraraka still stood there blushing. She then wondered why she hadn't bothered asking for his name. He seemed so nice. Izuku was currently having similar thoughts about where Tomura was.

"Why did I say something like that?" he wondered frustrated.

He didn't spend much time pondering about it however because at that moment he saw a familiar hooded figure. He reached for him only to earn a cold glare from the man.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tomura angrily demanded. "In fact, how the fuck did you even find me?"

"Doesn't matter," Izuku said firmly. "We need to talk, like now."

Tomura grunted in annoyance.

"Oh really, and just why should I do that?" he asked arrogantly.

"Look I get you don't like me, and you've been screwed over twice," Izuku told him. "There are some things I'd like to clear up between us. So could just please lend me five fucking minutes of your time."

Tomura was slightly taken back. He'd never heard Deku swear before, he must have actually been serious.

Tomura would have liked nothing more than to disintegrate his face at that moment but then an idea came to his mind.

"Deku was with Stain," he thought. "So maybe he can tell me why people are more focused on him than me."

"Okay fine let's talk. But not here, someone might overhear us talking," he said while walking towards an alley while Deku followed.

When they were alone Tomura started talking again.

"Alright you little brat," he snarled. "Me and Stain, what's the difference?"

Izuku said nothing. He was pondering over his answer.

"What's gotten into him?" he wondered.

He genuinely couldn't understand Tomura's actions. The difference between him and Stain, why did he want to know?

"Why do you want to know? I thought you hated him," he responded.

Tomura glared at Izuku.

"Of course I hate him. I despise everything about him," he growled. "However he seems to have outshined me in that everyone is now more focused on him and have forgotten about the attack on the USJ and the Nomu I released in Hosu. Why is that I wonder? In the end all he really does is destroy the things that piss him off like me. Yet he's got sympathisers and people willing to support and look up to him, and they couldn't even give a shit about his ideals. I can't understand it, and it really pisses me off."

Izuku was beginning to see a different side of Tomura. He was willing to change so he could improve, in essence he was growing. On a side note though he was still quite childish and desperate for attention.

"So Midoriya what do you think the difference between us is?" Tomura asked again.

"Okay I'll tell you, but I want something in return," Izuku replied causing Tomura to growl. "I want you to tell me about how you joined the League, about how you became Sensei's protégé."

If Tomura wanted him to give an answer then he should give one in return. God Razor was really rubbing off on him. That whole if you want answers then earn it thing she pulled on him before was now coming into play.

Tomura on the other hand was stunned at what Deku had just demanded from him. Why the hell should he tell him about his life prior to the League? Then again this was his only chance to understand why people noticed Stain more than him. Suddenly an idea formed in his mind. If this kid wanted his life story so badly then fine, but with a couple of conditions.

"Okay I'll tell you, but only if I find your answer to my question good enough," Tomura declared.

"Fine then," Izuku accepted. "I will."

He spent a minute thinking about his answer before speaking again.

"Well you I don't get at all. I don't understand your goals and ideals," Izuku said carefully. "Stain is a different matter. He didn't just destroy things that pissed him off, he had a genuine reason for doing what he did, unlike you. During my week with him I learned that he and I had a lot in common, one of which was the defining factor in what we became, All Might, who inspired us both. Also, despite what he encounters Stain never wavers in his beliefs unlike you. That's the difference between you two, that's my answer."

Izuku hadn't noticed it before but Tomura was actually smiling now, and it looked very disturbing.

"Uh that feels like a weight off my chest," he exhaled. "I see it now. Why I hate him so much and why you irritated me. Everything makes sense, it's All Might, he's the problem. It was in front of me the whole time and yet I couldn't see it. He's the reason these morons are smiling like they haven't got a single care in the world. They feel so safe because their so called Symbol of Peace is smiling like there's no one in the world he couldn't save."

He then faced Deku.

"Thanks. I'm glad we had this chat. I feel better Deku since I don't have to change my ways at all. Because now, now I know what I have to do," he told the boy.

"You know its ironic Hero-Killer. I'm your opposite but you let me live. And now your convictions and ideals will become a stepping stone for me," he said internally. "I had those things myself, I just never realised it. Create a world without All Might. And show them all how fragile there justice system truly is. That's my conviction, my ideal. It's all about destroying All Might."

He started to walk away but called out to Izuku at the last second, "I find your answer acceptable Deku. However, I need to do something first, so I'll tell you about my backstory later. See ya."

When he was gone Izuku just stood there.

"I swear this is Razor all over again," he thought.

Izuku hadn't seen her in a while since she was still away on business. He did what she asked and still hadn't talked to him. It was really frustrating.

Razor aside he really didn't know much about the others from the League. Though he had not met many of them (there were different branches) he did not know much about the ones he had met. Even Kurogiri, who was the nicest and most polite to him, he didn't know much about or how he had even joined the League. To be fair their relationship was more of a professional one, they weren't friends.

"I wouldn't know what that's like though would I, since I've never really had friends," he thought sadly to himself. "Sure here was Kacchan when we children, but then he got his quirk and I never got one. And that's when my life went to hell. Since then I haven't had friends."

It was sad, but it was the truth. His mother had made it all bearable though. She loved him unconditionally and tried to be there for him through all his struggles. In all honesty, she was the one thing about his former life that he missed, the only thing. Whenever he saw her out on the streets looking for him he always had to resist the urge to run over and go back to her. He missed her so much, and he hated hurting her like this. His thoughts were interrupted by someone groaning.

Izuku turned to see three students kicking another student to the ground. Then were ganging up on them using there quirks. The Ringleader summoned fire to his hand. He was going to burn the other student. Izuku turned to walk away since it wasn't his problem. There was also no need to attract attention in this place.

"That's right you quirkless reject just stay down and it won't hurt as badly," said the leader.

Izuku stopped dead.

The other boys were snickering and jeering "God he's so pathetic. So useless he can't even defend himself, though I guess that's to be expected from quirkless people."

Izuku didn't say anything, but in that instant, he had a variety of thoughts flowing through his mind. Memories of the abuse he'd endured for being quirkless flowed through him like a river. He remembered how helpless and weak he had been, the injustice of it all, and the scars he bore (not all of which were caused by Bakugo). When he remembered all this he pulled up his hood and his scarf to cover his face. He then turned to the bullies and charged at them. They never saw him coming.

He went for the leader first. He delivered a powerful punch straight to the jaw that sent him crashing to the ground. Everyone present was stunned by the new arrival. Before they could react Izuku turned and performed a back rising kick into one of the students. The kick connected with his stomach and sent him up into the air (slightly vomiting) where landed on his back. He was clutching his stomach in pain afterward. The third student did react to this and so he manifested some spiked from his body and shot them at Izuku. Izuku easily flipped over them to dodge. While doing so he spun quick and close enough to the student to land a solid hit on his head, thus sending his face to the ground.

"Wow. I'm a lot stronger than I thought. That's Stain and Razor's training I guess," he thought.

"Hey you. What the hell do you think you're doing?" yelled the leader who had gotten back up.

"Stopping you guys from beating up this kid up," Izuku stated honestly. "What did he ever do to you to deserve this?"

"That quirkless runt wants to become a hero which is complete bullshit," the leader yelled furiously. "Someone like him has no right to be a hero. That's something only people like me deserve. He even wanted to go to UA which is dumb. There's no way that will ever happen."

Izuku was pissed as hell. This guy was a lot like Bakugo. In short he was the sort of person who Izuku hated, the sort who had driven him to become a villain.

"He can't be a hero because he's quirkless you say. Well that's funny because I happen to be quirkless and look at what I just did," he said catching the boy's attention. "A hero can be anybody, even someone quirkless, but not you no. A scumbag like you could never be one. Wanna know why? It's because you're a coward who only preys on the weak to boost your own ego. If you came face to face with someone stronger than you like me you would run away because that's the kind of person you are."

The leader's face contorted with anger. He activated his quirk and prepared to attack but Izuku was too quick for him. He grabbed the leaders arm, twisted it, and brought his knee up sharply to it. It snapped like a twig. The leader howled in pain. His two sidekicks had recovered and moved to aid him. They looked at Izuku fearfully and started running. He didn't bother pursuing them.

"Why did you help me?" asked the victim who was staring at Izuku in awe.

"Because I understand how you feel," he replied simply. "I too was bullied for being quirkless. For so long I allowed it to happen, and most of the time it felt like I was dying. It was only when I learned how to defend myself that I took a stand."

The victim said nothing. He was still staring at Izuku in amazement.

"Let me give you some advice that someone gave me a long time ago," he said now looking at the victim. "Go to someone for help, or at least try to defend yourself. Otherwise they will always torment you as they tormented me."

The victim just stood there completely stunned.

Having done what he needed to do Izuku departed towards the hideout.

Shin3 Shin3

Hi there. Well what did you think of that? What did you think of Izuku? The next chapter will be him hearing the backstory's of Razor, Tomura and Kurogiri. Please review.

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