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45% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 9: The Sports Festival

Chapter 9: The Sports Festival

Izuku walked along slowly to the Sports Festival, he had plenty of time before it started. He wore a black hoodie, trousers and combat boots. He also wore a black scarf to try and cover his face and red contact lenses so he wouldn't be recognised by anyone. Sometimes when he went out he would see his mother out searching for him. It seemed that despite all the time that had passed she believed he was still alive. Whenever he did see her he always felt guilty for leaving her without an explanation. He also occasionally felt the urge to walk over to her and come back home but he always held it back. He remembered why he left, that 'home' of his was part of the very society that rejected him, he didn't belong there, not anymore. Besides Inko was safer without him in her life, though he figured she was very lonely since his father went off to work in some other country shortly after he was born and hadn't been heard from since.

"Pull yourself together. You've got a mission to do," he thought.

Two nights ago he was given a mission by Sensei to go to the Sports Festival and analyse the quirks of the students participating. According to Sensei they were likely to become future enemies of the League so it was best to have knowledge on their abilities beforehand, although, Izuku got the feeling they were looking for potential members, or at least worthy quirks for Sensei to steal.

Izuku was surprised when he learned what Sensei's quirk was, he had never heard of someone being able to give others quirks before. He was only told about it because he needed to explain about All Might's quirk, which came from him. He didn't go into much detail about it though, he didn't want explain his past, or so it seemed.

Izuku continued to the Festival with his backpack full of notebooks (seven to be precise). He was going to be recording like crazy.

UA staff room

All Might was sitting alone getting ready for the Festival. He would be expected to make an appearance towards the end to present the medals to the victors. This would also be a good chance to look for a successor. This was more necessary than before since his allotted time to use One for All had been reduced to fifty minutes from his battle with Nomu.

However his mind was focused on another matter. He had spoken to Naomasa about seeing the list of quirkless people who had promised that he would be able to see it. Surprisingly enough the Government didn't place much security around or care who looked at it, which All Might found strange.

Naomasa would be coming next week to talk with him as he still had a lot of work to do. All Might didn't mind though, he knew how busy his job was.

While he didn't want to believe it he had to consider the possibility that the boy he'd met nearly a year ago was Deku. They seemed so similar. If he was then it was most likely his fault for the boy's transformation. That meant he had to be the one to fix it.

However, despite his assault on Bakugo Deku had displayed certain qualities of a hero from what he had seen and heard of him. That meant that there was still hope.

"I will find out the truth," he swore. "If you are Deku then I will stop you, and I will save you."

UA Sports Festival Stands several hours later

Izuku had been recording what he saw like mad. Throughout the first and second rounds he watched each of the competitors use their quirks and analysed them which wasn't very difficult. He was also able to keep up thanks to the monitors (he wasn't that fast at recording).

It was the rounds of combat that he watched intently, the competitors that had made it that far were the most skilled and dangerous. Most of the 1A group (not surprisingly Bakugo included) had made it to this round. Izuku knew each of them of course, he had looked at the list from the Unforeseen Simulation Joint enough to remember their faces. Some however stood out more than others. Shoto Todoroki was the son of the infamous hero Endeavor and possessed a quirk that allowed him to manipulate ice. Although from what Izuku had seen he clearly had inherited his father's quirk as well, though he appeared reluctant, more like repulsed, to use it, though he didn't know why. The other was Tenya Iida. Izuku recognised his family name as the one who embodied the Turbo Hero Ingenium, his quirk only added further proof.

As the battles began Izuku recorded everything he saw, how people used their quirks and their battle styles. He watched Bakugo's first fight with Ochaco Uraraka, who he recognised as the girl he'd rescued.

"Kacchan's as violent as ever I see," he thought.

He watched as the girl tried to fight back with her anti-gravity quirk (which Izuku was impressed with how she could use it as an offensive weapon) but was ultimately defeated. Seeing the state she was in Izuku couldn't help but feel sympathy for her, it was the same state he'd been in many times. The battles went on and on until it was Bakugo vs. Todoroki. At first Todoroki seemed to have the upper hand with his ice quirk but Bakugo managed to utilise his in a way (one that even impressed Izuku) to win him the match. For some reason though Bakugo wasn't happy with the way he had won and looked like was about to attack Todoroki (who was unconscious) until he was stopped by Midnight.

Izuku was going to leave at the presentation of medals when he noticed the state Bakugo was in. He was chained to the champion's podium where he was struggling violently to get himself free, in Izuku's mind he looked like he was about to go on a murderous rampage. Amused, Izuku couldn't help but laugh at his former tormenter's situation. He also took note that Iida wasn't there despite having qualified for 3rd place also.

It was then that All Might arrived with a big entrance and catching the audience's attention and awe. Izuku however felt contempt towards the Symbol of Peace. This had all stemmed from when he learned about his quirk.


"Passed on? What do you mean by that?" Izuku asked confused. "Do you mean by bloodline?"

"That would be the logical idea," Sensei replied. "But no. I mean it's passed on from person to person through DNA."

Izuku was very surprised at this. He had never heard of anything like this before.

"The quirk originally came from me when I gave it to someone. That person however stood against me and passed it on to a successor to fight against me. The process has continued for several generations. As to why it came from me well my quirk allows me to take and give quirks to and from others," Sensei explained.

"Why are you telling me this? And several generations?" Izuku asked more confused.

He couldn't understand why Sensei would just trust him with this sort of information.

"Considering everything you've done for the League I think you've earned the right to know. Besides the others know as well so there's no reason to keep it from you," he told the boy. "And as for the generation's part. Well I simply stole a quirk that prevented me from aging."

As Izuku processed all this information he decided to accept what he was hearing as the truth. Knowing Sensei he wouldn't joke about something like this. Then another thought came to mind.

"What is All Might's quirk exactly? You called it One for All," Izuku questioned.

"It's a quirk that stockpiles power, granting the user large boosts in strength, speed and agility," the older man explained.

"If he inherited that quirk then what happened to his old one," Izuku asked curiously.

He hadn't heard of All Might doing anything other than what Sensei described, so it was either he'd lost it or just hadn't shown it yet.

All for One stared at the boy.

"Nothing," he stated. "A quirk wouldn't be affected by getting a new one. You see Izuku he used to be like you. He was quirkless."

Flashback end

Izuku had been rather angry when he found that out.

"That bastard," he thought. "Looking down on me for being quirkless when he used to be just the same."

He couldn't believe his childhood idol had the nerve say those things to him when he used to be in the same position.

Having decided he'd seen enough he took his notebooks and left the stadium.

At the bar

"I wonder if Razor's back," he thought.

She had been away ever since the UA fight on a job for Sensei and he hadn't seen her since. It had been confirmed by Kurogiri though that she had seen the fight via recording. He had also been told that she would keep her part of the bargain, something which pleased him. He had learned a lot from her, and not just martial arts. Through her training he had become quite fluent in French and English (two languages he studied in school) from her verbally teaching him (also giving him written work). He had also improved his computer skills and had learned how to hack. He was quite grateful.

To his surprise Razor was at the bar, along with an armoured assailant on top of Tomura and stabbing him in the shoulders. Razor (who wore an emotionless expression) and Kurogiri were standing there like it meant nothing. Razor was no surprise but Kurogiri, Izuku would have expected him to intervene.

The assailant leaped back with a destroyed knife (probably from Tomura's quirk). He didn't seem to notice Izuku's presence however. Tomura was complaining about his wounds. The other two seemed to notice Izuku.

"Welcome back Deku," Kurogiri greeted him. "I trust your mission went well."

Izuku nodded in confirmation. The assailant turned to face Izuku, having finally become aware of his presence. The assailant had bandanas covering his face, a red scarf and wore a surprised and intimidating expression.

"What the hell Razor?" he snarled. "You kids join this psycho group."

"He and Razor know each other," Izuku thought.

"He's my student," she replied simply. "A runaway the League took in. I told you about him Stain."

Stain stared at Izuku for a moment before turning to Tomura.

"You. We are opposites yet we seem to have the same goal. I have seen it in your eyes. They say those at deaths door reveal their true colours. Even you have a creed you follow within you. Like me you are working to destroy the current society," Stain explained.

Tomura looked at Stain like he was a mad man. Before he could say anything Razor intervened.

"Tomura, Kurogiri, he isn't going to join. His and your ideals just don't mix. So let it go." Izuku stared at Razor.

Something wasn't right. Normally she would have full on attacked this guy, yet here she was being reasonable. She was smiling also, genuinely. Izuku couldn't ever remember her smiling except with sadism.

"Since you're here though I have a favour to ask if you'll follow me?" she asked politely.

The villain grunted and followed her out of the bar.

"Okay would someone tell me what the hell is going on?" he asked as he took out one of his regeneration drugs (he always kept a few with him just in case).

He then injected Tomura with it causing the villain to heal quickly. Kurogiri quickly briefed him on the situation. Stain was the notorious hero-killer who had been eliminating various hero's he came across. Due to his combat experience they had wanted him to join the League but Stain took an instant disliking to Tomura saying he's the type he despises most and tried to kill him. Tomura was still pissed about what Stain had said and stormed out for a walk.

While izuku understood the situation there was something still bothering him.

"Kurogiri what's up with Razor?" he asked. "She was acting odd. By that I mean she wasn't being violent, wasn't swearing and was smiling in an unsadistic manner."

"I actually don't know. She has some sort of history with Stain she says," he replied honestly.

Their conversation was interrupted by the two villains return.

"Well now that that's settled Deku tonight you'll be going out with Stain, and then you'll be spending the entire week with him. This will be a sort of educational experience for you as there's a few things you can learn from him," Razor explained. "Also you could use a small break from the League."

"Huh," Izuku and Kurogiri shouted in unison.

"But Razor I-", he started.

"Don't worry there will be no killing. Stain has agreed to put his crusade on hold for a week," she told him.

No one said anything for a minute.

"Razor just what kind of relationship do you have with this guy that he would just agree to it. A few minutes ago he was ready to kill Tomura," Kurogiri asked curiously.

"Stain here's a friend of mine, something I have very few of," she stated simply.

They couldn't believe what they'd just heard. Razor had friends. There was barely anyone she could stand to be around.

"You're both wondering how this is possible right. While it's true there are very few people I can stand, there are fewer I call friend. Now Stain and me, we tried to kill each other a lot in the past but eventually came to respect each other's skill and became friends through fighting," she explained.

"That's how she makes friends. Through death matches," Izuku and Kurogiri thought in unison.

Then they reminded themselves that this was Razor.

"I've already gotten permission from Sensei so it's alright Deku," she told him.

Izuku stared at Stain again who looked at him intimidatingly.

"Don't worry kid. Everything's as Razor put it," he grunted. "I'll see you tonight at 8."

Knowing he was in no position to refuse Izuku nodded begrudgingly.

"May I know what your quirk is first though? If I'm going to work with you I'd like to know what you can do. Razor you too, you promised you'd tell me everything," Izuku stated.

"I will. However you just reminded me of something," she said walking over to him.

Before he could react Razor flipped and connected a kick with his head. Izuku fell to his knees.

"During your fight you turned your back on the enemy, in doing so you almost died. Make sure it won't happen again you little shit," she scolded.

"And she's back," Izuku thought.

"As for my quirk," she said while facing Izuku.

Multiple blades of different sizes and shapes emerged from her body, not tearing her clothes.

"I can manifest blades from any part of my body. One of which is sharp and strong enough to cut All Might," she explained.

"Mine is bloodcurdle which lets me paralyse my enemy by tasting their blood, it varies with blood type though," Stain piped in.

"There, are you happ-" Razor stopped.

Izuku was rambling like an insane person at an asylum. She, and even Stain, found it weird.

"Deku what the fuck are you doing?" she asked.

"Oh that's right you've never seen Deku in his state," Kurogiri said. "Whenever he sees a quirk he starts thinking of its uses, weaknesses and ways to improve it."

"Well whatever, when he snaps out of this tell him to get some rest for tonight. And send Stain to where he needs to go," Razor told the mist villain before leaving.

By the time Izuku had finished Razor and Stain were gone and Kurogiri was staring at him patiently.

Shin3 Shin3


"Hi there. Well what did you think of that? When I thought aboutRazor'squirk I was going to haveher withmetallic nails like LadyDeathstrike but later changed my mind. Now to address some things I've beenasked. IzukuxRazor will not beapairing.Their relationship is what Izuku's would havebeen with All Might. AlsoIzuku will not get a quirk. He's reached a point where he's competent enough that he doesn't need one. Anyway, next chapter will beIzuku with Stain. Please review."

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