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15% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 3: First day with the League

Chapter 3: First day with the League


Izuku woke up. He examined the clock next to his bed and realised that it was 10 AM. Normally he would have woken up earlier than that, but frankly, it had been the best he'd slept in so long. For once he wasn't going to have to go through the usual routine of being pushed around at school. He was safe from all of that. For once he truly felt relaxed. Well maybe not entirely.

"Mom has probably noticed I'm missing by now," Izuku thought.

It was very rare that Izuku missed breakfast with his mother. She may have thought he'd left early for school which was natural. However she would definitely know by the end of day when he didn't return home (if the school didn't notify her first). Izuku had been hasty about decision to join the League, however he hadn't just joined just because of All for Ones kind words. There were a variety of reasons.

His mother was one. Izuku wasn't proud of leaving her, quite the opposite in fact. He loved his mother deeply because she had always been there for him when he was suffering. However, he knew that if he had stayed with her she would have been in great danger. He had never been great at lying to her, so it was highly possible she would have become suspicious of his actions sooner or later. When that did happen, well, Izuku had a good idea of what would be done to silence her. Furthermore, he couldn't stand lying to her so this would hurt her less if she ever found out about his predicament. To summarise it, Inko would be safer if he wasn't around.

All for One was another reason. Despite his generous words Izuku wasn't stupid. He wasn't normally the type to judge by appearances, however, he got the strange sense that All for One wasn't the type to take no for an answer. He must've had some other plan to make Izuku join if he'd said no. So Izuku was just being cautious.

The conditions Izuku had demanded also bettered his position. It was because of them that he had full control over what he did and was able to live away from his mother. Also, the last condition he had set meant that he would never have to cross that line, ever. An image of Kacchan flashed in his mind.

"No, not even him," Izuku thought.

Despite everything Kacchan had done Izuku did not want him dead. Though that didn't mean he didn't hate him, because he truly did. It was the first time he had realised it.

At the bar

Since the fridge in his apartment wasn't full Izuku went to the bar to see about breakfast. Upon entering he was suddenly flipped forward and landed on his back. Izuku moaned in pain. He was then hauled up by someone and placed in a choke hold position. "If you even try to move I'll snap your neck," said a soft cold voice. It belonged to a female.

"Alright you little shit, why don't you tell me how you got in here and who you work for. If you answer honestly I'll make your death quick and painless. Don't and it'll be the opposite," she snarled while tightening her grip.

Izuku tried to speak but he couldn't, he was still struggling to breathe. It was at that moment when Kurogiri entered the bar and witnessed what was happening.

"Razor let that boy go. He's a new recruit, one chosen by Sensei himself," Kurogiri informed the woman.

After a few seconds of reluctance, Razor finally released Izuku. Gasping for air Izuku lay silently on the ground. Slowly, he got back on his feet and turned to face his assailant.

From what he could see Razor was a young woman (probably in her 20's) with short silver hair and eyes. Her entire outfit consisted of dark leather clothes and black high heels. As he examined her Razor glared at him with murderous intent.

"Why wasn't I told about this Kurogiri?" she questioned while still glaring at Izuku.

"He only became a member last night," the other villain replied. "And besides you've been away for the past couple of days without any ways for us to contact you." Razor said nothing more and simply sat down.

Shortly after the commotion Kurogiri sorted out breakfast for Izuku and informed him that his fridge would be filled later, something which Izuku was grateful for. When he had finished eating Kurogiri ordered Izuku to follow him. Izuku had been more than happy to get away from Razor who scared him. Kurogiri led Izuku to a dark room with various monitors. It was then that All for One appeared on one of them.

"Good Morning Izuku, I hope there were no issues with your apartment as it was the best we could do on short notice," he greeted.

"I had no issues at all," Izuku replied. "Thank you for your concern, however, I'm guessing you didn't call me here for that."

"Right you are Izuku. I called you here because would like to discuss what you will be doing for the League," All for One told him.

Izuku shifted slightly in response. Tasks? When All for One said this Izuku realised that he must be doing more than quirk analysis.

"What did you think you'd just be writing down notes for Sensei you little twerp," snickered Tomura.

Izuku jumped when he heard his voice. Tomura was leaning against the wall next to him, Izuku hadn't noticed him.

"Tomura enough," said Kurogiri sternly. "He only arrived last night, and Sensei didn't exactly explain things properly to Deku last night."

"Sensei, do they mean All for One," thought Izuku.

Tomura glared at Kurogiri. "Enough both of you. I'd like to speak alone so would you both leave," All for One said in a commanding tone.

Tomura looked surprised at this. Kurogiri however simply bowed and then proceeded to drag Tomura out of the room. Seeing Tomura in the hall Razor proceeded to leave as she hated that man.

At the bar

"Why is so interested in that quirkless brat? What could he possibly do that's useful for us?" Tomura raged.

Kurogiri stared at him. He was well aware that Tomura had been against this from the beginning. Tomura had only been polite last night because Sensei had ordered him to be. He had also told them to remain silent during the ordeal as he believed it would be easier for him to convince Deku to join.

"Why did he even try convincing him to join when he could have easily forced him? He has quirk or two for that sort of job," Tomura continued.

Upon hearing this an image of a red haired girl smiling flashed in Kurogiri's mind.

"Listen here Tomura," Kurogiri yelled. "Deku was not welcomed into the League because he was quirkless. Sensei was impressed by his intelligence and thought he could be of use to us. Quirks aren't everything in this world. Just because someone doesn't possess one does not mean that they are worthless, they are capable of many things. So listen here you spoiled brat, don't you dare look down on someone for being quirkless, cause last time I checked your quirk isn't overly useful either. Do I make myself clear?"

Tomura was shocked at his outburst. He couldn't ever remember Kurogiri yelling or even being angry.

"I'm going to get some more drinks," declared kurogiri and left the bar.

Kurogiri then headed to the storeroom. As he reached for a crate of drinks the soft voice of the girl he'd thought about before entered his mind.

"Hey Kuro," she said sweetly, "who's your new friend?" Kurogiri froze.

After a minute however he replied. "His name … is Deku," he told her sadly. "And, he's a lot like you, Laura." He turned to face the girl, but no one was there, no one ever was. Kurogiri felt tears coming but held them back. "I miss you Laura," he whispered. "I miss you so much."

Back at the communications room

After Kurogiri and Tomura left All for One started speaking with Izuku.

"What I would like you to do for the League is to take notes on quirks for both heroes and villains. From what I saw from your notebook you analysed and noted both the strengths and weaknesses, you even came up with several ways to improve them," he informed Izuku. "I would like you to do the same with our group, particularly ideas on how to improve our quirks. In relation to other heroes, I want you to investigate their weaknesses and assist in coming up with ways to defeat them easier."

Izuku pondered over this for a moment. He would basically be trying to take down the very people who protected society, innocent people would most likely be hurt with this decision. He thought of his mother as one of those people and shuddered at the thought.

"No," Izuku thought. "There's no point dwelling on this. I already said yes to joining, meaning there's no going back now."

All for One interrupted Izuku's thoughts. "There's something else I would like you to do, Tomura wasn't joking about that." He said in a more serious tone.

He held up a document to Izuku. Izuku jumped to his feet in surprise. It was his school file. "How the hell did you get that?" Izuku asked. He practically yelled it.

"An associate of mine got it for me. Your school doesn't have the best security," he chuckled. "She said it was almost too easy." Izuku stared at him blankly. "That aside, from what I read your grades for most subjects are average," he continued.

"Where the hell is he going with this?" Izuku thought. All for One had already asked him to be a part of the League because of his observational skills, he couldn't understand why he'd look into his school life.

"Most of your grades were average. However, you received top marks in your science subjects, biology and chemistry," he continued. "It's because of this that I would like you to work with someone from our science branch. It is with this person that I would like you to develop certain drugs that can enhance others abilities."

Izuku finally understood. However, something was bothering him. "Um if you don't mind me asking," Izuku said nervously. "Why are you being so open about everything with me? I literally just joined and it seems strange you would trust me with this kind of information, even last night you were very clear about your intentions."

"Well how else am I supposed to earn your trust?" he asked simply. "It's better for you to find out now than later."

Izuku wanted to believe him, however, some part of him doubted that All for One was telling the whole truth. Unfortunately Izuku didn't have enough information to act so he would just play along for now. "Okay I'll do it," Izuku said with a serious expression. "When do I start?" All for One simply smiled in response.

At an unknown location

"Should you really have told him all of that?" Viper asked All for One with a worried tone.

"I only told him the necessary information, what he needed to hear," All for One responded calmly. Viper sighed and looked at him again. "You haven't told him about any of our plans have you?" she asked more seriously. "Especially not about 'those' things."

"No dear I'm not that stupid." He replied simply.

Though he was impressed with Izuku All for One wasn't about to just go and trust him with all the League's secrets. He didn't completely trust the boy yet. "Does he know who he's working with?" asked Viper.

"No. I just told him that he would be collaborating with one of our scientists via voice chat on his computer. He won't even see your face," he responded. "He doesn't even know what I truly want to use his science skills for."

At the mention of this Viper was relieved.

Viper was about to leave when she remembered that she had one more question. "If you don't mind me asking," she said hesitantly.

"Go on," All for One told her.

"Why did you reveal yourself to him so quickly?" she asked. "Even by your standards that isn't normal. You always hide in the shadows, it's incredibly rare for you to interact with other members of the League."

All for One considered this for a moment. "The reason I revealed myself….. was because Izuku was someone who caught my interest. Like Tomura and Kurogiri, something which you know is very rare," he explained. Viper didn't say anymore. She was satisfied with what she had heard and decided to leave.

After Viper was gone All for One thought a bit more about Izuku. He hadn't told him everything but he had told him enough. What Izuku didn't know wouldn't hurt him, at least not yet. He had plans for the boy. While dwelling on it All for One starting laughing. "All Might, I promise we will meet again soon, and then you will suffer for what you took from me," he vowed.

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