Protect all of our children she says, I guess I pretty much don't have a choice but to see this through to the end. The staff in Asha's hand was a silver so white bright it was white, etched with runes and scripts of a long dead elven language, and ending with a crescent moon that held a star in the middle. It was ornate, delicate with a tassel flowing from where the crescent moon joined the staff. I knew from experience that this was a casters staff, but that crescent moon was sharp enough to cleave flesh and bone in a heartbeat. Which was why when she swung it, the overly pompous shiny god and Dracula quickly defended, and explosion of sound and power filling the air.
some comments when made don't show up in the comment session and I don't know why. so if you comment and I've not replied I'm sorry about that. I want to try and get to chapter 430 before I make privilege chapters. I'm hoping to earn something extra since my Pa-tr-eon isn't moving at all, I hope that it doesn't chase anyone of you away. I'm a dad now and this is the only avenue I have to provide. however I'll keep the privileged chapters small and cheap so you guys can still read it. thanks