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69.69% Become a Ruler System! / Chapter 23: Chapter 23 - More Mysteries!

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 - More Mysteries!

'creaakkk... Bang!'

Theo entered the room on the third floor which seems to be the master's bedroom. After all, The door was quite conspicuous on the outside as it was donned with red leather and gold plated steel were built onto on its frame. Furthermore, The door knob itself was even made from an emerald jade!

If such an exquisite design and wasn't obvious enough for Theo to understand, then perhaps he should commit suicide by running to a wall made up of tofu.

"Eee? Why is it so dark?" thought Theo while furrowing his brows.


[The master's bedroom is equipped with modern technology. Most of the available functions could be activated via the host's voice.]

Theo was a bit surprised for the notification to suddenly pop out of nowhere, and when he read it, that surprise changed to that of shocked! Voice-activated? Shouldn't this world be on the medieval timeline?

Hey hey hey! This system of his is breaking the timeline illegally! Wouldn't this interfere with the world somehow? Thought Theo.


[Host need not to worry, system is granted enough privileges to break a few rules here and there without any consequences.]

Reading this notification, Theo's mouth was wide agape! This system of his is quite the ruffian eeh? Becoming a spoiled child now? Its acting more and more brazen by the day. He harrumphed as wondered from where this system of his rubbed off this immoral behavior from.

"Haissss!" he sighed while shaking his head helplessly.

Theo then chose to close one eye to this illegal breach of timeline his system is making. After thinking it a bit more thorough, this will also benefit him greatly later on. Then, If there were any deities in charge of timelines were to question him, he would just point everything out to his system being faulty. Coughing dryly, he looked towards the ceiling:

"Activate the lights!" shouted Theo.


The room was still dark and pitch black as a cave. He then thought that the voice command he used before must've been wrong, so he tried another phrase.

"Lights on!" shouted Theo again.


"Let there be light!" his brows began to crease together.


"Shine!" his voice began to grow hoarse.


Theo shouted again and again using different forms of phrase each time. He tried from changing his vocabulary, to even substituting synonyms! As if that wasn't enough, he spouted some mumbo-jumbo that he heard before from the movie Harry Potter, but non seemed to work at all!

In the end, his temper went through the roof as he reached his wits end.

"JUST LIGHT THIS F*CKING ROOM!!!" he exploded out while shouting on the top of his lungs to the point of coughing.

"Pant... Pant.. pant!" he gasped for air.

"Why is it like this... Could the.. voice-recognition somehow.. got broken? Or was it supposed to be.. in another language? Maybe.. French?"

"BON VOYAGE!" he shouted for the last time. He couldn't care less if that one was in French or no, or even correct.



He was inhaling and exhaling air rapidly through his mouth like an ugly duck while seeming to be entirely puzzled as to how to turn on the damn lights. Not only that he had to climb the f*cking hill to reach his residence before, and now, he just wanted to quickly lay on his bed to get some good rest. But even that was far beyond his reach!

Just in what in the f*cking world is going on?

Did he somehow provoke the heavens in his last life so much that he now got such a bizarre tribulation?

Even the thunder tribulation that Meng Hao from the novel 'I Shall Seal The Heavens' had that one time when he ascended to the immortal realm is puny compared to this!

Just as he was feeling overwhelmed with bewilderment, as well as racking every part of cells in his brain to try to remember the specific words to turn the lights on in Japanese language, as he conjectured that advance technologies were either usually developed by the Japanese or the Germans, it was then that the system notification sounded.


[System had gotten mixed up with the manual instructions to start the engine of an automobile. This room has light switch on the wall to the left side of the door.]


Theo slumped down to the floor, defeated. He could no longer utter any swears and curses out loud as his voice was now beyond hoarse. He could only do so in his heart. In the end, he could only mutter a short sentence:

"Damned system... Curse you!"

He then stood up after he regained a little bit of energy and clicked on the light switch.


The rooms are now brightly lit and he could finally see his own room. It is heavily decorated with furniture that seems to be made only for the royals. Even the decorations are quite extravagant. Most of the dominant colors in this room are red and royal gold, befitting that of a Ruler's chamber.

Looking around, he quickly zoomed to the king sized bed and laid down comfortably after unwrapping the curtains. He soon fell asleep soundly without any more mishaps.


Early morning the next day..

'Knock Knock Knock!'

"My Lord, its already morning, are you awake yet my Lord?... My Lord?"

Sebastian was knocking on the other side of the door. It was already the third time he went back to this room to wake up the Lord. He sighed before trying to knock again once more.

"I am already awake." said a voice from inside the room. Clearly, this is Theo's voice.

"I am currently in the midst of cultivating and are about to reach enlightenment on another strands of the universe's consciousness. Do not disturb me." said Theo in a stern and reprimanding tone.

Hearing this, Sebastian bowed for a bit before apologizing and making his way down to the main hall. He could only wait for now as there is nothing else he could do.


In the bedroom after a few minutes...

"Ouhhhh! What a good sleep that was! This bed is not bad at all, I slept comfortably in it."

Yawning for a few more time, he then stood up from the bed and proceeded to take a shower. After which he donned back his hunting gear layered by his sorcerer's robe. He decided to one day buy some befitting clothes and apparels as a Ruler. Right now he just look too shabby.

He made his way down to the main hall, where he was then greeted by now more than 10 people. He was quite surprised to see their numbers doubled overnight.

"Good morning my Lord." greeted Sebastian.

His face was still wearing the same expressionless appearance. He nodded towards them as they did a 90 degrees bow from the side. He then continued to walk towards the throne.

Reaching the zenith of the throne, he first turned while flipping his robes to allow it to have that 'flap' effects as he sat down. His image, no matter how one would look, would definitely portray that of a wise and suave, great man.

"Good morning my Lord." all of the 10 or so people were finally able to greet their Lord with a bow. They didn't find it proper to greet him before in fear of hindering his path when he walked down the stairs, thus only Sebastian greeted him as their leader.

"Good morning people. I trust that everyone here has gotten a good rest last night?" said Theo while chuckling for a bit. Seeming to imply that they should be surprised to find themselves well accomodated as every rooms are complete with furnishing in his residence.

"That is true my Lord, we couldn't express our gratitude enough for such a splendid accomodation." replied Sebastian with a slight bow and his right hand clasped to his chest. An expression of both gratitude and respect. He then continued:

"Today my Lord, I have received several more people assigned by the Village Head to work in this residence. The 5 of us will split them accordingly by what they do best."

Theo nodded approvingly as he heard this. Now his residence is starting to look like a real residence with these much people.

"Very well, I trust that you 5 people will know what to do, thus I leave this matter to be supervised by you Sebastian."

"It is an honor my Lord." replied Sebastian sincerely.

"I hereby bestow the power upon them to navigate in my residence." said Theo with an aloof expression.

A series of unlocking sounds resounded in the minds of the newcomers. They were quite startled but quickly composed themselves as the butler had already informed them earlier of this. They then bowed again towards Theo who sat in an upright position on the Throne in gratitude. To them, his figure seems to be ever more dazzling.

"Now, Everyone is dismissed. Sebastian, you follow me." commanded Theo.


Walking down the hill with his hands clasped behind his back as usual, he took a casual stroll towards the village while marvelling on the view. Theo remembered about something that made him quite curious. When the villager came to greet him for the first time and in the main hall as well as during the rabbit hunt event, he had never seen this butler of his to appear anywhere before. So he couldn't help but to ask.

"I can't help but to recall that you weren't in the village yesterday?" asked Theo.

Hearing this, his butler chuckled for a bit with a warm smile as he nodded gently.

"That is because I just came back in the afternoon yesterday from an errand in Pearl Town. I was quite surprised with the happy atmosphere when the Village Head approached me. It was then that I was tasked to become your butler my Lord." replied Sebastian.

"Is that so? Hmm.. no wonder."

Theo was quite surprised to hear him doing an errand. After all, this butler of his is actually an OP being. Who would dare to ask him to do an errand? However, If it was just that, it wouldn't actually be considered to be too weird. But to suddenly be tasked as someone's butler by the Village Head and agreeing completely? Now that is weird. Seems like the Village Head is not that simple either.

He didn't bother to analyze the Village Head before as he thought that the Samo fella was just that. But next time, he had to make sure.


Reaching the village, he could see the villagers working hard with smiles and laughter on their face as they interact with one another. He couldn't help but to feel warm in his heart and smiled a bit before quickly turning aloof once more. His butler by the side managed to caught this quick change in Theo's expression. His opinion of the Lord now increased quite a bit.

"One Two! One Two!" shouted a group of people nearby in unison.

These are the 10 men who were tasked to run laps along the village yesterday by Theo. Jerald was at the very back pressuring his peers from behind to run faster. Some of their faces were quite pale but no one seemed to complain. Everyone's eyes seems to burn with zeal and the determination to grow strong.

"This Jerald have a good leadership character quality there.. a leader has to be someone who can support the whole team.. very good." Thought Theo as he saw this while nodding approvingly.

"Lord Theo! Good morning!" said a voice. It was from the Village Head as he approached them from the distance, walking slowly with his cane stick.

"Good morning Village Head." replied Theo with a gentle voice. In his mind, he couldn't help but to become more curious of the background of this old fella.

"What is your plan today my Lord? We will do out best to help you." said the Village Head with a warm smile. He has a very high opinion of Theo.

"I have a few things that I want to try building today, but of course, with your express permission first Village Head." replied Theo with a slight bow in curtesy of the Village head seniority as well as his status in the village.

He might be a Ruler, but this village had long been managed by the Village Head and is someone of a respected figure. Even more so with his mysterious background.

"Ohh? Well.. I approve in whatever that is that you want to build that can help the village." replied the Village Head with a chuckle.

"Thank you." said Theo.

In his mind, Theo quickly use the analyze function onto the old man.




_Ram_ _Ram_

Hello fellow daoist! Today's chapter focuses a bit on the gag side of this novel. I believe this to be part of the important essence in keeping my novel original. Furthermore, its not a filler but an integral part of the world building in all its seriousness. Thus, I hope you guys enjoy. The next chapter would be quite interesting :)

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