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Arjun knew that the reason why he was able to learn anything quickly is because of the biggest advantage he has. Initially it was the City of Yin-Yan.

In others conscience, the City of Yin-Yan is very different. They have a city. But they don't have any simulation system. For example, If Arjun wanted to learn forging, he has the support of all the guides, materials, resources within his City of Yin-Yang. And these materials are unlimited.

Arjun uses these unlimited resources and materials to learn anything he wants to perfection. He can practice anything until he was bored. That means he can afford to fail any numbers of times. This was his greatest advantage. And what's more, he can even have the facility or platform to create any new things.

But for others this advantage never had. Just like Arjun, they can take the materials into their conscience and forge anything they required to. But unlike Arjun, they don't have any practice manuals. They are on their own. They had to learn things on their own. They had to accumulate experience on their own. And most importantly, they can't afford to fail on more occasions.

That means they can't learn anything into perfection. But Arjun can. And this is the major advantage Arjun had. The advantage which he always depended on.

As for the combat techniques, he was even better. He has all the combat facilities in his City of Yin-Yang. Especially when he was promoted to the Void where in his conscience, the City of Yin-Yan was transformed into the City of Void.

He could train in the Greater Dao because the inspiration he will get to master the Dao arts in the Void City was massive. He has perfect conditions for mastering the Greater Dao.

But for ordinary cultivators all these facilities doesn't appear even in their dreams. They had to get the inspiration from the nature to master any Dao arts. This is the reason why exactly majority of the people never reach even the manifestation stage in the Dao Arts.

Only experts and those so called geniuses will get the inspiration from the nature and master the Dao arts. And Arjun knew that he is not one of them. He is definitely not any genius. If he doesn't have any of these advantages like the Void City,, And If he is an ordinary cultivator like others, then he might be equal to these Six Pavilion Lords in talent.

This is one of the reason why Arjun wanted to help these Six Pavilion Lords to become experts. They are not only good, honest and loyal to the one who helped them, then Arjun wouldn't have given any lecture to begin with.

Arjun knows that they wanted to become strong and experts just like those geniuses in the God Realm. But because of the poor guidance their cultivation remained nothing but a complete mess.

Arjun knows that he had just an ordinary talent in cultivation. The reason why he was this strong is because of the help he received from both City of Yin-Yan and the Void City. Or else, Arjun might be dead by now.

Arjun sighed. He took a deep breath and smiled. He said, "It's been a while. How are you guys doing?"

"Brother! You conquered two cities at the same time. You gave us a whole sum of three cities for us to develop. This is too much of a strain for us to handle." ,Bill sighed and said weakly.

"We will solve this problem." ,Jimmy said, "How is the situation in the City?"

"Brother! You don't know this. But for the past six years, our situation was not looking good. We had too much of work that we couldn't even get the time to cultivate." ,Daniel said with pale expression.

"That's right, Brother!" ,Fidel said in exhausted tone, "It's all thanks to your grandfather who took some burden away from us in managing the city which gave us some time to cultivate everyday. Or else we wouldn't have even time to cultivate."

Arjun smiled and said, "But you people still managed to enter the second awakening stage right?"

"It was all thanks to you, brother!" ,Bill said, "If you didn't take that class and correct all our faults in cultivation, then I am sure that we would have still struck at the mid stages of first awakening stage."

"Well, I just corrected the faults in your cultivation. It still depends on your own efforts. Only with your own efforts you can advance in your cultivation." ,Arjun said.

Arjun didn't give them any chance to speak. He said, "Whatever. Any news from that Regional Lord?"

The room fell silent. No one knew what to say. After a long time, Edward said, "We can't understand what exactly is going through the mind of the Regional Lord. It kind of looking strange. He never took any actions. We even feared that he will interrupt our recruitment program indirectly. But everything has gone smoothly. There was no movement against us from the Regional Lord! It was as if our struggle against those allied cities has nothing to do with that Regional Lord!"

Andrew said, "That's right! We finally came to an assumption that Bollard lied to us. In his final moments he tried to trick us and wanted to inject fear in us using the name of the Regional Lord!"

"But that was simply our guesses!" ,Creamer said, "We thought to wait until you come out from your training session and discuss this issue with you. So we didn't take any actions carelessly."

Arjun lost in his thoughts. But he quickly said, "I don't know what exactly the Regional Lord is thinking. But I am confident with Bollard's answer. I think he didn't lie. Back then Bollard is the strongest City Lord in the entire Flake Region! He even has the second strongest city like the Silverlight City as it's ally. If he wanted to, then the City Lord Bollard could use his own efforts to capture our city. In fact, there was no need for him to personally take any action. And yet he didn't take any action."

Arjun continued, "Someone a greedy bastard like Bollard wouldn't hold back to capture our city if he wanted to. If he wanted to capture our city, then there is no way the other cities would interfere. And yet the first one to attack us is the five allied cities. And Bollard didn't take any action to stop them."

Arjun continued, "And the only one who has the guts and power to force an arrogant person like Bollard to do this is none other than the Regional Lord! So I strongly believe that the Regional Lord is the mastermind behind all this!"

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