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Chapter 418: DAO AND LAWS

"Sovereign of Night?" , Rick asked, " Is this something related to that sudden fall of night for couple of minutes?"

"Yes." , Magmeel said, " If you want to have a rough understanding about the sovereigns, then you should first learn about the laws!"

"Laws?" , Logan asked, " What is a Law?"

"It's a top level of power that is known in the world of cultivation!" , Magmeel said, " It's the power that is even higher than the Dao!"

This revelation rendered everyone speechless! They all tried to master a Dao. But none of them were able to master it. Only Arjun was able to master a Dao. They all knew just how difficult it was to master a single Manifestation spell which happens to be the first step in the world of Dao. And yet there exists a power that is even greater than Dao?

"What is the difference between Dao and Laws?" , Arjun asked.

"Good question!" , Magmeel nodded his head and said, " Dao is the process of understanding the principles of an element. There is a principle through which any natural element functions. This understanding of the principle is called Dao. After having a thorough understanding, you will display your understanding in the form of spells. These spells are called Dao Spells. And as you know Dao spells are of four types. They are Manifestation, Domain, Transformation and Grand!"

Magmeel continued, " But Laws are different. If Dao is understanding the existing principle of nature, then Laws are having full command over a part of the nature. If you have mastered a Law, then that means, you have full command over that particular Law. That means you have conquered that particular Law. But there can't be two conquerers for one Law. That's why the one who has conquered a Law is called a "Sovereign". Until this sovereign falls, then there won't be another person who can become the newly promoted sovereign for that particular element or part of nature."

Arjun said, "That means, there can be two or more people who have mastered the Grand Dao of Fire. But there won't exist two or more people who could have mastered the Law of Fire?"

"Exactly!" , Magmeel nodded his head, " It is as you have said. There can be multiple Grand Dao Masters for an element, but there won't be multiple sovereigns of any particular element. If there would be multiple sovereigns for an element, then they won't be called as sovereign to begin with."

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding. They now felt as if a brand new world has opened for them.

"But there are two types of sovereign!" , Magmeel said, " The first way is the most difficult way. That is by understanding the laws and ascending to the level of a sovereign! But understanding the law is not a joke. I am sure that you people have tasted the difficulty of mastering a single manifestation level spell. Needless to say, a law!"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They knew just how tough it is to master a Dao.

Magmeel continued, " The prerequisites for mastering a Law is that one should have mastered all 10 Dao. And that is also to the level of Grand Level!"

"What???" , All seven of them shouted in shock. Mastering one manifestation level spell has become very difficult for them. But mastering a Law required one to master all ten Dao. And what is even worse is that, they need to master all ten Dao to the Grand Level. This is simply an impossible feat to reach.

"But there is a second way which can be achieved by only very extremely lucky people!" , Magmeel continued, " When a sovereign falls, then that fallen sovereign will leave behind a Deity Spark! This Deity Spark contains the Laws of that fallen sovereign. If one gets their hands on even one of this spark, then be it a mortal or immortal, they will immediately become the sovereign for the law of that fallen sovereign! But the Law is not just some ordinary power. In order to become a fully fledged sovereign, that lucky person will be immediately sent to their deity realm where a deity resides. And they will be in derp slumber. During their sleep, the information in the Deity Spark will be transferred to that newly promoted sovereign! But it will take a lot of time to transfer the information on the law. And only after digesting the laws, would that person would wake up!"

"Then this is bad!" , Arjun shook his head and said, "Then this is definitely a bad news!"

"Smart thinking!" , Magmeel nodded his head in appreciation and said, "You are right! This is definitely a bad news for you."

"What do you mean by bad news?" , Rick asked in astonishment. Even Logan and others were confused.

Arjun said, "Because I created my Light and the Darkness, these major powers knew that an Universe Will has been born. It was all thanks to the Ancient Universe Will who set up a barrier to save us that no one could detect my location. But the Sovereign of Night has fallen precisely in our realm. That means, the deity spark will be there at the location of the fallen sovereign. If what Magmeel said is right, then all these major powers will definitely come to Life Realm in search for the Deity Spark. This is an huge temptation for anyone. It might ignite a war among them. That means they might be rushing towards Life Realm at the moment. Then they will sense that the New Universe Will is actually in Life Realm! They will do everything in their power to get me as well!"

Rick and others felt as if they forgot to see the bigger picture. They still had to worry about the shadow of these major powers who knew about the existence of the Universe Will. In fact, it was actually because of them that they have suddenly move to the God Realm!

If these major powers weren't on their tali, they would have stayed in the Life Realm for an extended period of time. After all, they have many unfinished business here. And the one of them was to solve the puzzle of Maze Palace.

They knew that Maze Palace is definitely not something ordinary mysterious place. It was tightly secured. And the trials in the palace were simply strict. They just wanted to know what exactly was hidden in the Maze Palace!

But all their plans were put on hold temporarily. And it's all thanks for the revelation of the birth of new Universe Will candidate.

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