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Arjun took a deep breath. He knew that this is going to be one of the toughest moment of his life. But if he could get through this, then even he couldn't imagine how strong he would become. He don't know how exactly the outside world is right now. But after over a trillion years, he knew that things will change beyond his recognition. And if still there is the Assassin's Organisation, then he will destroy it for sure.

But right now, he need to get through this. So he prepared himself mentally. Then he triggered the tribulation. As soon as he triggered it, he was sent to a different world. In this world there is no sun, water or anything. There is nothing but land with no grass or plant. It was a plain land.

That Voice Said, " This is the world I created for you. It's for your convenience. So all the best."

Arjun nodded his head slowly while looking at the sky which was getting darker every second. Black clouds were formed in the sky. The dark sky was shining with pure colourless lightening. At any moment the first lightening bolt will fall on Arjun. Arjun prepared himself mentally. He put all his focus on the sky. If he will be careless, then the lightening bolts will kill him. So he raised his hands above his shoulder level and prepared to release the Void Qi, for his defence from any possible lightening bolt. Arjun was so focused that, even if there is an earthquake beside him, he won't even know about it.

As he was focussing on the sky for any sudden lightening bolt that may fall on him, the sky became much more darker. The wind was blowing violently. But Arjun didn't let his attention from the sky to waver even for a single moment. He just scrubbed all other thoughts from his mind. There was only one thing in his mind.

'To defend himself against the Void Lightening Tribulation.'

As Arjun focused at the sky with all his heart and soul, the sky became even more darker. The lightening on the dark clouds were getting much violent. At the same time the wind in the atmosphere became even more violent. But Arjun was focusing everything on the sky.

On the other side, there was another planet created by that 'voice', In this world there was a person who was as focussed on the sky as Arjun was. This person was none other than Avatar of Arjun. Arjun and his Avatar were attending the void lightening tribulation at the same time.

As both Arjun and his Avatar were focussed on the dark clouds in the sky, the violent clouds in the sky became even more violent. And at the same time, a bolt of lightening descended from the direction where Arjun was standing.

The speed of the lightening bolt was a little quick. But since Arjun was focusing on the sky for a long time, he was already prepared for it. As the lightening bolts approached Arjun, Arjun immediately used his Void Qi to cover his entire body.

The Lightening bolts clashed against the Void Qi that was protecting Arjun with a loud bang. Immediately the Void Qi shook violently. Since the Lightening Bolts were trying to harm Arjun, the Void Qi absorbed the Lightening Bolts and turned it into Arjun's own Void Qi. Because of this, Arjun's Void Qi increased it's quantity to another level.

But no matter how impressive Void Qi is, it has it's own limitation. The Void Qi was able to absorb up to 80% of the Lightening Bolt. But the remaining 20% hit Arjun. Arjun's body trembled a little. But there was no damage whatsoever.

But Arjun was stunned. If he didn't have the Void Qi, but instead he had the Yin-Yan Inner Will, then the Yin-Yan Inner Will wouldn't have been able to protect him whatsoever. This Lightening Bolt would have breached through the defence of the Yin-Yan Inner Will and it would have definitely killed him. This fact proved just how impressive the Void Qi is.

Anyway, Arjun passed the first Void Lightening Tribulation Bolt. This could be considered as passed the first Level of the current Stage. Arjun reached the 1st Level of Life and Death Cycle. At the same time, his Void Qi also reached a new level in quantity.

Since this was just the first level, there would be only one tribulation bolt. That means the Void Lightening Tribulation won't disturb him until he triggered it once again. He could take rest in the meantime if he wanted.

But Arjun has no such intentions. Since he had the energy to spare, he immediately triggered the Void Lightening Tribulation once again.

And with that decision the sky turned violent once again. Arjun focussed on the black clouds that were forming on the sky once again. The wind became even more violent than the last time. This time this phenomenon took place for around two hours. After around two hours a bolt of lightening descended towards where Arjun was standing.

Arjun was on high alert. Even though the sky was dark for around two hours, Arjun didn't even moved his eyes from the sky. Not even for a second. So as soon as the lightening bolt descended, Arjun immediately formed a defence around his body using his Void Qi.

This time the intensity of the lightening bolt was greater than the last time. So when it clashed against the Void Qi, the Void Qi shook for a moment. The Void Qi immediately absorbed around 75% of the Lightening Bolts and turned it into Arjun's Void Qi. Arjun's Void Qi immediately increased within his conscience.

But Arjun didn't have the time for rejoice. Because the Void Qi could only absorb around 75% of the Lightening Bolts. The remaining 25% of the lightening bolts still hit Arjun. Arjun once again felt his body go numb for a moment.

Arjun's face became serious. Last time the Void Qi could absorb around 80% of the lightening bolts. But this time it could absorb up to only 75%. Even though Arjun couldn't see the damage number, he could come to this conclusion because he compared the damage he received from the current lightening bolts and the previous one. This time he received the damage that is greater than the last time to a small margin. This made him a little serious.

That Voice told him that the intensity of lightening bolts will increase as he reach a new level. Since Arjun reached the 1st Level of Life and Death Cycle, Arjun knew that all this happened because of the increased Intensity of the lightening bolts. This fact made Arjun serious.

But he don't have time to think all this. Because Arjun knew that in order to advance to the 2nd Level of the Life and Death Cycle, Arjun had to pass two lightening bolt tribulation. He already faced successfully the first one. He still need to face the second one. And as per that Voice's information, once Arjun triggered the lightening tribulation, it doesn't stop until he reached the next level. And when would the next tribulation descends, even Arjun doesn't know it.

So he was on alert.

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