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69.61% Arcanum / Chapter 181: Bad Dream

Chapter 181: Bad Dream

"Emilia!!!" A voice spoke out to me in the darkness a giant sword erupted in flame revealing a blood red horned demon similar to the one we fought. Feeling a wand in my hand I quickly lifted my wand pointing at it flinging a fire bolt straight into its face. It didn't even flinch or blink letting it hit its face without a care in the world. It said something in another language, it sounded horrifying and angry just hearing it began to make my blood boil and my mind go blank in anger. Pointing my wand at spoke words in its language somehow, I didn't see a spell leave my wand but I could feel it, I sensed that I casted a spell but couldn't see what. The demon fell to one knew its body slowly slumping down to the floor. It was laughing but not in some weird sadistic way, but in a way like despite it dying it has won...

"What in the hell was that?!" I said jumping up awake in the darkness of my own room. Trying to ignore my dream I tried falling asleep again but the darkness in my own room and my imagination getting the better of me reminding me of the demon appearing in my dream. Taking a breath trying to relax myself knowing this is something that just in my mind I tried to force myself back to sleep again. "Emilia." The same voice spoke out to me in the darkness forcing me awake again.

I instinctively put my shoes on and made my way out and began ascending the staircase. Giving it a knock I opened the door to his dimly lit room. Scarlet was sprawled over the sofas sleeping in some weird position like a giant baby falling asleep in the weirdest positions. Paul was in his bed sleeping soundlessly, creeping onto of the duvets. "Paul?" I quietly whispered to him hoping he would hear me, it was refreshing to see he was still a heavy sleeper. "Paul?" I whispered to him again but this time shaking him a little hoping that it would work but deep down knowing there was no way in hell it would. "Bloody hell... Paul!" I whispered shaking him a bit harder making him wake up in shock still a little drowsy.

"Huh? What?" He questioned jumping up with a deep breath barely opening him eyes.

"It's Emilia.. I had a bad dream can I spend the night here?" I questioned quietly.

"Huh what? Of course Em come here." He said still half asleep spiralling out his right arm for me calling me by my shortened name like the way he used to when we were together.

Slipping into the sheets I rest my head and hand on his chest the sound of his heart beat, the nostalgic smell and wrath of his body instantly comforting me. "I've missed this." I whispered looking up at him.

"Me too... me too.." He said clutching me tighter like he never wants to let me go ever again with a giant smile from ear to ear.

"Goodnight." I whispered closing my eyes to sleep and grabbing his other hand holding it tightly.

"Goodnight." He mumbled back falling asleep instantly, I was always jealous of his super power to instantly fall asleep within seconds.

I woke up to the sound of clattering pots and pans guess it must be Scarlet since she's no longer sleeping on the Sofas. Trying to get up Pauls arms instinctively pulled me in tighter. "Paul I need to get ready." I whispered to him with a smile causing him to mumble and begrudgingly holding me tighter for one more second before releasing me.

I slipped out quietly making my way to the kitchen, "Scarlet?" I questioned peeking in.

"Hey Sis!!" She smiled with an absolute trashed kitchen.

"Need help?" I instinctively offered laughing finding it funny how she can easily slay demons and juggernauts but can't even cook a simple omelette.

"I don't get it!!!" She answered on the verge of giving up.

"Okay okay.. What do you want to learn to make first?" I asked and began to help clean up the kitchen to make it clearer

"Anything!" She said in frustration making me chuckle.

"Okay Okay... let's start with what you was making just now..." I offered taking the burnt omelette and tried to throw it away.

"Don't throw away food!" Scarlet gasped and proceeded to scoff it down in an unfathomable speed almost inhuman making me stand in shock for a few seconds. "What? Food is food!!" She looked as my reaction defending her actions.

"Okay.. So an omelette is simple, all you need is eggs, butter, salt and pepper. I proceeded to teach her and how her how to make a plain omelette plating it up for her to eat.

"It's so good!" She said easily devouring another omelette.

"Scarlet? How much do you eat?" I asked realising that every time we've shared food together she eats an obscene amount.

"Train hard eat hard!" She said with a giant smile.

"So you want more?" I questioned her curiously making her nod rapidly like a child being asked if they want more candy or treats.

"Okay okay..." I laughed and began to think of a filling breakfast and began to look into the fridge and cupboards. "Okay let's start with porridge." I said pouring out a hefty portion of oats into a saucepan adding milk and salt. "Keep stirring this don't let it burn" I instructed her making her take the spatula and began stirring it diligently with purpose in full concentration.

"Can I have some meat?" She ask hesitantly like a child asking for permission.

"Sure." I chuckled pulling out sausages and bacon from the fridge and began frying it up with two eggs. Pulling out some fruits and yogurt I dished out two portions of yogurt and fruit. Which Scarlet instantly began to reach for losing concentration on her stirring, "Keep stirring." I remained her chucking catching her in the act, making he withdraw her hand quickly like a guilty child. "Help me take the plates out." I said taking the finished breakfast to the table outside.

"Okay Sis!" Scarlet answered quickly taking all the plates out. Leaving all the plates for her except one bowl of yoghurt and fruits. "All this is mine?!" She said filled with absolute glee.

"Yeah." I chuckled smiling at how happy she was.

"So when does Paul normally get up?" I asked starting a conversation.

"He doesn't wake up till much latter... he normally skips breakfast, he says breakfast give him very runny poo." she answered me making me chuckle at how straight forward and honest her answer was.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened with you and the Demons yesterday?" I questioned.

"Ohh there were quite a few with these weird Baby faced masks, they were quite easy to kill they only took one hit each, but it was weird.. They have very mechanical movements but when I cut them in two they looked organic they had flesh and blood." She answered more concerned on her food then talking to me.

"Was there like a command structure?" I questioned.

"Ohh most defiantly, I encountered three other demons that seemed to be in command or at least a lot stronger than the other fry." She answered.

"Ohh what sort of Demons?" I questioned.

"There were three noticeably larger one.. One big red one similar to a Balron but smaller, another was a woman but with fox like features with several tails, and lastly there was another big beefy one with six arms." Scarlet answered.

"What else was in there?" I questioned.

"Hmm somehow they managed to smuggle a weird teleportation device I've never seen before. They also had quite a few prisoners, which isn't good." She answered.

"That's a bad thing?" I questioned.

"Yeah... We suspect there's something impersonating the imprisoned students otherwise we would have known they went missing, so we need to identify them locate their copies and take them down in one swift operation so we can secure Atlantis." Scarlet answered.

"Was there any casualties?" I asked.

"There were a few students I needed to cut down but not many." She answered.

"And the students you had to deal with.. There was no going back?" I questioned her choice of action.

"I gave them the chance to go peacefully but they were fully corrupted I couldn't get through to them sadly." Scarlet answered still scoffing down her breakfast.

"How will you tell their families?" I asked.

"I'm not sure.. Once we've secured Atlantis we'll have a meeting to discuss what to do." Scarlet answered.

"We think there's a teacher involved as well." I said to her.

"We know.. Professor Caldor dealt with that threat...." She answered.

"So all is safe now?" I questioned.

"On this threat.. Yes.. But there can always be more or other threats we don't know about." Scarlet answered.

"So what plans do you have today?" I asked curiously.

"OH MY GOD! I have the most boring day!!! I'm stuck watching Paul and Ashley trying to identify a monster... I HATE READING!" She said fuming in anger. "So Emilia did you come in the middle of the night?" Scarlet questioned me.

"Yeah.." I hesitantly answered making Scarlet give me a raised eyebrow look.

"Nothing happened!" I instantly told her knowing what she was thinking.

"Hmmm.." She replied still staring at me.

"Nothing happened... I just had a bad dream felt really weird being on my own." I honestly explained to her but she still started at me closely. "He still has his clothes on." I said pointing it out to her.

"True true.." She said nodding but still giving me a raised eyebrow.

"How was the breakfast?" I asked noticing the bowls and plates were absolute spotless.

"It was amazing Sis!" Thank you!! You're the best!" She smiled with absolute glee.

"When's Paul going to be back to normal?" I questioned Scarlet looking back at him a little worried still.

"Hmm he'll probably be able to walk around tomorrow or the day after, then maybe a week or so before he get back to full fighting strength." She answered.

"That long!" I questioned in shock.

"Yeah his runes take a very long time to be usable again." She answered.

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