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A Win For Today

"Well it was great to meet you guys, but I'm afraid it's time for me to head back, the feast is about to start so I'll be required to be on deck." Jun, unfortunately, notified us.

"Come visit us when you have time off!" I yelled to him.

"Sure! You got a deal." He smiled and waved goodbye to us.

"So we staying here for the feast?" I questioned everyone else.

"I wish my arms would heal faster." Daisy looked at her arms kind of saddened.

"Want to go to the main hall?" I questioned.

"Yeah, thought it might be good to meet other students." Daisy hesitantly smiled looking a bit nervous.

"Ahh don't worry! You have plenty of time to meet everyone." Yuna smiled.

"I'm sorry that I offended Helen," Morgana said feeling a little down.

"Don't worry it's not your fault," I replied to her trying to make her feel better.

"Yeah... don't take it to heart." Grace said trying to make Morgan feel better.

"I really am sorry, I would never do such a thing Maribelle did." Morgana replied defending herself.

"We know." I answered her trying to comfort her.

"Hi, I'm Nurse Cassandra just wanted to come ask if any of you have special dietary requirements?" She asked with a smile.

"Umm Emilia doesn't eat meat." Daisy answered for me.

"Ohhh okay and the rest?" Nurse Cassandra asked.

"Anything will do." Yuna smiled.

"Okay coming right up." She smiled and walked back to her desk.

"So Morgana tomorrow we'll be visiting Jay's home town care to join us?" I asked with a smile.

"Only Helen is going to be okay with it," Morgana answered.

"I'm sure Jay would be able to talk some sense into her and trust me I'm her best friend." Grace smiled.

"Yuna want to join us?" I asked with a smile.

"Sorry guy but I got plans myself." She smiled.

"Ohhh anything interesting?" I questioned noticing her smile.

"Just spending time with my boyfriend." she smiled in glee.

"Ohhhh a student of Atlantis?" I questioned.

"Maybe." She winked at me with a sly smile.

"Well, I hope you guys have a great time." I chuckled.

"Wait just to make sure what town is Jay from again?" I questioned.

"Hmm, I can't remember..." Daisy confessed.

"I don't think he mentioned it to me either," Grace answered.

"Hmm, I'm sure it's going to be safe anyways I do remember him telling me that it wasn't near the mountains," I replied.

"I wonder what it gonna be like." Daisy wondered.

"I wouldn't expect too much he said it's a small town may be a village," I answered.

"Yuna, Good to see you're alright." Sven said walking in.

"Hey, Sven!" Yuna smiled her face lighting up with a giant smile.

"I heard you overextended yourself, you feeling alright now?" He said taking a seat next to Yuna's bed.

"Yeah, where the hell were you?" She questioned him.

"Sadly Paul ordered me to help detain students that Scarlet knocked out," Sven answered.

"Ohh no there were more?!" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, there were I think thirteen other students... and that doesn't include some that got away." He answered.

"Any teachers?" Morgana asked.

"None that I know of," Sven answered.

"This isn't over then." Yuna sighed.

"Hey this is a win, you all done enough, well earned rest." He smiled leaning back on his chair. "Don't worry we have ways to extract the truth out of people." He smiled.

"You're not talking about t interrogation." I gasped in shock.

"That's a barbaric mind u have there Emilia," Sven chuckled, "There is another ways to extract information, Mind reading, Zone of truth, friends, and many spells to help in these situation." Sven answered.

"That still seems wrong," I replied.

"Well either that or we let the cult do what they want and corrupt more students and casualties." Sven shrugged.

"I guess you're right," I answered Sven still finding it a bit inhumane.

"Did you go down to where Scarlet was?" Yuna asked sounding worried for Sven.

"Ohhh no she told me no one should go there, in her words it was like the stuff of nightmares," Sven answered.

"She's doing okay though? We had a run-in with Gregor and after he drank the potion he was insanely strong." I said to Sven.

"Of course as always came out without a scratch, in fact, she looked rather happy," Sven answered, Gregor? really? couldn't say I'm surprised he took his de-ranking pretty seriously." Sven replied with a hint of sadness.

"So are you and Yuna in the same year?" I asked as they seemed comfortable with each other.

"Ohh yeah. Yuna, Priscilla and I are all in the same year in fact." He answered with a smile.

"Ohhh so what rank are you both?" I questioned.

"I'm rank 22 A-class," Sven answered.

"And I'm rank 28 A-class as well." Yuna smiled

"Ohh so Sven is stronger?" I asked.

"I'd say no, but we're both A-Ranked so that's all that matters." Sven smiled.

"So what ranks determine your class?" Grace questioned extremely interested.

"1-3 S-Class, 4-30 A-Class 31-60 B-Class, 61-100 C-Class, 100+ D-Class," Sven answered.

"Ohh I wonder what Rank I am." I pondered.

"I reckon you guys are at least rank C... Daisy defiantly Ranks A or B student, Judging by how she was at hurting the Demon." Yuna answered

"Woah Daisy is as strong as us?" Sven looked at her in shock making Daisy grin extremely happy almost to the point where she couldn't contain herself..

"You should have seen her!! She was devastating on two occasions she was able to knock it out for a bit of time and even hit it hard enough to break its jaw and indent its skull." Yuna smiled.

"Well, I have seen her in action when she went toe to toe with Dark Elves." Sven smiled.

"So plans tomorrow?" Sven asked looking at us.

"We were gonna visit Jay's hometown," I answered.

"Ohh nice! By the way where is, Jay and Helen?" He questioned looking around to make sure that he didn't miss them by accident.

"Helen got angry about something and stormed off and Jay followed her to make sure she had company." Yuna answered.

"Ohh about what?" he asked causing Yuna to give him a quick sign to drop the topic but swivelling her head very quickly.

"How about you? What you got planned?" I questioned.

"Ohhh Yuna kindly offered to show us around her home town and a fancy dinner for saving her in a commission." Sven answered causing me to give Yuna a raised eyebrow, making her blush and giving me a wink.

"So Sven seeing anyone?" I questioned.

"Me? Sadly no, most girls prefer the more, you know bigger muscular students, sadly I can't find a girl who appreciates my brains and meticulous planning." Sven sighed.

"I'm sure syou'll find someone who appreciates you." I chuckled

"Not going to the feast?" Yuna asked Sven.

"At first I thought it'd be nice to meet a Aspan girl, you rumors ahs it they do prefer more intellectual guys being the city of artificing and engineering." He smiled making Yuna give him the stink eye, "Nah I was only joking, truthfully though I do feel a little bad that I left you on your own though I'd at least keep you company while you're stuck here." He smiled.

"Where Priscilla? I thought shes also a part of your party," I questioned wondering why she wouldn't rush to see how Yuna is doing.

"Oh her boyfriend is in Aspa, apparently he had to make a special request just to get permission to come here, so we didn't want to disturb her." Yuna smiled.

"Oh? how did the meet being so far away?" I questioned curiously.

"I think she said they were childhood friends, sadly she got picked to go to Atlantis, and he managed to work his way up as an engineer." Yuna answered.

"Aww that's sweet," I smiled reminding me of how long Paul and I have known each other.

"So how did you guy take out the Demon? How many hearts did it have?" Sven questioned.

"Not sure, how many hearts it had, but we did hurt it." Daisy smiled.

"Yeah, Anna came and helped us finish it off," I answered.

"Ohh how so?" Sven asked.

"Her weapon apparently seals souls so she banished it, by sealing it away in her sword. She told me there's probably no way we'll see Grigor or the Demon that possessed him ever again," I answered.

"What the heck? Well at least now they know if they mess with Atlantis they might meet their end." Sven nodded.

"Yeah the moment the Demon saw her sword drawn but by then it was too late, Anna basically finished it in an instant." I described to Sven what happened.

"Wow and she's only second year as well. As expected from house head, even Anna is ridiculous." He began to ponder.

"You know her?" I questioned.

"I know of her... She's a Dragon house member... she has no friends nor does she attend class at all, but she has been seen accompanying Paul every now and then." Sven answered.

"Wow, so students can freely skip classes?" I asked curiously.

"It's not advised but classes are kinda optional. As long as you pass your exams and teachers are happy with your progress." Sven answered.

"Wow, that's pretty neat," I replied.

"So what do you guys do to earn gold?" If you don't mind me asking." I questioned them.

"My parent parents give me enough gold to live on." Sven smiled I was on the verge of saying trust fund baby as a joke, until I realised it wouldn't sink in.

"Ohh that's nice what do your parents do?" I politely questioned.

"My family owns a string of merchant shops, we basically buy adn sell everything all around arcadia." He smiled.

"On the weekends I generally work as a Tavern guard, I throw people out whenever they get too roudy or I see something that needs my intervention." Yuna smiled.

"Have you ever knocked someone out?" Grace questioned.

"Oh yeah many times, the best though was before I was well known, a huge dude tried to talk smack to me, so I ended up hitting him in the body. Instantly dropped down and began vomiting and crying like a baby. Ohhhhh that felt so good." She smiled clearly picturing it in her head like it was just yesterday.

The nurse came over with a trolley filled with trays of food. "So here your meals, as requested one without meat." Nurse Cassandra smiled lifting the tray causing me to lift my hand. "Ohh no I'm sorry I didn't notice we have one more guest." She gasped noticing Sven arrived.

"Don't worry he can share with me." Yuna smiled causing the nurse to give her a raised eyebrow look.

"Okay... I'm sorry Mr..." She apologised.

"Sven.." He smiled taking a glass of water.

"Sorry, Sven I really should be more diligent, I can order up another tray for you if you'd like." She asked politely.

"No, it's fine don't worry about it." He smiled making the nurse shoot another glance at Yuna with a nod of approval.

"Here's your cutlery and your drinks." Cassandra smiled handing us all our meals for the night.

"I wonder what Jay and Helen are up to." I sighed hoping that Helen can look past Morgana being a Spore Druid.

"So Morgana, how are you finding Atlantis life and stuff?" I questioned realising I haven't spent much time with her.

"You know at first I preferred the swamps and in some aspects I still do, but the outside world is growing on me slowly, but I never knew finding and making friends would be so hard, in the swamps everyone wanted to be my friend." She answered extremely puzzled.

"Don't worry we'll be your friends," I answered for everyone.

"Yeah, you have nothing to worry about." Grace smiled.

"So you guys' staying overnight?" I questioned Daisy and Yuna.

"Yeah I think it's best to, I want to regain use of my arms as soon as possible so I can carry on training," Daisy answered scoffing down her meal as always, the infirmary was working wonder, somehow Daisy manged to regain mobility fo her hands but still had a long way to go.

"Maybe you should take it easy on training for a bit, you might injure yourself more if you jump back into it too soon," I warned her.

"She is right on that." Yuna agreed.

"Will the Aspan fleet be retuning once the feast is over?" I questioned.

"Yes on our itinerary they should be returning once the festivities are over," Sven answered sharing food with Yuna like a brother and sister, Yuna hilariously pretending she's still a little weak.

"And most of Atlantis are none the wiser on the Demon Incursion?" I questioned.

"Yup, it was all kept as quiet as possible, no doubt whoever planned all this is still at large," Sven answered.

"Shouldn't all Atlantis students be informed?" I questioned.

"There are things that all Atlantis students are privy to, but there are things we can't tell students obviously to stop panic and things. In this case, we don't want other students get the idea to join them or get misled by their false promises. Trust me this time it's for the best." Sven answered making me feel slightly worried about what other secrets are being kept from us. "If it helps there's nothing nefarious going on or anything," Sven added noticing my reaction.

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