Little boy could not answer back against her words and after a short while, he replied with a stammer, "I… I really didn't have any bad ideas, ok? Look at my innocent eyes!"
He then widened his eyes even bigger.
Unfortunately Huang Yueli did not fall for his tricks and raised an eyebrow as she queried, "Really not going to tell the truth?"
Little boy gave a cold shudder. Whenever female devil had this expression, it means she was going to do something to him. And whenever he thought of the horrible avenues that she used to bully other people….. he immediately gave in.
"I was just…. just looking at you….. because I was worried about your safety!" He replied awkwardly.
Sigh, although he was of royal blood and was a powerful divine creature Large Phoenix, but the female devil was too terrifying so he… had to give in a little. Of course, he had to maintain the demeanour of divine creatures and not because he was afraid of this female devil…..
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