What should she do now?
That Qilin Beast had to have brought her here for a reason.
"Do you have a death wish?!"
Feng Wu was still trying to get out of the fence when a cold voice rang out in the cave.
Who was that?
Feng Wu looked up to see a second Qilin Beast!
That was it!
She had seen three blue dots on the map when she had chosen the Qilin Beast cub.
Two big dots and a small one.
The small one represented the cub, which made the two big ones its parents.
Now that the father was cultivating, this Qilin Beast which had just shown up had to be the mother Qilin Beast.
The mother stared at Feng Wu with bloodshot eyes.
Feng Wu was a little uneasy…
Although it was only natural selection and survival of the fittest, she had indeed used that cub for her own benefit…