When he saw Duan Yingying standing there, he asked: "I have finished eating everything." After he spoke, he remembered that she couldn't hear, therefore, he raised his hand and gestured once again.
After Duan Yingying recovered from her surprise, she glanced at him and then stepped forward to clear the dishes on the table.
Guan Xilin felt a little embarrassed as she wasn't a servant after all. It was a bit unreasonable to ask her to cook and clean up, so he helped her take the dishes into the kitchen.
When he saw a portion of food that was set aside, he realised it must be for Little Jiu and he said with a smile: "Actually you don't have to save food for her. She might not even leave her room until tonight. When she is busy she doesn't need to eat."
When he saw her tilting her head looking at him blankly, he responded with a smile: "I forgot you can't hear."
"Have you eaten yet?" He gestured with his hands.
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