Just as Jun Wu Xie had guessed before, the youth worm was the secret of the eternal youth of the maidens. This poison was refined by Elder Luo herself. It would be added to the milk where the maidens were born. It was also added during feeding. The Sacred Maiden Tribe's drinking water had also the youth worm added in. The amount was very small, and it will not be noticed by anyone.
And all this was arranged by the elders in the clan. Except the maidens, all elders in the tribe knew it.
Because the amount of youth worm taken at a time was very little, it did not have much impact on the body of the maidens. The chaotic pulse was only a slight side effect but it had no other impact on their health. Jun Wu Xie let out a little sigh of relief.
In fact, the use of external forces to maintain the maiden's youth had been around since the beginning of the Sacred Maiden Tribe, but it was not the youth worm that was used at that time.
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