There were so many wars that Jun Wu Xie and Jun have participated in, and they knew how to control the situation in front of them.
Qin Song nodded and immediately organized the rescued Spirit Envoys, and handed the command over to Jun Wu Yao and Jun Wu Xie. The number of Spirit Envoys which were assigned to the Spirit Tree more than doubled.
At the same time, the black armoured Spirit Envoys had fled upon learning of Meng Qiu's demise. In their horror to escape, they had fled toward the Soul Ascending Altar just as Jun Wu Yao had predicted.
At the Soul Ascending Altar, Yan Xi frowned as she looked at the black armoured Spirit Envoys kneeling on the ground. Her gentle face held a trace of anger. Those black armoured Spirit Envoys narrated in anguish everything that had happened in the Soul World. They were now so easily frightened that their faces were all white with fear.
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