With a song, and a cup of wine, this night, was to be their final time of revelry in the Spirit World.
The Spirit Lord spared no expense with his own power of the spirit to magically create the best wine, and the most delicious food.
The Hell Butterfly fluttered around in a dance within the loft, the Double Headed Bone Snake slid and slithered it nimble body happily on the floor, their movements coming together to form a beautiful and mystical dance.
As Jun Wu Xie saw song and dance rising up, her heart was comforted by a strong feeling of tranquility. What she looked forward to the most, was for life to be like this, where there wasn't all that much of ups and downs, plain and simple, like a narrow stream that flowed a long way, that was real life for her.
"In the future, we'll come back." Jun Wu Yao said, his hand grasped around Jun Wu Xie's under the table.
Jun Wu Xie nodded slightly.
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