Five days without any news and Jiang Yun Long sent people out to bring back the team leader Meng Yi Liang. But sending human spirits out to search for him, Jiang Yun Long suddenly came to discover that Meng Yi Liang had disappeared!
To put it more accurately, besides the human spirits stationed just outside the perimeter of the Tranquil Dreams Forest in watch, all the spirits that had been sent inside the Tranquil Dreams Forest did not have a single one return. That situation immediately threw Jiang Yun Long into shock.
The death of a spirit body would not leave a single trace and close to a hundred human spirits had gone missing, where it could almost be certain that they had already died.
What made it more terrifying was that within the Tranquil Dream Forest, there were no signs of any other spirits, and all the human spirits guarding the outside of the Tranquil Dreams Forest had not seen Jun Wu Xie and her companions come out.
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