"MEEOOW! ! ! !" The little black cat jumped up in the air, its front paws immediately raised up to furiously swipe all the tea leaves out from its mouth.
[You trying to kill me! ! ?]
"What are you afraid of? Spirit bodies can't absorb poison." Jun Wu Xie propped up her head and looked at the little black cat, and seeing its intense reaction, a smile rose up in her heart.
The little black cat looked mournfully at Jun Wu Xie, as it dug out a piece of the tea leaves from between its teeth and spat it onto the stone table.
Spirit bodies are completely immune to any kind of poison except for those that affected one's spirit, but up till now, it had never encountered that before.
[Even if there's no effect on me doesn't mean I should be eating it right! ? I'm not a trash bin you know! ?"
The little black cat was feeling like its cat rights was being diminished.
"What are its contents?" Jun Wu Xie asked suddenly.
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