That garish skull only had bone left and its vacant eye sockets were in a direction facing straight at Jun Wu Xie where at first glance, it looked like it was staring at Jun Wu Xie.
If this had been the little black cat instead, it was guessed that it would have fallen into a dead faint immediately.
But Jun Wu Xie merely cast its glance in its direction, calm and unaffected.
"Little Squeak!" The little girl's voice was tinged with displeasure as she stepped over the deep piles of treasures to come before the jade throne and picked up the skull in her hand.
The Hell Rodent that was still happily spitting forth the treasures suddenly froze under the shout from the little girl. A Luminous Pearl that was the size of a chicken egg was only spat out halfway with the Hell Rodent's mouth stretched wide open as it stood blinking its black beady eyes with a blank expression at its Mistress.
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