That devilish pair of violet eyes, were now not tinged with mirth, but the gaze from them was filled with sharp chilling murder.
At that time, when Jun Wu Yao found Jun Wu Xie, he had not said anything, nor asked much about it. But that incident had not been erased from his memory at all.
That was the time that he had very nearly lost her.
That had made him feel panic, an emotion that he had never experienced before, and he had felt it very clearly then.
He would not allow them to die so easily. Regardless whether it was for the the pain Jun Wu Xie had suffered, or the panic that he had felt, he wasn't about to let them die off so easily.
Only by inflicting this torture upon them, would he be able to appease the sense of panic he had felt in his heart when he had almost lost Jun Wu Xie.
The pitiful and mournful howls in Jun Wu Yao's ears, sounded as moving as a song sung in praise.
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