The path had blood and rain mixed together. Jun Wu Xie's face was cold as ice. Huddled in a corner as they trembled in fear, the soldiers wished fervently for the nightmare to end, but then saw figure of a terrifying demon approaching under the blinding flashes of lightning.
It was clearly just a youth in his teens, but it made the soldiers who experienced war through the battlefield felt chills run through them.
That pair of chilling eyes cut through the rain and swept over the soldiers hiding in the back in fear, and the stiffened lips parted slightly.
"None to be spared."
The instant the voice dropped, a massive black beast suddenly leapt towards those Condor Country's soldiers who were thinking to run for their lives.
Jun Wu Xie's steps did not slow in the slightest as she continued to walk on forward. Howls and wails of anguish and terror erupted behind her, and the thick stench of blood caused her breathing to slow.
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