The city that they had just come out from not long ago, was suddenly blown up into smithereens right before their eyes. The flames surged towards the sky, painting the dim horizon in a red glow!
The city was gone…..
In a blink, it had turned into ruins, a scene of fire and destruction as the earth shattering explosion greatly startling their hearts.
A noisy clatter suddenly sounded from among the group of refugees.
A large wicker basket placed upon a horse had suddenly fallen to the ground, and from the basket, a heap of blood stained metal badges had fallen out in a loud clatter.
Mu Chen's eyes stared very hard at the badges and he almost seemed to dash over in a hurry to fall to the ground next to the heap of metal, wiping the blood stains off the badges with his trembling hands.
[The Rui Lin Army, must have…..]
Mu Chen suddenly felt like a lightning bolt had hit him!
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