"Looks like he isn't capable of eating on his own. Come, Gongcheng Lei, you feed him." Ning Rui said, his eyes almost dripping with malice.
Gongcheng Lei immediately lifted a bowl and used the soup spoon to scoop up the still slightly scalding hot soup and pushed it into Fan Jin's mouth one after another.
However, Fan Jin did not react in the slightest. He sat there staring blankly ahead, while Gongcheng Lei continued to stuff big mouthfuls of rice and other dishes into his mouth. His mouth remained open and he did not move. The forcibly fed food filled his mouth and was overflowing, and much of it just dropped over his chin and onto his clothes, making them even more filthy than they had been before.
Soup and water was soaked up into his clothes and Fan Jin now looked every inch worse than the beggars on the streets, just a marionette that anyone could manipulate.
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