When Fan Jin got back to the bamboo grove, Fan Zhuo was still sound asleep. He sat down for a long while outside the hut in the yard until Jun Xie came out from his room. He hurried over to catch up with Jun Xie and told him that Fan Qi had agreed to allow him to treat Fan Zhuo condition.
Those same words, were coincidentally overheard by Ah Jing who was just returning from the academy as well. At that moment, Ah Jing suddenly fell into dejection.
Having officially taken over Fan Zhuo's treatment, Jun Wu Xie no longer kept mum on Fan Zhuo's daily welfare. The first thing she changed was Fan Zhuo's daily meals. She changed the meals from normal food to medicinal cuisine. Then, she went to Fan Zhuo's room, and in one big sweep, she gathered up all the medicines and elixirs in there and threw them all out.
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