And those very words had pushed Jun Wu Xie right into the eye of the storm.
"Forget it, there is no need to harp further on it, I do not mind it in the least." Li Zi Mu puffed up his chest to say generously, but the expression on his face did not show that he was sincere in wanting to appease the crowd.
"Zi Mu, you are too nice and generous, and that had almost allowed some sneaky person to steal your spot in the Spirit Healer faculty." The youths around Li Zi Mu sang his praises loudly. They were envious of him, but they knew that gaining the inside track now with a future Spirit Healer would not hurt them in anyway.
Li Zi Mu's personality was a lot more receptive to people and he got along rather well with his peers, the complete opposite of Jun Xie's cold and unapproachable one. Even when people had wanted to try to get closer, their efforts had not been reciprocated.
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