Hurriedly taking the bottle of medicine from Jun Wu Xie's hand, Hua Yao emptied it into his mouth and removed the bandages completely from his body on his own accord. Sitting on the bed quietly, he surrendered his body over to Jun Wu Xie without a word.
Hua Yao's injuries were a little different. Most of them were inflicted on his bones, and Jun Wu Xie spent a little more time tending to him but was speedy in her treatment just the same.
Right after Jun Wu Xie's healing hands, Hua Yao and Qiao Chu seemed to have regained a bit of colour in their cheeks.
"Thank you." Hua Yao said simply.
Jun Wu Xie replied by shaking her head and walked a little pale faced over to Rong Ruo, retrieving the little black cat back into her arms.
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