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100% The mysterious tower of 100 doors / Chapter 3: a tower named dog

Chapter 3: a tower named dog

bo's vesion went black and after an unknow amount of time he woke up. he was not in the library any more but in his small shack he lived in by the lake. when he opened his eyes, he saw a made witch he believed came from his mother's house siting on a bucket asleep.

he gently nudged her to conch's ness and asked " how long was I out". she looked at him as if he was a nonsense.

" you were out for 5 days. we found you collapsed on the library Flore. tell me what happened I need to make a report "

bo did not know what to say so he said just that " I don't know " and the made left as if saying fingers, you would not even know why your wen uncases.

bo sat down and closed his eyes and he was in the tower agen.

" you cloud have warned me I wood be asleep four 5 days you know"

" you wear the one that chous space as your first choice"

" by the way what am I supposed to call you "

" you don't have the right to know my name "

" ok since you don't want to tell me dog it is. so, dog weir does you think I shoed start"

" I recommend the training room. hay waste who you calling a dog "

" thanks for the advice "

" don't change the subject "

the door to the training room looked just like any other door in the world. the only difference is you can fell power coming out of the room as if it wood explode any minute.

" the room is calibrated to your power and since you don't have any it will just be a bit of space. and this is going to hurt by the way. until you hit power building stage 5 every time you train it will be as if your body is being ripped apart. on the plus side your pain tolerance will go through the ruff and you get smarter. serves you right for calling me a dog you brat."

" so where is my power building art?"

" when you enter it will go strata to your head "

" well I might as well get this over with stop me wen I am at the power building stage 3 ok"

" take a pill be four you start and put on your training suet "

" now look who is being helpful "

" that's what I am hear for "

as bo enters he knows he is in for it the room was black as the night. the door closed behind he as if saying you can't back out now. he heard a noise and then it was as if the world was ending.

" aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" pain all he code think about was pain. but still as if he was not in control of his body the power kept being draw in to his body and his power slowly grow.

first lair

second lair

3rd lair

as fast as it came it was over. he felt as if it was days but it was rely only but 30 mins.

" you ok"

" I think "

" go to the library I will give you some subjections one arts tot are good for your power type"

"thanks I think"


in the library, the books war not on shelves but flying in the sky like birds.

" all you have to is think of it as a such engine and the books of your type will cum to you Theas are the books I recommend but just focused on one fore now "


space edged blade

(what is sharper than a blade made of space)

dispersing arm art

(make your arm fly through space and disappear for a moment)

void of air

(make the air in front of your opponent's head diaper into space)


" they all sound fun but since I allergy have a sward I will pick the space edged blade. these suggestions made up for your letting me pick space power dog."

" stop calling me dog "

" no"

after that bo left the tower now that he had money he was going to sped so he headed to town"


when he got to town it was time for lunch and he had not eaten for five days so he was so hungry he could eat a dragon. (no not a horse I know what I seed) the first place he happened upon was just plain meat on a stick or so he thought. after eating it he found out it was strange.

" owner what is this " the owner had a 2st stage power of power building and looked to be about 30- 40 years old.

" it is the meat of a 1st stage wind snake "

" compliments to you"

at this point he relied he did not have any gold just power stones. he hatched a plan to star an information network.

" owner I seem to have forgotten my gold and all I have is this 2 power stones. so how about this I will give this to you and more each month and you bring my food 2 times a day along with an information report."

the owner's eyes opened wide. looked as if he had seen a ghost and then as if it was his lackey day. " two is too much I must throw in my loyalty new master. " he bowed and continued "my name is fa I will serve you well"

it is important to note that in all the bao family they only had 70 power stones. and that 1 stone is a lot of money.


bo left and his next stop was a slave trader. he was going to get himself some man power that just answered to him.

" welcome consumer. want can I get for you "a vary fat man yelled out as he entered the store

" ages from 15-20. power building stage 1 only. no prior master."

"we have 5 that match your requirements. 4 men and 1 girl."

" this power stows shod cover it."

the man greedily grabbed the stone and instantly went to do the binding of the slaves. do did not say a word to the slaves as he led them to his shack. they looked at him as if he was crazy why was he living in a shack and wear they going to have to live here to.

" ok every don't worry you will not live hear close your eyes and we can go to your new home " they closed tar eyes and one by one they dispersed. when they opened tar eyes they were in a dirt room in a strange place.

" from now on your names are f1-4 and your young lady are chin"

they all angered as one " yes master "

"from now one you must get stronger to protect my new grope that I am calling the freedom grope. as of now you all will get a pill a day access to this power training room and art library. if any of you ever get stronger than me you will gain your freedom. that is weir I got the name of the grope. you will eat good food and every now and then you will have a job. you can even get payed for you work."

all five of them looked happy.

"your first order is to get stronger all of you don't disappointment me "

"yes "

-- bo left and entered the training room

" dog stop me when it is morning "

" stop calling me dog "

" and watch those people let them uses this room and the library but slow them down so they cannot pass me."


he entered and the pain began.

thebook100 thebook100

first of 3 of the day

if any one wants anything to happen tell me

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