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Chapter 10: Team

I'm preparing myself completely this time, not forgetting to take Blóðörn then, before leaving the house I try something that was in my head since I learn that we could be in [Team]:

"- [Team Information] !" I say aloud.

And a window does appear :


You are in a [Team]

teammates :

[Subordinate] Inukami (level 30) *

[Subordinate] Inuyasha (level 16) *

[Subordinate] Inuyama (level 16) *

* information: you can see the status of your teammates if they accept


"-Mmh... [Information Inukami]"


Demand in progress



Inukami looks in surprise in front of him before nodding.


Status Window


Name : Inukami


Age: 10 | sexe : Male | level : 30 | Race : [Kobold]


Title : Subordinate


Hp: 180/180 | Mana: 100/100 | Stamina: 400/400


Strength (Str): 40 | Agility (Agi): 30

Vitality (Vit): 31 | Dexterity (Dex): 62

Intelligence (Int): 18 | Wisdom (Wis): 10

Defense (Def) : 20 (+20) | Courage (Cou) : 40

Unallocated point: 0


(waow it really shows everything! Wait ... ten years old? The monsters evolve differently I suppose ...)

"- [Information Inuyama]"

Like Inukami, the kobold wrestler is startled, a blue panel must have appeared in front of him. And just like his friend he aquiesce.


Status Window


Name : Inuyama


Age: 6 | sexe : Male | level : 16 | Race : [Kobold]


Title : Subordinate


Hp: 120/120 | Mana: 100/100 | Stamina: 250/250


Strength (Str): 30 | Agility (Agi): 20

Vitality (Vit): 13 | Dexterity (Dex): 12

Intelligence (Int): 15 | Wisdom (Wis): 10

Defense (Def) : 10 (+10) | Courage (Cou) : 20

Unallocated point: 0


(... these stats are ... weak? No it's my scale that is skewed by my monstrous growth - it's normal, I guess, Inukami really needs to be superior to their race)

I'm doing the same thing for Inuyasha :


Status Window


Name : Inuyasha


Age: 6 | sexe : Male | level : 16 | Race : [Kobold]


Title : Subordinate


Hp: 120/120 | Mana: 100/100 | Stamina: 250/250


Strength (Str): 30 | Agility (Agi): 20

Vitality (Vit): 13 | Dexterity (Dex): 12

Intelligence (Int): 15 | Wisdom (Wis): 10

Defense (Def) : 10 (+10) | Courage (Cou) : 20

Unallocated point: 0


(exactly the same as Inuyama ... well my family now, how do I get them into my team? I would like to avoid making them my [Subordinate] with [Blood Submission] )

I think for a moment in front of everyone and then try several things:

"- New teammate. " Nothing

"- New member ?" Nothing

"- Add team member ?"



Say the name of the teammate, it must be in view and within three meters


- Nathalie Maîtres.


Demand in progress



My mother is surprised like the kobolds

"- What do I do ?" she ask me.

"- What does that say ?"

"- "Lukas Masters wish to add you to his team, accept? "

"- Just think "accept" or "yes".



New teammate !

Nathalie Maîtres (level 1)


Then I did the same thing for my grandfather and my sister.


New teammate !

Alyssa Maîtres (level 1)


New teammate !

Pierre Maîtres (level 3)


Finally I leave the house with my mother and Inuyama. Inukami, the strongest after me, stays to keep the house with Inuyasha to protect my grandfather and Alyssa. The latter was also taken by my grandfather in the Library to retrieve useful objects.

I gently open the metal gate of our property and observed the surroundings.

(No traces of monster but ... the kobold put all the desiccated bodies of the orcs right there ... I would have preferred that my mother does not see that)

I go out saying that the place is empty of threat, then we go to the place where I left my car. I look at the corner of the wall of the property and see it still in its place, intact. I sigh with relief, I have fully paid for this car and I have not paid back the loan use to buy it, although now it does not matter anymore. My mother gets behind the wheel and starts then suddenly opens the window:

"- Lukas, what's this little box ?

- Huh ? Oh ! The box that Inukami recovered from the quarry ! I have forgotten about it !"

I open it and see that it contains potions!

"- [Identification] !"


Minor Health potion

Small flask giving Hp back to the one who drinks it


Give back a small amount of Hp


Minor mana potion

Small flask giving mana to the one who drinks it


Give back a small amount of mana


Minor endurance potion

Small flask giving life back to the one who drinks it


Give back a small amount of endurance


Resembling test tubes of red, blue and green color, these potions are invaluable. I explain to my mother what it is and Inuyama says that it is all the reserve that had the kobolds of the quarry. There are three healing potions, two mana and five endurance. With the two other healing potions already in my possession we had a small package. I put the potions back in the box and put it back in the car and we're going on our way.

Our group passes in front of the corpse pile of orcs. My mother sees them and has a shocked expression. I turn my face when she looks at me. I advance in silence in front of the car which rolls in the step.

"- You did what it took to live ... do not worry the way I'm looking at you will not change", she said suddenly on my back.

It makes me smile bitterly. I turn my head and shush her, smiling with difficulty. I know what I did. I know what I am. To say that I am a [Half-Monster] is not really far from reality. In fact ... I get closer to a [Monster] with my skills.

(Maybe I will become one, after all it is written that it's "an evolutionary race", much like my Blóðvölva title ... maybe it's because of these things that my level has been growing so slowly since that I left the dungeon of the career, being I'm no longer human and I gain experience differently ... maybe I'll earn even more by killing ... people ...)

This thought makes me shudder. I'm ready to do anything to survive, and I think I'm ready to kill other people if they threaten me or threaten my family, but ... they're people ... humans ...

I sweep these thoughts under the rug, this is not the moment. I must stay focused so as not to be surprised by any creatures.

I then see a little further on the road the outline of the village. Smoke emerges, showing that here too the attacks took place. I feel my blood starting to boil:

(What kind of creature are we going to meet this time ... hey ... I do not want to be excited ! Damn, that Blóðvölva's title really changes me ... or is it my insatiable natural curiosity?)

Quickly, our group sees the first houses and our first enemy around a wall. It's not orc or kobold but ...



Goblin Raider (level 12)

Hp: 35/35


(Weak ... I could kill him with bare hands)

I tell my mother to turn off the engine and Inuyama to stay with her. I go forward sticking to the wall of a house, the goblin does not look at me but who knows when he will turn around. I take out my combat knife and seize it in my right hand. He starts to move. I jumped forward, not wanting to let him warn his comrades if they were in the corner. My dagger stabes easily in his neck.


Critical Strike !

As a fatal blow was carried the effect [instant death] is triggered.

[instant death]: loss of all remaining Hp


And without waiting I absorb his blood ... his green blood ...

(yuck ... they have green skin and their blood is green too ... at least I can absorb it normally but ... I feel dirty ... well if they are all so weak it will go quickly I think)

I test my skill [Sensitive Nose] for the first time, sniffing the goblin to retain its smell. I regret.

(oooh what an horror ! Eurk I had a gag ... they are easily identifiable at least ... yuck yuck yuck ...)

I hid the body in a bush protruding from a garden in an adjutant house and then sniffed like dogs in search of the filthy smell of these goblins. I locate several all around me.

(They are in all the houses ! Ok it will take time, I will warn Inuyama and Mom not to move, I will attract them and I will take care of them all at once)

I go back to my current team and explain the rest of my plan. My mother immediately disapproves of it, not wanting to leave me alone. The kobold surprises me by being on my mother's side. He will not let me face all the monsters alone.

(he has a protective side for me ... like a faithful dog)

Once again the resemblance with the animal makes me laugh then I explain to them that they are incredibly weak and that only I can manage. Finally they let me go but tell me that they keep an eye on my Hp thanks to [Information Team] and that if I am in danger they will come immediately. I smile at them then leave. As soon as I have my back turned, I feel my smile disappear, I am already focused on the massacre that will come.

I slip into the small street while looking out to see if another [Goblin Raider] is there but I'm alone. I continue to the houses where I felt them and catch a stone that I throw through a window.

- Giii?! Gigiii!

(Again with some unpleasant noises for the ear ...)

One of these green-skinned dwarf poked his head out the window and saw me. He screams and I hear footsteps coming from the house. The door opens and five of these green skins come out. I grabbed my ax and machete. Fighting with a weapon in each hand is horribly complicated and we risk to be hindered all alone, but the stat boost given by my weapons will allow me to eliminate these creatures as if they were only flies. I identify them all and see that they are all as weak as the first. I charge at them after activating [predator's eye]. They backs away slightly like the orcs before, the change of color of my eyes and my sudden charge surely surprising them. It gives me plenty of time to kill the first one with my ax. His head flies.

(Mmh maybe I do not need my machete finally, I could catch them and suck their blood like that without having to rely on [Blood Manipulation])

I then plant my machete in the skull of one of the goblins, also killing it on the spot, and I catch the headless body of the previous one and momifies it. The others scream and drop their sword even smaller than the kobolds. I catch up quickly, their little legs do not allows them to run fast, and I kills them with a movement each.

(Too easy ...) I say to myself, smiling while absorbing the blood of the five.

I then see six others leave the house next door, attracted by the shouts of their friends. They sees me surrounded by their bodies, red eyes and a satisfied smile plastered on my face. They also shout but do not flee, unfolding in front of me as if to block my way. I do not move and wait, smiling. Very quickly fifteen [Goblin Pillards] gather in the street in front of me. They all smile, proud of their numbers. I take the head of the first goblin and inject my blood and throw it into the group.

"- [Blood Implosion]", I calmly say while doing so.

Much of my mana disapear, the amount of blood affecting the amount of mana consumed. The head then implodes, shrinking suddenly before exploding. I noticed that the sudden contraction can not be maintained and this caused an explosion. It's like contracting a spring, if you let it go it will expand suddenly. Well an extremely fast dilation rather than a true explosion but it usually producing the equivalent of an explosion.

The goblin reaction is an immediate panic. I take this opportunity to charge the group, my two weapons in hands. I strike with my foot the first one, and this simple kick is enough to kill him.

(Decidedly the boost of my weapons make me monstrously strong ... +90 in Str, I have 203 in total !)

The "fight" lasts only a short time, and I say fight but it's more like a one side massacre. The goblins are totally panicked so they do not react when I start to slaughter them. Their green blood flies and the street where we are quickly becomes a scene of horror. I have to use [Blood Manipulation] and then [Blood Absorption] several times to absorb the large amount, with my mana pool emptying and refilling each time. I have a severe headache that impacts even my vision, but I have to continue. The goblins have nothing interesting on them, but I accidentally identify one of the dry bodies and discover something surprising :


Mummified goblin body

The body of a goblin that has been emptied of blood and liquid in one stroke, thus preserving the body from decomposition

Necromancy Ingredient: C ++


(Necromancy ? Shit, even that is possible for "players"? It could be a very dangerous thing if someone tries something like that with bad intentions ... but having a dead army usable at will. family would be safe ... No ! No Lukas do not start ! That's how stories that end badly begin !)

I engage in an inner struggle between my morals, my curiosity and my desire to protect those who are dear to me.

Apart from their carcasses that have actually taken the status of "mummified" these creatures do not drop anything and have nothing of value on them . I put away my machete and my ax and start moving the bodies that clutter the road. Once I'm done, I go back to my team and move them to the next street. Once again I go forward, I attract goblins and then eliminates and absorbs.

We are progressing in the village without a hitch, my mother and Inuyama are never exposed. I encounter problems at the level of the town hall however, while I am again gone ahead.

I hear a scream as I quietly eliminate a lonely [Goblin Raider]. It comes from the town hall. I find myself facing a dilemma: ignore what I heard and continue my way or ...

(Damn, it looks like I'm still human after all...)

Miaksou Miaksou

First of all I would like to thanks everybody here who have given a shot at my story. It's really an incredible feeling to see the number of views going up, the first comment and the likes that you give me.

It really feels like I did a good job providing a story interesting enough, because since english is not my main language I was afraid that the flow wouldn't be good enough...

Once again thx you all for your support

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