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The arrival


Critical Strike !

As a fatal blow was carried the effect [instant death] is triggered.

[instant death]: loss of all remaining Hp




Congratulations !

You have eliminated an elite monster responsible for the attack on the village.

The other monsters will flee the village.


20 unallocated points


level up !


(woaw the earnings are important for monsters like that! A level and 20 more points! His weapon also hehe ... and .. what's that? Is it a "drop" ?)

I grabbed an object from the blood of the orc. It was a book.



Common skill book

Effect: allows to learn the skill [unlimited Libido]


I feel myself blushing a little.

([Unlimited libido]? But what kind of skill is that... there is really everything I suppose)

I decide to put it in my bag in the car, next to my three minor healing potions and my spare daggers (I have my dagger "Blóðörn", two kobold daggers and the naginata).

I absorb the blood of the orc chief.




You have fully absorbed an elite: [Orc Commander] level 30

You earn 3 unallocated points


I then see a purse on the desiccated body, I retrieve it and open it: a small precious stone came out. I identify it :


(Well, that does not help me at all)

I throw it to Inukami asking him if he knows what it is but he answers me negatively, so I put it back in the purse and the purse in the bag. Finally I recover the object that interests me most: the halberd.



Black Halberd, "Dräkvir"

A mysterious halberd forged by a crazy blacksmith.

It's name is supposed to mean "dragon's killer"

It is heavy and hard to handle.

Damage: 135 - 150

+50 Str

+35 Dex

bonus [half monster]:

+30 Fr

+18 Dex


level 25

Str> 150


I almost start choking when I see the damage and bonuses. I grab it quickly but only managed to lift it with much difficulty. I noticed the restriction.

(More than 150 in Str ?! I only have ... 51 with my bonuses ! Lifting it is already hard, Its density does not allow me to wield it even if I put all my current unallocated points in strengh ...)



Congratulations !

Your skill [Identification] is now Intermediate level.

Effect: more information about targets when using it


(Oh, I forgot it was almost at the intermediate level)

Reluctantly I give Inukami the halberd until I have the level and the necessary Str but he must also carry it with the help of both wrestlers. So it's a little disappointed that I absorb the impressive amount of blood from the other eight orcs.



Congratulations !

Your skill [Blood Manipulation] is now Intermediate level.

Effect: more Hp, Stamina, Mana, recovered during blood absorption


(two intermediate level skills?) At least these ugly orcs have served, and I "saved" the village, if there are any survivors ...)

I take a look at my status: my unallocated stats points are now 40. I'm only level 11 but with my skills and my stats I can easily take care of a creature much stronger than me . Of course depending on the opponent I will be more or less in difficulty, a magical creature may for example give me more problems, or a creature with a strong shell. But I will see that later, for now I have to continue and go home as fast as I can.

I go back in the car with my team, two long weapons coming out from each side through the open windows. Fortunately we are at the end of the summer, I hate the cold...

(Is it supposed to be ironic ? "the sorcerer of the North" who hate the cold...)

I drive perfectly recklessly on the distance separating my little village from the [Besieged] village. I do not meet any other car, showing that for the moment nobody had flee the area. I bite my lips again. My family home is not in the village itself but a little outside, high walls surrounding it entirely. However, there is a forest on our property, and considering the kind of creature who now inhabiting the woods I can feel again a ball of anxiety in the pit of my stomach.

I arrive at the east wall of the family property, my anxiety goes up one level. I leave the car parked along this wall, if there are monsters further I prefer to leave it here and if there is none, it will still serve surely. My team and I recover all our possessions: weapons, armor, potions. I identify the extra leather armor recovered by Inuyama and Inuyasha and the gauntlets:


Light leather chest protector

A piece of chest armor,

not very resistant but allows to keep a flexibility of movement

superior to metallic armor


+10 Def

- 4 Agi

bonus [half monster]:

+5 Def

+3 Agi

durability: 30/40


Light leather gauntlets

A piece of hand armor,

not very resistant but allows to keep a flexibility of movement

superior to metallic armor


+5 Def

+5 Dex

bonus [half monster]:

+3 Def

+3 Dex

durability: 25/30


(Def? Like Defense? I can earn a stat like that with it? Well that's logical I guess ...)

I put it on and note that indeed a new stat appears on my status:


Strength (Str): 30 (+21) | Agility (Agi): 30 (+10)

Vitality (Vit): 23 (+10) | Dexterity (Dex): 28

Intelligence (Int): 39 (+10) | Wisdom (Wis): 18 (+10)

Chance (Cha): 14 (+4) | Charisma (Chr) : 10

Defense (Def): 0 (+20) |

Unallocated point: 0


I remove the armor and see that the stat is not permanent. I put the armor back and put 1 stat point and remove the armor again.

(The point allows the stat to become permanent! My survival will increase with that, but it means new stat in which to put points ... I will have to consume more enemies ...)

strangely I feel my stomach gurgling at this thought.

(Shit ... my body got used to it, I think, and claims it, is that what a Blóðvölva is ? A vampire who does not fear the sun, I'm not surprised that they were feared and hunted down, if you add to that the barbaric side of the Nord and you find yourself with real monsters ...)

I then distribute my points: 10 in Def, 5 in Str, 10 in Agi and 10 in Dex. I put more agility and Dex this time, wanting to focus my striking speed and the precision of my movements.

I am ready to enter the property. I see the iron gate opened, I take a look and see other orcs. I press the button on the intercom.

(... come on come on ... answer me ...)

I heard the characteristic noise when someone answers.

"- Hello ! Hello ! Mom ?

- Lukas ? Is that you ?

- Grandpa ! Thank god ... is everything okay?

- Of course not ! There are fucking monsters outside! I hold them in respect with the rifle but there are too many. Your mother is in the back with another rifle and your sister watches from above. Stay out, do not go home.

- No I'm coming, I'll get rid of the bugs. I come with three ... friends. Do not shoot us.


He keeps silent for a moment then adds:

"- Do not die kid, you're the one who's gonna inherits the Library.

- Don't worry, I ... have what it takes to eliminate them quickly."

My grandfather hung up.

(They are alive ... they are fine ...)

Finally the ball of anxiety disappears. Replaced quickly by a feeling of irrepressible fury.

(Monsters invade MY house?! They scare MY family ?! You are. DEAD!)

I take the katana and enter the property. I see the Orcs, and they see me

(Dead, they're dead, all of them.)

I inhale, activate [predator's eye] and scream at full lungs. A purely bestial cry, filled with rage. I charge, the weapon ready. I slice the leg of the first one. I continue without even finishing it. The second tries a blow, I dodge on the left and slice his head, clear. They begin to walk towards me. Inukami is following me closely, and the wrestlers are finishing the ones I'm not killing. I take advantage of my reinforced Dex to throw at the nearest orc a kobold dagger in the leg. It makes him stumble in his race and he crashes into the ground.

(Seems like my higher Dex allows my body to remember things that I didn't train in ages... )

I plant the katana on the back of his skull while he is still on the ground and makes a [Critical Strike] resulting in an [instant death]. I circulate mana along the katana and use [blood Manipulation]. The blood of the pig leaves him and goes up along my weapon, and I keep it around me. I perfectly imagine the impression I must give: I am a monster surrounded by blood with eyes of the same color. I hurry again and charge at my next victim. One of them, armed with a sort of giant fork, tries to pierce me. I narrowly dodge, scuffing my new breast plate in passing. My katana falls on his arms and slices them. He begins squealing in pain, his blood gushing powerfully from his stumps and splashing me. I manipulate his blood to surround my hand and I grab his mouth. I cover his face with his own blood, blocking his breathing. I begin to drown him in his own

still hot blood. I try to send some directly into his lungs. I let go and see him try to breathe.

(Impossible when you have your lungs full, fatso ...)

I turn to others. They stopped getting close and looked at me, scared.

(I knew it, as soon as they feel they no longer have the advantage they are cowards who flee at the first danger)

I extend my weapon towards them:


In turn, my kobolds scream like wolves and charge them. I am too, always surrounded by the blood of their comrades, [predator's eye] reinforcing my terrifying aspect and allowing me to multiply my chances of critical hits. I rush on my fourth victim, he backs out in fear and I take the opportunity to jump and make him meet his snout with my knee. The shock makes him fall backwards. I pierce the eye with the tip of my weapon, piercing the skull and brain behind. A close orc takes the opportunity to attack me while my weapon is stuck. I let go and leave it on my orc pinned to the ground by the eye. I grab two daggers and pierce his hand with one, making him let go of his own. I take a look at my kobolds and see them slaughter the orcs effectively, Inukami making a real carnage with his naginata. Each strike is enough to eliminate an opponent.

We continue our carnage, not leaving a single getting out of the property alive. At the end of the fight, those still alive are finished by me with Blóðörn. I count our victims then.

"- One, two, three ... twenty-three. Ten of which ended with Blóðörn thanks to you the Inu. Bring me their bodies now, I'll absorb them.

After the operation that empties me and filled my mana several times in a row, triggering a headache, I finally feel calm. One level, twenty-three points stats and ten percent less for Blóðörn, I feel satisfied.

"- Remove the bodies, I do not want my family to see them then come back and I will introduce you."

They have been my enemies, I have only been with them for two hours, but I like these kobolds. MY kobolds.

Carrying fully dried pig mummies is fast, so I approach the house.

"- Grandfather ! Don't shoot ! I'm coming !"

I ring the doorbell after climbing the little stairway leading to it.

"- I opened it, enter."

My grandfather's voice sounds a few meters behind the front door.

(I bet that he is waiting for me with the loaded rifle and that he is aiming the door... he is careful this old fool, it is surely that which saved them)

"- I'm coming !"

I open the door and indeed I see my grandfather from the top of his 150cm aiming at me with an elephant shotgun, a weapon from our antique collection. This beast sends bullets as big as a thumb, and two at the same time.

(If an orc is shot with it ... ah, there's a orc corpse without head in the entrance, he did not suffer at least with that)

"- Drop this thing, everything is fine. And do not freak out when I introduce my companions."

He finally lowers it and seems really relieved. He sighs.

"- It's good girls come !" he yelled.

My mother and my sister appear, also armed ... That saddens me. My mother is the sweetest woman and my sister is young ...

"- Hello mom ..." I tell her, smiling.

She throws herself into my arms.

"- Where were you idiot son ... I thought you died when I saw these monsters and you were not in your room", she sobs.

I caress her head, excusing myself.

"- Excuse me, I went out to see the red moon and ... everything happened so fast. How are you Alyssa ?

In turn my sister squeezes me against her.

"- Yes I guess not ... it's okay now I'm here, and I'm not alone.

- Wait wait !" Cries my grandfather. " Where were you ? And how did you manage to get here with all these creatures outside?

- Let me first introduce them. Inukami! Inuyasha! Inuyama!

My kobolds enter the house. My grandfather aim his weapon to them and my mother and sister back away.

- Wowowoh! Calm down ", I say while putting myself in front of the barrel.

"- They are with me. They obey me and are nice. The one with the wolf's head is called Inukami, the one with the white fur is called Inuyasha and the one with the black spot on the eye is called Inuyama. They are Kobolds.

My grandfather lowers his weapon a little but I feel his suspicion. Who would not be suspicious with all the events of the night. My mother asks me if it's really safe. I then suggest going to the living room and explain my night to them...

Miaksou Miaksou

*Final Fantaisy victory theme playing*

Finaly home ! New "players" and new problems for Lukas ! yeah !

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