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10.41% Life is a Game : Rise of the Bloodvolva / Chapter 5: The Quarry

Chapter 5: The Quarry

I observe the quarry from my hiding place between the rocks: like a giant rock bowl among the trees, it is almost a Roman arena. However it seems that a new detail has appeared with the Apocalyspe: a cave in the cliff on the side of the mound. Previously this quarry was only a hole of about twenty meters in the ground against the foot of this stone mound while now the hole seems to have grown and a cave appeared under the mound. In the arena I only see three kobolds, however being a bit far I can not really distinguish them even with the help of [predator's eye]. Two of them seem to struggle with each other and the last one is watching. If I want to eliminate them I must surely go down in the bowl and I must face the three.

I head for the entrance of the "arena" and enter it. I want to try to get rid of all the kobolds. Quickly the one who looks at the other two sees me and warns the others who stop their brawl. I can finally distinguish them and I regret a little my decision.


Kobold wrestler (level 15)

Pv: 120/120


Kobold wrestler (level 15)

Pv: 120/120


Samurai Kobold (level 30)



(15, 15 and ... 30?! They have nothing to do with those of the forest! They are also bigger, the wrestlers make a head less than me and the samurai is the same size ... . shit....)

Sincerely, I'm in the shit. They are three and I am alone. The samurai growls and one of the wrestlers walks toward me alone. Surprised I look at the one who must be the leader: he just stares at me with his eyes, I see neither hatred nor murderous envy. No he .... he just seems to judge me.

(He ... sent one of his men to confront me because I'm alone? He is ... honorable?)

I do not understand why he does that, whether it's to test me or really because like a samurai, honor comes first and he wants to fight me respectably. To test my theory I do not take my weapons. I put them down with my bag on the ground and approach the one who came forward and I greet him. He answers me with a nod.

(They understand me ... they are much more human than I thought, it's not just monsters wanting to kill me ... so everyone else before ... they just defended their territory ... damn)

Discovering that I killed and mummified more than twenty Kobold just defending their territory made me feel bad. Guilty. However, I am recovering because it is done now and then I will surely stake my life with these three there.

The wrestler puts himself in a fighting position and I do the same. Finally after a few seconds to gauge ourselves we charge at each other. I try a circular kick that he avoids by stooping down.


then he counters and tries to catch me at the collar.

(wrestling, logic given its title)

I grabbed his hairy arm and prevented him from throwing me to the ground. We enter a fight stuck together, trying to make our opponent fall to submit. Despite a physical superiority my size gives me and the boost of Str related to my stats I am the first to fall to the ground, the sand does not offer the best stability ever. Feeling my fall I propel myself back to accelerate it and with a little luck i'll get my opponent to follow me or make him let go. The traction exerted by my weight really surprises him and he lets me go. I make a roll to get me back on my feet immediately, putting sand all over my body.

(finally a little space, I do not like wrestling, I prefer to hit)

We observe ourselves again and then I move toward him, fists raised in boxing position. He growls and charges me again, preferring his favorite style of course. I do not give him the opportunity to come close, throwing light jabs to keep him at bay. Some pass of and touch the muzzle. He backs off and I take the opportunity to use my favorite trick: the knee shots. He manages to protect his face but the violence of the impact sends him to the ground. I follow him and jump on him to immobilize him. I grab his arm and block his arm between my legs. It is a hard blow to master but that immobilizes perfectly and can even strangle because the legs can also tighten the neck. I hold him with all my strength, and suddenly his shoulder snaps. My Str bonus is really not for joking. He cries in pain so I look at the samurai. He nods to the other wrestler so I release the one I put out of action. His comrade does not seem to be in a fighting position so I let him pass in front of me, obviously on my guard. He recovers his comrade and takes him a little further.

He comes right back and stands before me, this time in an aggressive position.

(I have to chain them that's it ... well it's better than the three together I guess)

Once again I find myself fighting a wrestler. I'm careful to prevent him from coming over to grab me, forcing him to hit me rather than catch me. Finally I overcome him more easily than the other, an avalanche of blows stomping him quickly.

I look at my status and see that my Pv have decreased slightly because of the shots given and received but it was especially my stamina that fell. Actually I feel tired and start to feel hungry.

The samurai steps forward and pulls out one of his two swords from his scabbard. He puts himself in front of me, not giving me time to grab my daggers and ... plant the sword in the ground. I look incredulously and he shows me the sword with a whim and then me.

(he ... gives me a katana to fight him?)

I retrieve the weapon and see it smile.

(so that's it)

He takes his second Japanese-inspired sword and puts himself in front of me in a position of attack. I weigh the weapon and make some movements, identifying it in passing:


Kobold Katana

a kobold sword of good quality.

Suitable for humans because made for a large samurai Kobold

Damages: 40 - 50

+10 Str

+4 Agi

+4 Dex

bonus [half monster]:

+5 Fr

+2 Agi

+2 Dex

durability: 45/60


It is really similar to the Japanese katana, maybe a little smaller and wider. Having done kendo I strangely appreciate this weapon, not finding it too heavy thanks to my stats and the boost it gives me. Finally I take a fighting position, katana along my hip, down. He smiles again and attacks. I like the low position because it allows to easily counter, attack or defend. He makes a simple pre-emptive strike and I parry it easily. He seems to appreciate.

(He appreciates the fight ... he likes fighting me)

It's me who is attacking this time, a simple preemptive attack from the bottom up. He repels the attack just like me before and finally the real fight begins.

I'm not going to lie: I master basic kendo as well as some katana movement, but I never fought with sharp blades. Always dull blades. I risk my life on a fighting style that I probably do not know as much as my opponent. Chances are against me.

That it seen quite quickly: He takes the ascendancy on me. In terms of technique he is superior to me. Fortunately my Agi, my Dex and my Str allow me not to suffer too much damage but ... I can not touch him either.

(he clearly has the upper hand over me ... without using my skills I can't beat him, but I do not really have any fighting skills, I have the blood magic, predator's eye and heal ...)

I decide to try something:

([Predator's eye]!)

I then see his weak points and it seems to see him shiver a little.

(He has so few? These are only the vital points ... I can't touch him there, he defends them too well, well I only have one thing to try ...)

I open my guard and he immediately takes advantage of it : I received a long scar on his chest. My whole body screams "danger" and I feel my new wound jog.

([Blood Manipulation]!)

My blood stopped flowing and floated around me as if the time stopped. This surprises the samurai and he stops for a moment his attack. I take advantage of it. It is me who attacks him by leaning dangerously low forward, so to be really below him. He puts himself in a defensive position but I throw some blood at him, forcing him to close his eyes. I'm hitting from the bottom up. He manages to block but my power and his loss of vision make him lose his weapon. His katana flies behind him and I put mine on his throat.

"- I won", I tell him.

He does not say anything and ... smiles. I stand there looking at him, panting. He looks at me and gets on his knees, then he is joined by the other two wrestlers. The three kneel before me, in front of my blade.

"- warg ari ahara grrr", began to ... say (?) the samurai.

I remain there without understanding. He sees my questioning look. He then shows me my blade and his neck and that of the other two.

(He wants me to kill them, because I won?)

I lift the blade and the three accept their fate by closing their eyes, serene. The blade falls. The samurai opens his eyes after a few seconds and sees the blade plant in front of him, my hand extended to raise him. It is then he who looks at me incredulously.

"- I won, your life belongs to me, I'm free to kill you or not. I choose to do not."

I know that they don't understand but I still tell them that.

Instead of killing them I put my hand on the blade and make myself bleed, then tell the kobolds to do the same. They obey me without arguing. I place my bloody hand in theirs and inject them with my blood while recovering from them.



New informations !

Your understanding of the skill [Blood Manipulation] has unlocked a new sub-skill:

[Blood Submission]


New skill !

Unique Skill: [Blood Submission]

You inject your blood into a target and it becomes subject to you

effect: after blood exchange, the target takes the status of





Achivement !

You are the first to submit monsters!


rare title : [Dominator]


You submitted a Kobold wrestler (level 15)

You submitted a Kobold wrestler (level 15)

You submitted a Kobold samourai (level 30)



your subordinates and you automatically speak the same language


"- We can understand each other now? And I have a new practical skill now ", I say, looking at all the windows coming out.

- Master, thank you for your kindness. We will serve you loyally.

The one who has just spoken is bowing his head to show his gratitude, this is the [Kobold Samurai]

"- to tell you the truth, I did not think it would have those effects. I did not want to kill you because I came to your territory, but I did not want you to attack me either.

"- We would not have done it, you have defeated us, you have the right to life and death over us. If we had beaten you, you would have been killed in the same way."

"- You're honest. My name is Lukas Maîtres, what about you?"

"- Our names are not important master."

"- Do not call me master, it's my last name*. Call me ... mmh ... "

I think for a moment and then smile:

"- Call me Blóðvölva."

"- As you wish Blóðvölva."

Suddenly I think back to all the kobolds I had eliminated.

"- Before everything else, know that I killed all the scouts and warriors in the forest. Do you still want to follow me?

The three looked at each other then turned to me and the samurai told me seriously:

"- If you defeated them, it means that they were too weak. It changes nothing , we will follow you if you wish."

I sigh, is it because of my skill ? because of their "samourai" spirit ? A combination of both ?

"- No, I ask YOU if you want to follow me.

The three answer yes without hesitation.

- Perfect. Then I will name you: you samurai you will be Inukami, you to whom I dislocated the shoulder you will be Inuyasha and finally you will be Inuyama.




your [subordinate] now have names




Achivement !

You are the first to name your subordinate !


Your [subordinate] will gain more experience,

the creatures (players or monsters) they'll kill will help you gain



"- we thank you from the bottom of the heart Blóðvölva", they say with bright eyes.

(they looks like real dogs there ...)

"- Well ... I have to go home, do you have any items that you have stored here?"

"- We have many weapons and a treasure but it is in the cave guarded by our commander."

"- Are not you the chef here?" I say to Inukami.

"- No Blóðvölva, we were under the orders of another before you. I am the third in the chain of command of the pack."

(Pack ... dog ...)

"- and he is strong I guess."

"- Indeed Blóðvölva, and violent. We didn't like him... but he was our Alpha."

"- Can you go looking for things for you? And if possible a usable weapon for me."

"- If we cross only subordinates it will be ok but if we meet the Second or Alpha I'm afraid they will suspect something."

"- Try to take what you can, I'm waiting for you at the entrance of the quarry."

They all leave immediately, obeying my orders without even asking questions, after using [Superior heal] on them to put them back on their feet. I place myself as I tell them at the entrance of the quarry and hide me so as to see the cave but that I do not distinguish from there.

I take this opportunity to study my new skill and title and my status:


Skill Name: Blood Submission

Skill Rank: Unique, subsidiary

Skill Level: Beginner level 1

Skill Experience: 15,60%

Effects :

- Allows, when injecting the caster's blood into a weaker target or someone having recognized the superiority of the caster, the target to become a [Subordinate].

Number of current [Subordinate]: 3


(So I can submit a creature weaker than me or who recognizes me as superior .... I could create a small army with that!)


Rare title: [Dominator]

you have stated your dominance towards others

Effects :

-Your [Subordinate] have a stats bonus in your presence

- Adversaries with weaker mind than you suffer a moral decline

- players or monsters will listen to you more easily

- New stat: Charisma (Chr)

+10 Chr bonus


(He gives me a new stat, Charisma, as well as a bonus of 10 in it. My [Subordinate] have a stats boost near me, my enemies are afraid of me and people tend to listen to me more easily, I'm almost like a vampire now in fact)


Status Window


Name : Lukas Maîtres


Age: 22 | sexe : Male | level : 10 | Race : [half-monster]


Title : Blóðvölva (beginner level 3) Magus , Dominator


Hp: 100/170 | Mana: 30/295 | Stamina: 50/228


Strength (Str): 30 (+21) | Agility (Agi): 30 (+10)

Vitality (Vit): 23 (+10) | Dexterity (Dex): 28

Intelligence (Int): 39 (+10) | Wisdom (Wis): 18 (+10)

Chance (Cha): 14 | Charisma (Chr) : 10

Unallocated point: 0


Number of [subordinate] : 3

Current team : Inukami (30), Inuyasha (15), Inuyama (15)


(Well, I just lost Hp, stamina and mana ... no experience, no stats ... but I have three obedient slaves now, and maybe they'll bring me something good, I hope)

They are going out almost at that time, the wrestlers, Inuyama and Inuyasha, now have leather armor, it seems, as well as spiked gloves.

(They have claws though ... but hey...)

They also wear another leather armor and another pair of gloves.

(Perfect! They are useful!)

Inukami carries a spear in addition on his back, a naginata to be precise, as well as ...

(a box?)

They are all running and suddenly I hear a howl from the cave. It' so powerful that it shakes the sand and the leaves of the trees. Immediately a feeling of fear invades me. I feel my legs soften slightly.

"- Run !" Howl Inukami.

And I see behind him a contingent of kobold warriors and wrestlers. By reflex I use [Identification] but they are too far, and I do not want to have them too close to me given their number. I leave my hiding place and wait for my [Subordinate], ready to run to my car.

(Let's hope it works otherwise I'm a dead man)

Suddenly Inuyasha, the closest to me cries to me to pay attention while raising his head. I then see a shadow fall on me. I manage to avoid it by throwing myself on the sand and see then a warrior kobold with a lance planted in the place where I was the moment before.

(you bastard ... you'll become my nutrients!)

He tries to pull out his spear but I put a blade in his throat and opens it wide. The blood gushes out but I use all my remaining mana, almost fainting once more, and I mummify it even before his blood hits the sand. I am entitled to my stat point and I feel invigorated. The others join me and we leave quickly towards the providential car.

On the way we meet other kobolds wanting to block us but they are killed in one movement and mummified. When my car appears I have absorbed five and I feel in top form. I take out the key and point to my car to unlock it.

tutut *

(yes, it works!)

"- Go inside !"

I hurry to my [Subordinate] by jumping over the hood. I slip inside and they follow me. Inukami comes to the front on my order and the other two behind and I start without even closing the doors. The car leaps forward, closing the doors with the inertia. The three kobold are afraid of the unknown machinery in which they entered and who is now driving on a road at dawn. Never had they been so fast I bet ... it could have amuses me a lot at another time. I finally see the kobolds chasing us disappear into my mirror and I can sigh slowly the air stuck in my chest...

* Maîtres = master in french

Miaksou Miaksou

it's even longer than the one before...

I hope you still like it so far because it was only the intro. Now is the real story

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