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Then I look at the strange blue panel floating in the sky. The countdown decreases :


Countdown before something extremely fun happens: 3: 45 minutes


Countdown before something extremely fun happens: 3: 44 minutes


Countdown before something extremely fun happens: 3: 43 minutes


"- What the hell is this shit ..."

My words, half drowned by my blood in my mouth, attract the attention of my "experience".

"- What is that ?"

He asks in turn. I look at him and see another pannel above him :


[Death-Eater] (???)


"How should I know, I'm pierced by your ... arm ?" I say to myself as my consciousness begins to disappear.

My vision is blurred and I only see the red moon and the blue panel. Suddenly I hear the creature howling.


Then everything was black. Just before my life goes out, there are several signs in my mind:


Success ! Special kill confirmed


Congratulations ! You have defeated a [Death-Eater] level 15




Calculating your rewards ....


calculation finished !




Level up !



You are the first person to kill an inhabitant of another world!


Unique Skill : [Blood Manipulation]

* Unique Skill : type of skill obtained through completion of tasks or quests, only one of their kind.




New evolutive title won !

* evolutive title: depending on the actions of the player the title will change



you are the unique descendant of the blood sorcerers. Your nature makes you a [half-monster].


+10 Strength (Str)

+10 Agility (Agi)

+10 in Vitality (Vit)

Special status: [half-monster] (evolutionary)


Special status won !

Your nature of [Blóðvölva] makes you a [half-monster]

Effects :

Other players will be more naturally hostile towards you at first sight.

Monsters will be more naturally hostile to you.

Killing you brings back the double of experience to the one who eliminates you.



Your title and status are specials because of your nature, they are evolutionary:

- the title can be increased like the skills by consuming the blood of the creatures vanquished, the effects will change according to the creatures and their levels.

- The status of half-monster can evolve according to your actions, creatures (players or monsters) consumed, and powers earned.




Hello, hello!

Unfortunately the preparation time is over!

So it's better that you all be well prepared, because after all what follows is simply an apocalypse.


Finally I sink into unconsciousness.

I do not know how long I remain unconscious, but suddenly I feel that my body is being touched. I slowly open an and discreetly look. I then see a kind of dog's head sniffing me. I manage to restrain the surge of surprise and observe it : barely half my size the creature looks like a man with a dog's head. He is armed with a sword that, for someone of my size, looks more like a dagger. Suddenly I see him shudder and he turns his head towards mine and sees that I look at him. He frowns and attacks me with his sword / dagger while trying to stab it in my stomach. I roll on the side and avoid the blow then get up without delay. I see him surprised by my reaction and he now is on his guard, which gives me time to observe. I suddenly hear a voice echoing in my head :

skill activated: [predator's eye]

"- What the ..."

But I do not have time to ask for explanations that another blue panel appears above the creature's head as well as various red dots on his body.


Kobold scout (level 8)


I open my eyes wide.

(It was not a hallucination ! I was killed by a creature, I saw a blue sign in the sky with a countdown and ... and I killed this creature? This [Deat-Eater] ?)

Seeing that I do not move and only look at him, the Kobold attack.

"- It's time to see if 15 years of martial arts will pay ..." I then say.

He pushes the sword forward, ready to drives it again into my belly, since he can only reach that anyway. I easily avoid the assault. Too easily. I mean ... I'm an excellent fighter, but I never felt so ... light? Suddenly I remember the effects of my title [Blóðvölva]: I have a bonus of 10 in Strength and Agility. This must be the cause of my feeling of lightness. Being surprised by my own way of moving I do not even counterattack and the kobold takes the opportunity to launch a charge again, I see in his eyes that he does not see me as a threat because I'm just dodging .

(I'm going to show you little dwarf with a dog's head ...)

Instead of deporting me to avoid the attack, I take advantage of my longer reach: my leg goes straight to his hands and I make him drop his sword. The surprise stop him right on his track and I take the opportunity to deliver a knee in the chin: my favorite shot in Thai boxing. It flies back and lands heavily and a new panel appears in my field of vision :


Counter attack !

Damage x1.5


And a second above the head of the kobold :


-25 Hp


I do not pay attention to it, not wanting to be surprised by the creature, but this one is on the ground without moving. I watch it for a few seconds and then the voice echoes again in my head:

skill activated: [predator's eye]

"- Again ? "

Once again I do not really understand but suddenly the panel above the head of the kobold appears again with additional information :


Kobold scout (level 8)

Hp: 25/50

status: Knock out


My shot must have hurt him a lot to remove half of his Hp and give him a bad status. But after all, getting a knee in the chin almost knocks out anyone. The kobold barely stirs on the ground. I approach cautiously and settle on him, now his arms are blocked by my legs.

"- it's you or me, I guess ..."

I say, then I start hitting him.


You hurt yourself : -1 Hp


"- Huh ? "

I look at the panel, astonished.

(I lost an Hp by hitting him? Of course hitting someone without a glove hurts our hand but then here it means a loss of Hp ?)

"- Shit !"

Wanting to confirm I hit him again and the same panel appeared.

"- Soooo ...."

I get up, the kobold has almost no Hp anymore and I know that a single shot can kill him. Then I decide to change technique: I stand behind him after lifting him up and block his neck with my right arm and head with my left arm. This position allows me to use for the first time a movement obviously prohibited: by moving my arms in opposite directions and with a little strength we can break someone's neck as well. And that's what I do. I miss the first time as well as the second.

(It's harder than i thought !)

Finally the third time was the one and his neck emitted a horrible cracked sound.


Deadly blow delivered !

Effect: active [instant death] on the target

[instant death]: loss of all remaining Hp




You killed a [Kobold scout] level 8


I then observe my work: the creature is lying on the ground, it's neck forming a strange angle. Above him still floats the panel :


Kobold scout (level 8)

status: dead


It's my turn to collapse on the floor, the shock of the events finally reaching my brain that went into survival mode. I'm a fan of fantasy, mythology, video games ... but there ! That's real stuff !

"- At first a monster impales me, well it seems that I killed him without knowing, and now I kill another one who also wanted to plant a dagger in my stomack ! Well a sword for him ..."

My brain is boiling. What is this mess ...

Miaksou Miaksou

Second one ! Strikes while it's hot !

Ok so , as you can see, I'm trying to put game-like stuff, but since i can't put a panel or an excel sheet, Ican only hope that's it's clear... because in the next chapter there is a big one...

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