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The Heavenly Prince's PA The Heavenly Prince's PA original

The Heavenly Prince's PA

Author: Duckiehuey

© WebNovel

Introducing the Main Side Character

The world of Heaven is a spiritually dense existence.

It is a world of powerful deities, legendary creatures, and a place of impossible dreams. Many mortals would consider it a paradise where only a single breath could increase their level of cultivation. A realm where the rare and exotic flora could help create medication which could practically bring someone being a single breath away from death back to life.

It is also a world of politics, paperwork, and backstabbing.

For Chi, it was like she never died.

Yuen Chi had been born in a mortal world where there spiritual cultivation was nothing more than a gimmick to sell fiction to the masses. Magic was considered to be created from mortal laws of science and technology. Also human evolution grew with each decade, changing their minds on social norms, religion, and even their sexuality.

Growing up, Chi learned to accept many facts of life about herself. One, she was not stunningly gorgeous. Her eyes were too small and she tend to gain more weight as she reached towards her late twenties. Two, her personality was poor. When Chi was a child, she had thought friends lasted forever; however at primary school she learned just how vicious young girls are with their minds changing from day to day on who could be friends with who. This made Chi spent her entire school career being acquainted with everyone, but having only one close friend. Three, she had no ambition. Like most children, Chi had dreams of being someone famous, but soon felt it was difficult to pursue any sort of career for herself.

In fact, a person like Chi would have become an hourly wage worker if her best and only friend had not become famous.

Lillian Burton was the complete opposite of Chi. She was beautiful, outgoing, popular, and extremely talented. The only fault Lillian had was being friends with the short shapeless asian girl. Having the classic blond hair and blue eyes looks, Lillian was first scouted by a movie producer to play a small part as damsel in distress.

Although the movie only showed about three minutes of the filming that she had to work on, Lillian became noticed and was drafted to do several small works until she was asked to star in a primetime television show that was based on a popular young adult novel series. While the show only lasted for three seasons, it made Lillian popular to the point where she had to move away to a more secure neighborhood.

The fame Lillian gain made many of her friends jealous and some even sold out stories to the media to gain either money or fame. The only person who stayed the same was Chi who kept away from the media and acted like Lillian's work as a part-time job. Even when Lillian moved away, Chi kept in touch by sharing the few interesting facts of her life and photos of food. If a scandal came up, the only question Chi asked if Lillian was okay,

Chi's ability to treat Lillian like a normal person touched the actress's heart to the point where Chi was given an invite and a first class ticket to an award show.

Lillian's manager originally was against the invite, however when Chi proved to be well mannered and sensible; he was happy enough to leave well enough alone. In fact, the manager would have easily forgotten about Chi if an accident had not occur during the award show involving a stalker, the awards, and finding the restroom.

Due to the plain black formal pant suit, light makeup, and simple hairstyle; Chi had looked like one of the staff instead of a guest. This made most of the paparazzi ignore her when she walked with Lillian down the red carpet. The rest of them lost interest the moment the short Chinese female bent down to straighten the long train on the star's dress. Thus, making the long walk to the red carpet a fairly boring one by Hollywood standards.

Chi managed to enter with Lillian and sat at her assigned seat next to the star without anyone stopping them. Being at an award show live versus sitting at home was an experience for Chi. She internally squealed at the fact that she was actually in the same room as her favorite stars. Lillian was kind enough to introduce several of them to her friend who smiled shyly when they shook hands.

However, one had to time their bathroom breaks at a live show. After all, it would be embarrassing to win an award and not showing up because number one had to take priority.

With that said, Chi had rushed out to find the restroom, only to see a line of celebrities waiting for their turn as well. Luckily the building had maps, so she rushed to find an alternative restroom and barely managed in time by using the stairs to the second floor. Relieved from the stress of a full bladder, Chi walked leisurely back to the show.

While admiring the décor, she was accosted by one of the staff and was once again mistaken as one of them despite the missing pass badge. She soon found herself helping out with the work that goes on backstage. About ten minutes into the work, Lillian sent a few texts asking Chi where she was and then sent her manager to escort her friend back to the show.

It was at this time, Chi was helping out with organizing the gift bags. Someone had rushed by and knocked down the table for them, so there were at least three people helping out with organizing. Apparently certain stars cannot have certain items due to allergies. While stretching to relieve the stress from her spine, Chi caught sight of someone walking down the hall.

Later, when asked, she could not say the reason why the person walking the down the hall had caught her attention. Maybe it was just the timing where their eyes meet, the way the guy's eyes widen before giving a nod at her direction, or the almost casual way that he walked. Either way, Chi found herself blocking the guy with a flat smile and narrowed eyes.

"Hello, can I see your badge and id?"

This surprised the others who were helping with the gift bags. Practically all of the staff wore badges either around their necks or at their waist and seeing someone without one instantly raised their internal alarms.

The nondescript man froze for a second before he looked down at his chest. It looked almost natural, however Chi knew from experience that most people would unconsciously furrow their brow, creating a wrinkle between their eyebrows when someone asked an obvious question. The man had kept his eyes wide in an innocent manner and the fact that his hands remained to his side and the messenger bag.

If another person was asked to be shown their badge, the most likely action would be to reach out to the area where they believe their badge to be. Then if they are unable to feel it, that is when they would search for it. Chi did not think of these complicated thoughts when she stopped the man, but all she could think of was that something was wrong.

"Sorry, it looks like I lost it. Must have slipped off."

"That's okay. How about I escort you to security? They can get a new one made up for you. You just need your ID." Chi replied quickly as she walked a bit closer. Her peripheral vision caught sight of the bag being pressed closer to the man's body.

What happened afterwards was like a scene from a comedy. The shady guy tried to push Chi away; Chi tried to regain her balance by flaying her arms around; her hand grabbed at the backend of the bag; both parties fell to the ground; a loud slightly muffled crack was heard from said bag; and the shady guy freaked out that he tried to run while dragging Chi who laid on the floor were the sequence of events that happened before the guards arrived. It was also recorded by one of the staff who had one hand on her phone during her entire shift at work.

When the guards arrived, they opened the bag to reveal one of the duplicate awards that had broken at the top.

"God, I hope that guy doesn't win." Chi had commented when she saw the name on the award.

This event was publicized via the Internet and the actor had not won the category he had been nominated. Luckily the said actor had took it all in good stride and gain enormous popularity over it. In fact he would later win an Oscar and joke about how he only won because the Oscar was intact.

Chi's attitude and quote had tickled the fancy of one producer that he created a television series with Lillian playing the character based on her friend. The basic story is about a small group of people who lived in the same neighborhood and their mischievous plots against a budding romance. This television series would go on for over a decade; winning multiple awards and turning into a cult classic.

To save Chi from being interviewed by multiple platforms of media, she was hired to be Lillian's personal assistant and it was the best decision Lillian's manager had ever made.

At first, Chi had to learn the ropes of being a personal assistant. What she lacked in experience, she had to use common sense to make up the slack. Encounters with pushy representatives who wanted Lillian's time help Chi create an immunity and the ability of bullshitting for such people. She learned how to socialize with other assistants who welcomed her offers of help in turn of a favor or two.

Most important, she thank the creators of the Internet and smartphones, because Chi would have never done the job without them.

The life of a PA was pretty busy when their client was turning into a major celebrity and Chi actually loved every minute of it. It made her days off better considering how few she gets and vacation never crossed her mind since she travels on location with Lillian. Chi was considered the best of the best in personal assistants for Hollywood's standards.

Then Lillian fell in love and Chi did her best to make things go smoothly for the new relationship. It did not help that the man her friend was in love with was actually a prince in some small European country. Chi could not complain - it was her own fault for getting the two together.

She should not have hijacked another person's limo, even if she was trying to help Lillian escape from the paparazzi.

The relationship between the prince and the actress was kept quiet for nearly three years before he had finally proposed to Lillian. He made Chi do all of the arrangements for the proposal to keep everything as private as possible. Chi only agreed when the prince offered to let her stay at his penthouse in New York once the royal wedding was finished.

Once the news was released of Lillian the Hollywood star becoming a princess, the world exploded in gossip. Fans were both furious and happy that their favorite actress was becoming a princess. Several new outlets accused Lillian for being a liar and being ashamed of dating a foreigner. This upset the actress who kept a strong face with her fiance but vented her anger with Chi during their late night meets of junk food and cocktails.

Chi listen quietly and then set up a Twitter account for herself. After a few minutes of messing around with her new account and with Lillian's account, Chi sent out a post for the whole world to see.

Lillian's PA@LilliansPA

Hello world, this is Lillian's PA. Looks like I did an awesome job at keeping the royal couple a secret! Not my fault if I'm better than you are at your jobs.

Then she retweet that post with Lillian's account.

Twitter almost broke down from the number of retweets and replies from the post. It made the news with people discussing about if the post was truly from Lillian's PA or if it was a publicity stunt. Either way, it diverted a majority of the attention from the soon to be royal couple.

During the engagement, the prince and Lillian went through interviews with several programs. In the beginning, they tried to interview Chi but soon gave up when she stared at them and stayed silent. When a television movie was produced, the original screenplay had Chi's character involved, but it was soon cancelled when the end draft felt more like it was movie about Lillian and Chi instead of the loving couple.

Years later after Chi had died, a movie would be produced about Lillian's life and her relationship with her personal assistant which would win six Oscars which include Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Original Screenplay.

The next six months were the busiest Chi had ever been in her life. Apparently a royal wedding with an international movie and television star requires more than a regular wedding. She joined the wedding committee and suffered through hundreds of catalogs, coordinating with security over background checks, making sure the wedding dress would be created on time, checking in the on RSVPs, help with deciding on which VIPs would be allowed in the ceremony, which VIPs would be allowed with the reception, and other various tasks.

By the time the wedding was over, Chi, who was dry eyed during the ceremony and reception, cried so hard that she had trouble breathing for five minutes. Chi was given a month vacation which she planned on wasting it with sleeping in late, eating takeout, watching all of her Netflix queues, and going out shopping for cute and wacky tee shirts.

Too bad she got murdered by a crazy person at the end of the first day.

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