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87.5% Life Of Muta / Chapter 14: The Sector’s Companies

Chapter 14: The Sector’s Companies

The situation that arose thanks to Muta has not died down yet. The people that witness that momentous selection, were filling in information to those that missed it.

"Just now, a boy named Muta had attained three auras! Not only that two of them were flawless affinity and one was an excellent affinity!"

"This youth's future is so bright! When would I ever get the chance to witness such a sight ever again.. If only I came out of the restaurant slightly early, I would've been able to see it with my own eyes!"

"Why is God so unfair? It's already rare enough to attain a high-affinity aura, but this boy comes over here having two flawless and one excellent aura. I'm truly speechless."

As the commotion around the city square had not died down, the people on stage, including the various company leaders of the different sectors, were also discussing the current situation. The boy had left the stage without waiting for an invitation and was currently having a heartfelt talk with his father. Who would dare to break into their conversation?

Deciding to end this awkward juncture, the middle-aged man from the guardian sector stood up and quickly moved towards the duo. When he arrived in front of them, the pair were laughing and smiling at each other. It was as if the previous moment had not happened at all and they were just happy that they were present in each other's lives.

"Um, good afternoon Mr Sterner and young Muta, my name is Toro Godfried, I am representing the guardian sector and formally inviting you to join our guardian sector," As the man was standing closer to the pair now, you could see that the man had a thin but deep scar carved down his left cheek. The man was also wearing a short-sleeved shirt and there were multiple sword scars on his arms that revealed themselves at closer inspection. The man looks like a walking battlefield, considering the number of scars that he possessed. "I am not speaking humbly when I say this, but Mr Sterner, your boy has the talents of a hundred, maybe even a thousand youths combined. It would be a waste if he does not join our sector."

When Gavin heard Toro introduce himself and started complimenting his son, the contented father spoke out to the man after laughing slightly. "I never knew the man, also known as The Slaughterer, would be able to sweet talk like this. Judging by your innate elemental levels, you definitely have progressed significantly since I last saw you, Toro."

The company leader was slightly baffled at how this man knew of him and why he was talking to him as if he had witnessed him progress over the years. However, after a closer look, Toro hiccupped as he finally recognised who this unshaven and lean-buff man was. "Sir... Good afternoon Sir Gavin! I didn't notice it was you at first glance. I am very sorry!"

"Its ok, it's ok. At ease Toro, I guess you were finally promoted into a company leader after I left the squadron. You are looking good. Seeing that you have acquired more scars over the years, it surely means you have plenty of battle experience." Gavin laughed his apology off and started complimenting the man in front of the pair. Muta, on the other hand, was confused again. Was this man once father's subordinate? It was like a ferocious lion being whittled down into an obedient little cub. The transformation was too large and had puzzled Muta. Was father's position in the army that high and prestigious?

"Yes, sir! I have been working hard to catch up to you ever since you left and have now entered the foundation level of grandmaster for both of my elements."

"That's good progress Toro. Keep it up! Maybe after another twenty years, you will reach my level and can finally surpass me." Gavin spoke like a true senior and praised the obedient Toro.

"I understand, Sir! Also, Sir Gavin, could I ask you whether your son would be choosing to enter our guardian sector?" The company leader rubbed his hands together as he asked Gavin.

"Well, it really depends on whether my son would like to enter there. I am not an enforcer of walking down the normal path." Gavin placed his hand on Muta's head and spoke with ease. "Well, Muta, what do you think about his proposition?"

The young boy looks up at his father and remembered his words before he walked on the stage. Mother was also once in the guardian sector. Father was probably also once in there too. Thus, I should walk down this path too! Muta then spoke out with rigour to Toro. "Hello Mr Toro, it would be an honour to accept your invite into the guardian sector."

The youth then shooked the man's hand. He could tell how much experience the man has accumulated throughout his entire life. The hand was very rough and had a bit of dry skin peeling off on the tips of his fingers. This sort of wounds must've come from years of fighting on a battlefield.

"That's the right attitude! Here, young Muta, this is a golden token that represents our sector. You can use it to directly to enter our group that is located in the city of Nucleo. I'm sure Sir Gavin still remembers his way there and so you can be sure to make it to the sector safely. I have to head back to watch the last person's selection. I will see you again soon young Muta. Goodbye for now." Toro left after leaving some formalities behind and headed back onto the stage.

The boy looks down onto his palm and examined the token. The colour was different from Gords. Muta's token was, in fact, a gold token that had a silver tint in the middle, while the one Gord possesses was an all silver tinted token. Curious, the boy asked his father. "Father, my token looks different from the one that Gord has. Why is that?"

"Well, for starters, in all the sectors, there are in fact divisions that separate the different companies. Every year, there would be three new companies added into each sector, while the current three oldest companies will be allowed to retire. In the case of your token, this signifies that you are in the gold company of the guardian sector, which is the highest division in every sector. What follows after is the silver company followed by the bronze company." Gavin explained as best as he could to his son, however, the boy was still unsure." But father, how do they actually decide who to place where? "

" Ah, that one is slightly easier to explain. It really depends on people's innate talent. When a child that only has either a low or medium affinity aura, they would usually be placed within the bronze company. As it moves up to medium or high-affinity auras, the youth would be placed within the silver company. Then, anything above the high affinity for their auras will most likely be placed in the gold company. "

" How about people that possess more than two auras? " Muta followed up.

"Now, the chances of a person attaining three auras are very very rare. It is so rare to the point that the number of people in the land that possess three auras can be counted by hand. In addition, those who have three auras are usually not bound by the King's order. That is why you never really see a high ranking leader having three auras. Those that are talented should never have their wings bound by the laws of the land. They usually stand high above and protect the weak from the strong."

"So where are these strong Elementalists at now?" Muta curiously asked, but was faced with a shrug from his father. "That question does not have an easy answer as these people tend to travel a lot and likes to train in seclusion to improve their elemental levels. From what I know, one of the Elementalist that have three auras, that is still living in a city openly, is the principal of Cell Academy, Graybeard Teller. He holds the power of wind, fire and water and is a very damage heavy powerhouse."

Muta listened to his father's words and nodded slightly. I have to protect those that I love from the enemies from our land. However, the thought of the evil aura that is in his head still bugged him slightly.

"Now Muta, where would you like to go?" Gavin saw his son having a serious look and so, decided to change the topic.

Over_The_Horizon Over_The_Horizon

This will probably be the only chapter for today as I have to study tonight for my exams that are held tomorrow. The book has been progressing really well and it has got to the point where I rather write this story than study for my upcoming papers! So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and be sure to expect more to come in the next few days if possible!

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