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11.11% Rest In Peace / Chapter 2: Evil Spirit

Chapter 2: Evil Spirit

Hello, my name is Rick Jones, 24 years old single. I'm a police officer at New York Police Department, Homicide section. That man who talks with a girl right there is my partner, Sam Wright, 27 years old, also single like me and a little bit pervert. And this is my story.

It starts a half hour ago when I and my partner filling our stomach with donuts at our favorite donut shop in Ninth street when dispatch call told us to go to a crime scene. The crime scene located in Hotel Luxor, couple blocks from our eating places, so we can arrive there in a few minutes later.

Hotel Luxor is like ordinary hotels you can find everywhere, not some five-star hotels with skyscraping building and glamorous lamps which illuminate every corner of the building. When we arrive there, the hotel manager stands in the lobby, talking with one police officer. He looks nervous and restless. Of course, if someone gets killed in your place, would you feel calm? Moreover, it also gives a negative image for his hotel too. The crime scene (CS) located on the second floor, room 207. There are police lines installed in corridor and rooms 207's door. We show our badges to standby officer before entering the CS and put rubber gloves and mask before opening the door. If we don't do that, those guys from forensic absolutely will scold us hahaha.

Thick blood smells strike our nose when we enter the room. The dead bodies still lying there lifeless, waiting for the coroner to move them to the police morgue. There are seven bodies in very gruesome condition, severed arms or neck, belly slashed open leaking the intestines out, one of the have the head stabbed deeply and causing the brain fluids to scatter around the head. From 7 bodies, 3 are Caucasians, 2 Latin, and 2 black men. Blood was all over the messy room. Bullet holes also can be seen in the walls. Some forensic guys still try to search any fingerprints that may be left by the murderer. I am approaching one of them that still busy taking notes.

"Hello, I'm detective Jones, Homicide. What's the situation here?"

"I'll make it brief officer Jones. It starts 45 minutes ago when the next room occupant hearing screaming and the gunshot from this room and call 911. When patrol police arrive here, the situation already calm and they must break into the room after no response from inside. They found 7 dead bodies, as you seen there, and 1 person still alive. That person currently detains in office for questioning. We still can't find the murder weapon, as you see on the bodies, they die because of a sharp weapon, maybe blade or sword. But we can't find it in here. The door and window were locked from inside make impossible to take it out from the room".

"That survivor, what's he looks like?"

The forensic guy shaking his head while smiling, like have something funny before replying.

"It's not he but she, moreover she still teenagers"

"WHAT???" I can't believe what I heard "What the hell! What is a girl doing in this bloody place?"

The forensic guy just shrugged his shoulder

"That's your job. Our job here is to collect pieces of evidence".

When we still in the middle of talking, two people coming in. They show their badges but I'm sure they not from Homicide section. They start introducing themselves,

"Hello, I'm detective John Sherman and this is my partner detective Rob Weasley. We from narcotics section"

"Narcotics section? What are you doing in our homicide jurisdiction?"

Sherman didn't answer but take a suitcase that lied on the floor near a broken table. He opens the suitcase and shows me the content.

"Please take a look at this case, Jones, if this murder related to gang wars, then our section is involved in this investigation"

There is heroin in a big amount in that suitcase. He's right, if this murder because some drug dealer starting a war among them, then they have right to be involved. His partner Weasley comes with a name list. He shows it to Sherman

"Look who are they, Antonio Lombardi, Roberto Lombardi, Luigi Caminari, Javier Marquez, Enrique Perez, Samuel Okochuwu, Dennis M'banga. Two gangs of drug dealer meet here, doing transaction and dead. Interesting!"

"Do you know them?"

"Of course we know. They from Lombardi family mobs and those Latinos from Colombian cartel. They've been under our surveillance for months. Who knows they meet their demise here".

"Alright, if this murder has a connection with drugs, you can investigate. But if it's not related you must withdraw"

"Fair enough. If you need information from us, just named it. Vice versa"

"Good!" then we make shake hand to confirm our cooperation. After that, they leave the CS. Well, technical details about the murder are not their interest, but that's our need.

Sam Wright finishing his investigation. We have a habit to conduct our self-preliminary investigation first then combine our finding to create the grand picture of the scene.

"What you've got partner? You're not flirting with those forensic ladies aren't you?"

"Hahaha" Sam smile wryly, he definitely does that. "This case will be tough one partner. We don't have the murder weapon, we don't have eyewitness except for the lone survivor, security camera shows nobody entering or leaves this room for last hour, that makes this is murder in the close room, and we also don't know the motives for this attack either"

"Seems there's nothing we can do any more here. Let's back to see our witness and waiting for a complete report from forensic"

During our return to our precinct, we talking about this lone survivor.

"Sam, what do you think about this lone survivor?"

"I think its weird partner, what a teenager does in the middle of drug transaction? Are they planning to have a party after closing the deal?"

"One against seven?"

"Who knows? Maybe they have gangbang fetish or something" Sam chuckled

"You really sick you know. Did she injure when police found her?"

"No, she's fine. She just stands blankly in the middle of the room, between that pool of blood and dead bodies"

"That's strange. Because the witness hears the gunshot from the room. Did she hiding somewhere?"

"Maybe she was in the bathroom when the murderer executing that seven people and missed her. When she heard the gunshot maybe she was trembled in fear in the bathroom and just come out when there's nothing to hear"

"That's possible. Did they get her name?"

"No. she said nothing to the police who found her"

"Now I really want to see what kind of girl she is"

"Me too. If she not involved in the murder I want to be her guardian until the case solved"

I'm being speechless every time my partner starts talking about his lust. Fortunately, we arrived in our precinct after that. We immediately go to the interrogation room. From observation room, my boss Captain Allan Smithson watching the interrogation process with some other guys.

From one-sided mirror glass in the observation room, we can see the lone survivor being questioned by one police officers. What surprises me is the lone survivor is a beautiful Asian teenager. Her black hair and black eye pupils strengthened her Asian aura.

"Captain, do you think she's the murderer?"

"If my eyes can differentiate between the murderer and not murderer, we don't need interrogation room, Jones".

Well, my boss is always like that. He's a cynical person and all people in the precinct already know that. I already used to his way of speaking.

"Did she said something can we use for investigation?"

"No. All she said are I don't know or I don't remember. Look at how's frustrated our interrogator there".

Sam nudged me, "Rick isn't that sound cliché to you?"

I just nodded, the answer 'I don't know' or 'I don't remember' is the most basic yet effective sentences to defend oneself from annoying questions.

"Captain, can we do the interrogation? Maybe we can dig something from her"

"Go ahead and get frustrated yourself"

We come out from observation room and knock the interrogation room. The interrogator seem relieved that someone come to replace him. After he left, we enter the room and sit in front of her. We already agree that I will play the good cops role and Sam will be the bad cops role. Before start speaking, I take a glance on her. She looks more beautiful when see directly like this. And her dress …. Wait a minute, why she wearing hospital gown? Nevermind, I'll ask that too later. Then I start to introduce myself first,

"Hello, my name is ...… " I haven't finish my words when she suddenly speak

"You are Rick Jones, detective from homicide section, age 24 years old"

Her words startled me. I drag Sam to the corner and whispering

"Sam, do you think she's someone I know? I don't remember know someone like her"

"I don't know partner, during our partnership we haven't met her. Maybe she's someone from your past?"

"No. I definitely remember if I have a beautiful friend like her"

"Let me do the talking then"


We leave the corner and walk closer to her, this time Sam will be the one who speaks.

"Hello miss, let me introduce my...." Sam hasn't finished his words when she speaking just like the way she speaks to me before.

"You are Sam Wright, 27 years old, from Homicide section, Rick Jones partner for two years"

Now Sam experiencing the same feeling that I have before. It's his turn to drag me in the corner.

"Rick! Do you tell her about me? How she know we're in a partnership for two years?"

"Like Hell I know! I don't even know who she is. Let me asking"

Then we approaching her again, it's me who do the talking.

"Excuse miss, did we ever meet before?"

"No, this is our first meeting"

"Then, how do you know our names?"

She didn't reply directly, her eyes staring the space behind me for a while before answering

"It's a person behind you who tell me your name"

I unconsciously look at behind my back. There's no one there. Sam also look at my behind and see nothing.

"Are you sure you see someone behind me?"

"Yes, he's following you all the time, like your guardian"

I'm shocked. I drag Sam to the corner again

"Pinch me, Sam, did she just say a ghost has following me all the time?"

"I heard her Rick, just as she said, she said you have a ghost following you"

"For God sake! Is this real?"

"Let me try again"

We approaching her again, this time Sam will talk, but before Sam has a chance to utter a word, she already speaking

"Mr. Sam Wright, you should repay your one thousand dollar debts immediately. The person behind you isn't pleased with that"

Sam's facial look pale. It seems he really has one thousand dollar debt that even I, his partner, did not know. So I take over the talking job

"Miss, let's put aside that person behind our back. First, can we know your name?"

"I'm sorry, I don't remember"

Here we go the 'I don't remember' words again, I decided to keep asking.

"Do you know where you came from?"

"A hospital"

"Do you know that hospital name?"

"St. Lucia Institute"

"Is that why you wearing that hospital gown?"

She nodded. I give Sam a sign to check her words and Sam leave immediately. I try to ask more

"Do you know why you here?"

She just nodded. I have to dig further, this is a good sign for investigation

"Can you tell me what happens?"

"I brought here by the police officer from a hotel room"

"Do you know what happen in that hotel room?"

"Many people die"

"Did they still alive when you arrive there?"

"They already dead when I arrive there"

"Do you see who kill them?"

She shakes her head. That's mean she doesn't see the killer, and this means we don't have any suspect. Sam already back and just give a nodded sign, indicating what she said is true.

"Why are you going there, miss?"

"I want to stop it from killing those men"

"You mean, you know who kill them?"

"Yes, an evil spirit".

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