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100% The World's Champion / Chapter 7: Dead End

Chapter 7: Dead End

Victor looked around for any books that had any remote mention of another path to power. He read anything from fairy tales to history books and unfortunately found nothing. "How is it possible there are two paths: those who have talent become Wizards, and those that don't have talent are doomed to be inferior", Victor thought in anguish, "There must be something else here. Maybe some ancient text might have the answers I seek".

Victor put down the book he was currently reading and walked towards the back of the library where a bunch of ancient texts laid. He searched through most of them but the only thing he found was mold and unintelligible scribbles. "These books are in terrible conditions. There has go to be something readable", Victor thought as he moved on to the next shelf. He picked a book and was surprised to see legible writing. "No way there is actually a legible book. I'm shocked", Victor thought sarcastically. He started to read it and the farther along he got the more his mouth open up in shock. By the time he finished his jaw had touched the floor.

"This book spoke of an ancient battle ,thousands of years ago, between mysterious people and monsters from another realm. They fought for over 100 years against the invaders and eventually triumphed", Victor thought aloud, "The monsters from another realm matched the Wizards for 100 years and who knows why they pulled back. At least I know that Wizards aren't almighty because the monsters they fought could beat them".

"I guess I can say that there might be way, but I'm not a monster, and the strongest thing I can imagine myself as is a Grand Knight, which from what I can read here weren't even qualified to take part in the battle as low level soldiers", Victor thought, "Does this really mean I've reached a dead end?".

"Well I guess it's not over for me yet. I still need to work hard to become a Grand Knight, and to do that I need to train nonstop.", Victor reassured himself, "I'm already recovered so I suppose I should start now, instead of just waiting around". Victor hastily walked out of the library and towards the throne room. He walked into the room and saw his father, all high and mighty, sitting on top of his throne. "Father I wish to train more so I can become a High-Knight faster", Victor requested as he reached his father and bowed. "Of course my son, I'm glad you have such ambition at a young age", his father replied with a proud yet depressed undertone, "If I had such ambition, maybe I too would be a High-Knight by now, but due to my negligence in training I will always remain a Mid-Knight. I will assign all of the High-Knights in the castle to train you personally. I do not wish for you to fall behind you peers".

"Of course father I will work hard for your sake", Victor assured his father as he left the throne room and waled towards the Knight training courtyard. "Ah, Your Highness, you're back are you well rested and recovered?", a man wearing heavy armor walked towards Victor and asked. "Yes, Jeffery, I am all recovered. His Majesty wished for all the High-Knights to come train me personally, so go gather the rest of them and meet me in my private training courtyard", Victor commanded. He watched Jeffery run back to go tell the other High-Knights of the castle and walked towards his own private courtyard.

Victor looked around as he walked at noticed that everybody he walked past bowed the second they saw him. He also saw many weights and weapon racks showing signs of cracking due to overuse. There were straw dummies being hit by children of all ages and genders, who looked like they were showing and flirting with each other more than they were training. "This must be the Knight recruits and Pre-Knights", Victor wondered, "I guess I am really strong for my age. I'm barely 13, yet I'm already a Low-Knight. It must be through the aid of my father and the High-Knights that I'm already this strong". Victor saw his own private courtyard and walked in, ignoring the curious gazes from those Knights-in-training.

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